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作者(外文):Sun, Yi-Jyun
論文名稱(外文):Finding Optimal Configurations for Air Compressors – A Case Study of a Taiwan Semiconductor Company
指導教授(外文):Chang, Kuo-Hao
口試委員(外文):Wu, Chien-Wei
Chen, Tzu-Li
外文關鍵詞:Air compressorssemiconductorsstepwise regressiondynamic programmingmodelingoptimization
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  • 點閱點閱:426
  • 評分評分:*****
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Having fully entered the big data era, it is no longer necessary to determine the settings of machines or production lines purely by our experience. Through the recording values of related parameters from sensors, we are able to use data analysis methods to turn these values into helpful information, thereby achieving the goal of improving the efficiency of machines or production lines.
Air compressors are indispensable parts of semiconductor manufacturing. Air compressors are devices which transform mechanical energy into gas pressure energy. In particular, they compress gas and play the crucial role of providing energy to production lines. However, air compressors are quite energy-consuming, and their performance is affected by their parameters and environmental factors. In addition, slight changes in the parameter settings lead to substantial changes in the output. This paper examines a Taiwan semiconductor company as a case study. In this case, there are three different types of air compressors. For each type of air compressor, there is a different kind or different number of parameters which affect the output and performance. Also, there are two statuses for each compressor: full load and low load. We first set the relationships between the output and the parameters of each compressor using stepwise regression. Afterwards, a whole-system model which includes nine air compressors is built. With the objective function and subjective functions, we can find the configuration that optimizes the output and satisfies the company’s needs while using minimum electricity. We also develop dynamic programming combining the performance of machines to solve this problem in an efficient way. This paper can help semi-conductor companies save energy and reduce costs.
致謝------------------------------------- I
摘要------------------------------------- II
Abstract--------------------------------- III
圖目錄----------------------------------- VII
表目錄----------------------------------- IX
第一章 緒論------------------------------ 1
1.1 研究背景與動機----------------------- 1
1.2 研究目的----------------------------- 2
1.3 論文架構----------------------------- 4
第二章 文獻回顧------------------------ 6
2.1 能源議題相關研究--------------------- 6
2.2 迴歸預測----------------------------- 7
2.2.1 逐步迴歸法------------------------- 7
2.2.2 主成份分析與迴歸------------------ 8
2.3 整數規劃問題------------------------ 10
第三章 問題定義------------------------ 11
3.1 第一階段----------------------------- 11
3.2 第二階段----------------------------- 12
第四章 研究方法------------------------ 14
4.1 逐步迴歸法--------------------------- 14
4.2 主成份迴歸法------------------------ 16
4.3 結合效率判斷之動態規劃-------------- 18
4.3.1 動態規劃---------------------------- 18
4.3.2 結合效率判斷----------------------- 20
第五章 實證案例與研究成果--------------24
5.1 個案背景介紹------------------------- 24
5.2 分析數據與建立視覺化圖表------------ 25
5.2.1 分析數據---------------------------- 26
5.2.2 視覺化圖表------------------------- 28
5.3 清理數據與自動化偵錯-----------------30
5.3.1 清理數據---------------------------- 31
5.3.2 自動化偵錯------------------------- 34
5.4 建立與驗證逐步迴歸預測模型---------- 35
5.4.1 建立逐步迴歸模型--------------------35
5.4.2 驗證逐步迴歸模型------------------- 37
5.5 建立與驗證主成份迴歸預測模型-------- 38
5.5.1 建立主成份迴歸模型----------------- 38
5.5.2 驗證主成份迴歸模型---------------- 40
5.6 實證案例成果------------------------- 41
5.6.1 第一階段成果----------------------- 42
5.6.2 第二階段成果----------------------- 43
第六章 未來研究與展望----------------- 46
參考文獻--------------------------------- 47
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