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作者(外文):Chiang, Hsin-Li
論文名稱(外文):Aerosol-Based Coupling Analyses for Nanoparticle Synthesis and Applications
指導教授(外文):Tsai, De-Hao
口試委員(外文):Wong, David Shan-Hill
Lu, Shin-Yuan
外文關鍵詞:Aerosolnanoparticlenanocatalystcolloidmobilitytransesterificationinfraredparticle sizechemical compositionnumbermassnanocarbon
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本研究以氣溶膠合成法 (the aerosol-based synthesis approach) 為基礎,開發結合式即時分析技術作為鑑定氣溶膠相奈米粒子的方法。藉由氣相奈米粒子流動分析儀 (Differential mobility analysis,DMA) 結合傅立葉紅外光譜儀 (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy,FTIR) 即時監測以氣溶膠合成法製備功能性奈米粒子的過程,並透過量測粒徑分佈、數量與質量濃度以及對應成分變化等性質,進一步優化相關製備條件。
首先,在本研究的第一部份,我們選用氧化鈣奈米粒子 (calcium oxide nanoparticle,CaO-NP) 作為代表性材料,其在3-(3,5-二叔丁基-4-羥基苯基)丙酸甲酯轉酯化反應中具有很好的鹼催化能力。我們以氣溶膠自組裝法合成CaO-NP,利用DMA/FTIR即時定量分析技術,我們可以直接定量在不同實驗參數下 (例如:前驅物濃度、煅燒溫度) 所合成的CaO-NP的粒徑分佈、數量及質量濃度以及其化學組成變化,此方法在CaO-NP合成過程中提供即時監控的能力。結果顯示,利用我們合成的CaO-NP對轉酯化反應進行催化,其反應效率有顯著的提升,其中與不加入觸媒的情況相比轉化率最高可提升19倍。本研究驗證了以氣溶膠合成法為基礎利用DMA/FTIR即時監測功能性奈米粒子的合成過程,並有效應用於觸媒的合成與開發。
在研究的第二部分中,我們選用奈米碳材(carbon nanomaterials, CNs) 作為代表性材料,其在電化學應用中為良好的電極材料。我們藉由ES-DMA與ATR-FTIR鑑定CNs膠體溶液,且透過氣溶膠自組裝法合成碳黑奈米粒子並利用結合程溫式DMA/FTIR分析技術定量分析碳黑奈米粒子的電移動度粒徑分布、數量濃度和質量濃度關係。本研究驗證了以氣溶膠合成法為基礎即時分析碳黑奈米粒子的可行性,由此分析方法所得到的資訊,對於分析以碳黑為基底摻雜銀奈米粒子之混成式奈米材料(C-Ag-NP)上是很有用的。
In this study, we develop a real-time quantitative analytical approach, differential mobility analysis coupled to gas-phase Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (DMA/FTIR) for an aerosol spray-based synthesis of functional nanoparticles. The mobility size distributions, number concentrations, and chemical composition of functional nanoparticles can be characterized by DMA/FTIR to provide the optimization of material properties for applications.
In the first part of this work, calcium oxide nanoparticle (CaO-NP) is chosen as the representative functional nanoparticle. The results show that a direct gas-phase characterization of the temperature-dependent transformation of aerosol spray to CaO-NP was achieved using DMA/FTIR. The changes in mobility size distributions and number and mass concentrations of the aerosol spray versus the precursor concentration were successfully quantified in the aerosol state. The synthesized CaO-NP demonstrated a remarkably high catalytic activity in colloidal form toward the transesterification of methyl hydroxyphenyl propionate (MHPP), the model catalytic application in the study. A maximum of ≈19 times of the MHPP conversion was achieved in comparison to the results without CaO-NP. Our work presents a proof of concept for aerosol spray-based controlled synthesis of functional nanoparticles with real-time monitoring using DMA/FTIR for applications in catalyst development.
In the second part of this work, carbon nanomaterials (CNs) are chosen as the representative functional nanoparticles. The colloidal CNs solution is characterized using electrospray-coupled DMA (ES-DMA) and attenuated total reflectance FTIR (ATR-FTIR). The mobility size distribution, number concentration and mass concentration of carbon nanoparticles are quantitatively analyzed by the aerosol-based temperature-programmed DMA/FTIR. Our work is demonstrated for the feasibility of the aerosol-based real-time analysis of carbon nanoparticles and is very useful for preparing the hybrid carbon-silver nanoparticle (C-Ag-NP).
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 X
第1章 緒論 1
1-1 功能性奈米材料 1
1-2 氣溶膠製程 (Aerosol-based processing) 2
1-3 研究目的 4
第2章 實驗方法 7
2-1 實驗藥品 7
2-2 實驗儀器 8
2-2.1 氣相奈米粒子流動分析儀 (Differential Mobility Analysis, DMA) 8
2-2.2 傅立葉紅外光譜儀(Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, FTIR) 10
2-2.3 X光繞射儀 (X-ray Diffraction, XRD) 11
2-2.4 熱重量分析儀 (Thermal Gravimetric Analysis, TGA) 11
2-2.5 穿透式電子顯微鏡 (Transmission Electron Microscope, TEM) 與氣溶膠採樣器(aerosol sampler) 12
2-2.6 掃描式電子顯微鏡 (Scanning Electron Microscope, SEM) 13
2-2.7 原子力顯微鏡 (Atomic Force Microscope, AFM) 14
2-2.8 氣相層析儀 (Gas Chromatography, GC) 15
2-2.9 化學吸附分析儀 (Chemisorption Analyzer) 16
2-2.10 界面電位分析儀 (Zeta Potential Analyzer) 17
2-3 實驗步驟 18
2-3.1 氣霧化奈米粒子之合成 18
2-3.2 即時氣溶膠分析 20
2-3.3 轉酯化反應 22
2-3.4 製備奈米碳材膠體溶液 24
第3章 結果與討論 26
3-1 以氣溶膠合成法結合DMA與FTIR分析氧化鈣奈米粒子及其應用 26
3-1.1 決定合成CaO之煅燒溫度 26
3-1.2 前驅物水溶液濃度對CaO-NP的影響 37
3-1.3 CaO在轉酯化反應上之催化效果 44
3-2 以氣溶膠合成法結合DMA與FTIR分析碳黑奈米粒子 54
3-2.1 奈米碳材膠體溶液之製備與分析 54
3-2.2 結合DMA/FTIR定量分析氣溶膠相碳黑奈米粒子 57
第4章 結論 63
第5章 未來展望 64
第6章 參考文獻 66

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