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作者(外文):Cheng, Po-Shen
論文名稱(外文):Experimental Study on the Thermal Performance and Pulsating Phenomena of a New Type Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger
指導教授(外文):Wong, Shwin-Chung
口試委員(外文):Wu, Shih-Kuo
Sheu, Wen-Jenn
外文關鍵詞:heat pipe heat exchangerpulsating heat pipethermosyphon
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  • 點閱點閱:319
  • 評分評分:*****
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The waste energy in the liquids or gases from factory have energy-saving potential. It is crucial to develop an efficient waste heat recovery system. A new type of heat pipe heat exchanger (HPHE) is proposed and tested between cold and hot air flows which simulate the actual heat recovery from factory waste gases. The heat pipes are made of copper tubes of internal diameter 5.6mm, integrated with multi-layer plate fins. The bundle of tubes is connected into one serpentine duct so that it can be easily filled with working fluid and used afterward. This study experimentally examines the differences in the effectiveness and heat transfer rate between the non-board model and the board model, for which a 0.5mm-thick internal copper board is inserted in the heat pipe tubes. Three working fluids, water, HFE-7000 and R134a, are tested. Up to three sets of heat pipes are used, indicating that the thermal performance increases with more sets but a limit will be approached. In the non-board model, only the heat pipe filled with water can startup as a PHP at high temperature conditions. The effectiveness is up to 0.49, with a heat transfer rate up to 865W for a single set. However, the heat pipes charged with HFE-7000 or R134a can only function as thermosyphons owing to the excess internal tube diameter. At low temperature conditions, R134a has the best thermal performance among the three fluids. In addition, HFE-7000 is insensitive to non-condensable gas while functioning at high temperatures. The optimum filling ratio is 65% for water, 25% for HFE-7000, 35-50% for R134a, respectively. In the board model, the hydraulic diameter of the tube compartment is reduced to 3.42mm. Oscillation is observed more stably with water, and the effectiveness improves by 2.7-9.3% in comparison with the non-board model. For HFE-7000 and R134a, the heat transfer mechanism changes from thermosyphon to PHP in the board model. The effectiveness improves by 8.3-24.5% for HFE-7000, and 6.0-11.8% for R134a.
摘要 -----I
Abstract -----II
致謝辭 -----III
目錄 -----IV
表目錄 -----VI
圖目錄 -----VII
符號表 -----X
第一章 緒論 -----1
1.1 研究背景 -----1
1.2 脈衝式熱管 -----1
1.2.1 脈衝式熱管結構 -----2
1.2.2 脈衝式熱管工作原理 -----2
1.2.3 脈衝式熱管之設計參數 -----5
1.3 文獻回顧 -----9
1.3.1 脈衝式熱管文獻回顧 -----9
1.3.2 熱虹吸熱管文獻回顧 -----13
1.3.3 熱管熱交換器文獻回顧 -----16
1.4 研究目的 -----19
第二章 實驗設備與方法 -----21
2.1 實驗目的 -----21
2.2 實驗設備與架構 -----21
2.2.1 裝置測試段 -----21
2.2.2 實驗設備 -----25
2.2.3 溫度點量測設計 -----28
2.3 實驗步驟 -----30
2.3.1 實驗樣品準備 -----30
2.3.2 實驗流程 -----31
2.4 實驗參數 -----33
2.4.1 熱交換器性能 -----33
2.4.2 脈衝式熱管內部溫度探討 -----34
2.5 實驗誤差分析 -----34
第三章 實驗結果與討論 -----38
3.1 無插板模組 -----38
3.1.1 熱交換器冷熱空氣流速比測試 -----39
3.1.2 熱管放置位置測試 -----40
3.1.3 工作流體為水 -----43
3.1.4 工作流體為HFE-7000 -----47
3.1.5 工作流體為R134a -----55
3.1.6 三種工作流體之性能比較 -----60
3.2 內插平板模組 -----62
3.2.1 工作流體為水 -----62
3.2.2 工作流體為HFE-7000 -----65
3.2.3 工作流體為R134a -----69
3.2.4 三種工作流體之性能比較 -----72
3.3 兩種模組之性能比較 -----73
3.3.1 工作流體為水 -----73
3.3.2 工作流體為HFE-7000 -----76
3.3.3 工作流體為R134a -----79
3.3.4 三種工作流體之增益比較 -----83
3.4 與現有文獻之性能比較 -----84
第四章 結論 -----87
參考文獻 -----89
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