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作者(外文):Chang, Yung-Hsuan
論文名稱(外文):Mechanical Model Establishment and Numerical Analysis of Soft Electronics with Multiple Neutral Axes
指導教授(外文):Lee, Chang-Chun
口試委員(外文):Yeh, Meng-Kao
Hsu, Jiong-Shiun
Chang, Shu-Tong
外文關鍵詞:Soft ElectronicsMulti-Layer Thin FilmNeutral Axis
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  • 評分評分:*****
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In order to protect the brittle thin film material inside the flexible electronic devices, when designing the stacked film devices, the above-mentioned brittle material layer is arranged near the position of neutral axis, which can reduce the induced stress on the concerned film and avoid damage. Accordingly, the long-term reliability lifetime of soft electronics is boosted. Based on this concept of mechanics, more choices with regard to the arrangement of critical and brittle thin film can be provided when an increase in the number of neutral axes is taken into account. In this meanwhile, the maximum stress in the present configuration can be significantly reduced, thereby the diversity of design for the structures of soft electronics are promoted. For this reason, this research first derives the neutral axis position and the distribution of horizontal strain along the thickness direction of multi-layered thin film architecture without a soft layer. Afterwards, the variational method is utilized to acquire the strain function and the positions of neutral axes for a sandwich framework that a soft layer is embedded. Finally, for a stacked thin film structure containing a soft layer, the multi-layer films adjacent to the soft layer are needed to be an equivalent layer, respectively. Through this procedure, the analysis of multi-layered system can be simplified to obtain the position and quantity of the neutral axes within the concerned system.
This research extends and analyzes the theoretical model from three-layered to multi-layered system. The theoretical derivation regarding the locations of multiple neutral axes and the discussions for the necessary conditions of requirements are overall completed. All the estimated results from the present derivations are validated through finite element analysis. The theoretical derivation proposed by this research can quickly predict the number and positions of neutral axes for the designed multi-layered structure. With the mechanical model and analytic results presented in this research, the number and positions of the neutral axes can be appropriately configured, which is expected to be an important design reference for the next generation soft electronic architectures.
第一章 緒論--------------------------------------1
1.1 軟性電子之介紹與發展趨勢-------------------1
1.2 中性軸在軟性電子元件應用之重要性------------9
1.3 研究動機---------------------------------11
1.4 文獻回顧---------------------------------11
1.5 研究架構---------------------------------16
第二章 多重中性軸推導方法回顧與分析----------------17
2.1 具熱殘餘應力與彎矩作用之多層薄膜應力解析解---17
2.2 具軟性夾層之三層薄膜系統解析解-------------24
2.3 剪應變影響之三層薄膜系統解析解-------------29
第三章 理論推導----------------------------------38
3.1 單一中性軸理論推導------------------------38
3.2 具軟性夾層之三層薄膜理論推導---------------42
3.3 多層薄膜系統之中性軸位置計算---------------59
第四章 結果與討論--------------------------------65
4.1 具軟性夾層之三層薄膜模型推導驗證------------65
4.2 OLED柔性顯示器結構之解析解與模擬比較--------70
4.3 具三個軟性夾層之七層薄膜結構分析------------78
第五章 結論與未來工作-----------------------------81
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