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作者(外文):Guo, Jin-Ting
論文名稱(外文):Multi-task Gaussian process for chemical process modeling
指導教授(外文):Yao, Yuan
口試委員(外文):Wong, Shan-Hill
Kang, Jia-Lin
外文關鍵詞:Gaussian processtransfer learningmulti-task learningmulti-grade process
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  • 評分評分:*****
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本文探討如何利用遷移學習建模,解決工業上常見數據量不足的問題,採用的機器學習模型為高斯過程,藉由修改高斯過程中的核矩陣(kernel matrix)使原本只適用於單個任務的模型可以延伸至多個任務的處理,修改過後的多任務高斯過程可以將多個任務之間數據點的資訊量藉由模型參數訓練的過程自動決定各個任務之間需要共享的量是多少。
高斯過程是一種基於貝葉斯定理(Bayes’ theorem)的機率模型,它的好處是在假設數據機率分布的前提下可以建立出目標數據(target data)可能的數據機率分布,而非單純訓練出一個預測的目標數據,因為結果是一個機率分布,我們可以藉由信賴區間分析出各數據有可能出現的範圍,而且相較於深度學習的神經網絡需要大量的參數訓練,高斯過程的訓練參數遠小於神經網絡因此不需要大量疊代訓練,高斯過程另一項特色在於核函數(kernel function)的選擇,選定核函數的形式就如同選定模型會有怎麼樣的表現形式,核函數通常依據各個任務數據的特性來做選擇。
This thesis discusses how to use transfer learning to solve the problem of insufficient data in process modeling. The machine learning model we adopt herein is Gaussian process. By modifying the kernel matrix in the conventional Gaussian process, the model original only applicable to a single task can be extended to the processing of multiple tasks. The modified multi-task Gaussian process can automatically determine the amount of information to share between tasks by parameter training.
In chemical industry processes, we often need to keep process variables in control. How to predict variable trends accurately is an important issue . As the process becomes more complex, the number of operation units is larger, while the relation between units become difficult to handle. In this situation, the data-driven methods that use machine learning algorithms to extract the relation between huge data without deep understanding of the physical relationship between variables can assist the establishment of the prediction models.
In the chemical industry, the products have different applications according to the different quality standards. Taking polymers as an example, there are different grades in a polymer manufacturing process according to the degree of polymerization. As a result, multi-grade processes are common in industry, which often switch the settings of process variables during operating. Although the settings are often changed, the same operation unit is used, while the process variables to manipulated or recorded are also same.
The characteristic of multi-grade process is that the amount of data collected in some grades is often small and the process information is unbalanced between different grades. Therefore, we want to design a model which can model different grades at the same time by sharing information between them.
Gaussian process is a probabilistic model based on the Bayes’ theorem which has the advantage of establishing a probability distribution of the predicted target. Gaussain process models allow to choose the kernel functions,providing a significant flexibility in different modeling tasks.
The proposed method was illustrated with two different datasets. The first one is about a simulated twin-screw extruder and the second one contain the data of a multi-grade CSTR process. Based on the results of the case studies,the following two issues were discussed. The first issue to discuss is whether sufficient information of auxiliary task data can be migrated to assist the modeling of the target task which only contains a small amount of data. The second problem to answer is whether the multi-task model can identifyand quantify the similarity between tasks.
第一章 緒論---------------------1
1.2 文章架構--------------------3
第二章 多任務高斯過程小數據建模---4
2.1 文獻回顧與研究動機-----------4
2.2 研究方法:高斯過程回歸--------6
2.2.1 權重參數空間角度-----------6
2.2.2 函數空間角度---------------9
2.3 多任務高斯過程---------------10
第三章 案例分析與討論-------------14
3.1 螺桿元件數據-----------------14
3.2 螺桿元件數據建模--------------15
3.3 螺桿元件數據結果討論-----------16
3.4 多規格CSTR數據----------------35
3.5 CSTR數據建模-----------------35
3.6 CSTR數據結果討論--------------36
第四章 結論-----------------------54
第五章 參考文獻------------------55
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