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作者(外文):Tsai, Chi-Chih
論文名稱(外文):Achieve the energy-saving purpose of the chiller system with big data analysis
指導教授(外文):Chang, Kuo-Hao
口試委員(外文):Wu, Chien-Wei
Lin, Yi-Kuei
外文關鍵詞:Partial Least Squares RegressionNelder-Mead methodEnergy SavingOptimization
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:698
  • 評分評分:*****
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In recent years, advances in technology have led to a significant increase in energy consumption. According to statistical from the Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs, industry accounts for 31.01% of Taiwan's total energy consumption and 55.93% of total electricity usage in 2018, making it the largest energy user in Taiwan. Thus, many companies are committed to developing energy conservation methods to save energy, and becoming environment friendly companies.
For the semiconductor manufacturing industry, the main function of the chiller system is to supply chilled-water for the air conditioning system, and to maintain the ambient temperature so that the equipment and factories can operate normally. The energy consumption of the chiller system accounts for about 70% of the electricity consumption of the whole plant. Therefore, if the overall performance of the chiller system can be improved, it will save energy and electricity costs. This study analyzes the various operational parameters of the current chiller system, and uses historical operational data and Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR) to establish a system energy consumption prediction model. By adjusting the controllable parameters, such as the frequency of the cooling water pumps and the frequency of the chilled-water pumps, etc., the system performance indicators, COP (Coefficient of Performance), refrigeration tons, and kilowatt and load rate per unit, are predicted. Finally, the performance of each feasible solution is simulated, and by applying our optimization framework, we can find the best operational settings for the equipment operators to achieve the goal of energy saving.
第一章 緒論-----1
1.3.2 冰水主機循環系統----------5
1.3.3 冷卻水循環系統----------6
第二章 文獻回顧----------9
2.1 冰水主機運轉策略方法----------9
2.2 方法論----------11
2.2.1偏最小平方迴歸法(Partial Least Squares Regression)----------11
2.2.2下山單純形法(Nelder-Mead method)----------13
第三章 研究架構----------18
3.1 問題定義----------19
3.2 資料準備----------19
3.2.1 資料收集----------19
3.2.2 資料預處理----------19
3.3 建立預測模型----------20
3.4 評估模型----------20
3.5 最佳化流程----------21
第四章 實證研究----------23
4.1 案例現況----------24
4.2 資料準備與處理----------25
4.3 建立預測模型----------26
4.4 參數設定最佳化流程----------31
4.4.1 冰水泵浦運轉頻率最佳化----------32
4.4.2 冷卻水泵浦運轉頻率最佳化----------32
4.5 最佳化操作與實證結果----------36
第五章 結論----------39
5.1 總結----------39
5.2 未來研究----------40

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