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作者(外文):Lin, Yi-Hsiang
論文名稱(中文):工具機精度提升設計藉由 液靜壓線性滑軌之油膜厚度控制
論文名稱(外文):Precision Improving Design of Machine Tools via Oil-film Thickness Control of Hydrostatic Bearing Linear Guide
指導教授(外文):Liu, Cheng-Hsien
口試委員(外文):Lin, Shih-Chieh
Lu, Shiang-Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Hydrostatic bearingHydrostatic linear guidewayOil film thickness controlPID Control
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:414
  • 評分評分:*****
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Compared with traditional ball bearings, hydrostatic bearings rely on a thin film of high pressurized oil to provide stiffness, supporting force and lubrication. Based on this feature, hydrostatic bearings have the advantages of high stiffness, high load capacity, low friction and long service life, which lead to high potential for adoption in ultra-precision machining. However, there are still limitations in the performance of hydrostatic bearings. The oil film thickness might vary under some unstable operating conditions such as changes in bearing load and oil viscosity, which would affect the manufacturing accuracy. Although lots of researches have been worked showing that hydrostatic bearings could be used alongside restrictors to regulate the recess pressure under varying bearing load, the regulating range is still limited due to the fact lacking active devices.
This study proposes a new active hydrostatic bearing linear guideway, combining the original linear guideway design with the concept of closed-loop control. By using the eddy current signal as the feedback signal and the pressure valve as the actuator, the oil film thickness can be detected and then compensated through the extra supporting force provided by the valve to maintain the constant oil film thickness. The performance of this control system was verified through both analytical and experimental processes in this research work.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 X
第一章 序論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 8
2.1液靜壓軸承工作原理 8
2.2薄膜式節流器 11
2.3 壓電材料於比例閥系統之應用 12
2.4 油膜厚度控制之控制演算法比較 15
2.5 結語 17
第三章 研究方法與步驟 18
3.1 液靜壓軸承基本理論公式 18
3.2 薄膜式節流器流阻與膜片變形之關係 21
3.3 控制系統架構 23
3.4 PID控制器與驅動電路原理 28
第四章 控制器設計流程與性能模擬 36
4.1油壓比例閥作動原理及調整範圍分析 36
4.2受控場系統辨識 43
4.3控制器參數設計 47
4.4油膜厚度補償模擬 54
4.5受控場條件變動對於控制性能影響探討 58
4.6驅動電路性能分析 71
第五章 液靜壓線性滑軌油膜厚度控制實驗 75
5.1實驗架設 75
5.2驅動電路性能實測 77
5.3壓電致動器測試 80
5.4油膜厚度控制實驗之性能實測 85
第六章 結論 96
6.1研究成果 96
6.2未來展望 98
參考文獻 100

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