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作者(外文):Nguyen, Dang-Trung
論文名稱(外文):Polymer-Quantum Dot Composite Hybrid Solar Cells using block copolymer P3HT-b-PS for High Performance
指導教授(外文):Chen, Show-An
口試委員(外文):Sharma, Sunil
Yeh, Po-Nan
外文關鍵詞:hybrid quantum dot solar cellBlock-copolymerPbS quantum dotbi-continuous charge channel
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藉由濕式製程混和聚3-己基噻吩(P3HT)與PbS量子點(QD)所製成的混合型太陽能電池(HSC)由於其材料成本低且製程簡單因此非常具有發展潛力。但是,P3HT與具有油酸(OA)配體的PbS QD不兼容,這會導致嚴重的相分離,從而導致所需的雙連續網絡表面形態的效果較差,從而導致電荷收集效率低下。在這篇論文中首次提出了以聚苯乙烯與P3HT的嵌段共聚物改善聚合物與油酸之間的互溶性,從而朝著所需的雙連續網絡形態發展,這是通過在我們先前的報告中使用耗散動態模擬來完成的,因此元件效率從3.66% 提升4.18%。 雙連續電荷通道是整體異質接面太陽能電池中的理想形態,在先前的報告中對於P3HT / QD和低能隙聚合物/ QD系統均未明確觀察到。 不僅如此,P3HT和P3HT-b-PS的混合物可減少非導電聚苯乙烯的含量並保留雙連續電荷通道。 由於在有效層中形成了高質量的雙連續電荷傳輸通道,重量比為0.7:0.3:20的P3HT:P3HT-b-PS:PbS QD系統的功率轉換效率(PCE)達到了4.91%,比P3HT(3.66%)的功率轉換效率高1.25%,。此外,當PEDOT:PSS作為電洞傳輸層(HTL)摻雜有四丁基碘化銨(TBAI)時,其PCE可以進一步提高到5.37%。據我們所知,我們元件的性能(4.91%和5.37%)是目前所發表過的最新P3HT/QD系統中最好的(4.32%)。
Hybrid Solar Cell (HSC) based on solution-processed blends of poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) with PbS quantum dot (QD) is a potential candidate toward practical use for its low material cost and simple fabrication process. However, P3HT is highly incompatible with oleic acid (OA)-capped PbS QD that leads to strong phase separation giving poor quality in desired bi-continuous networks morphology and thus leading to inefficient charge collection. Here, a block copolymer of Polystyrene with P3HT is proposed for the first times to improve the miscibility between polymers and Oleic acid, therefore improving toward the desired bi-continuous network morphology, which are performed by using dissipative dynamic simulations in our previous report and thus device performance improved from 3.66% to 4.18%. Bi-continuous charge channel is an ideal morphology in bulk heterojunction solar cell, which has not been clearly observed in previous reports for both P3HT/QD and low band gap polymer/QD system. Not only that, the blend of P3HT and P3HT-b-PS to reduce the content of non-conducting polystyrene and retain a bi-continuous charge channel. Thus, the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of P3HT:P3HT-b-PS:PbS QD system with weight ratio of 0.7 : 0.3 : 20 is 4.91%, which is better than that of P3HT (3.66%) by 1.25% due to the formation of high quality of bi-continuous charge transport channels in the active layer. In addition, PCE can be further promoted to 5.37% when PEDOT:PSS as the hole transport layer (HTL) is doped with tetrabutylammonium iodide (TBAI). To the best of our knowledge, these performance (4.91% and 5.37%) are the best among the reported state-of-the-art P3HT/QD system (4.32%).
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1-1 The development of solar cell 1
1-2 Solar radiation 3
1-3 Solar cell 6
1-3-1 The principle of solar cell 6
1-3-2 Characteristics of Solar Cells 9
1-4 Polymer solar cell 11
1-4-1 Conjugated polymer 11
1-4-2 The electronic state theory of conjugated polymers 12
1-4-3 Organic solar cell structure evolution 14
1-5 Quantum dot solar cell 18
1-5-2 Multiple exciton generation 20
1-5-3 Quantum dot solar cell structure evolution 22
1-5-4 Polymer/quantum dot hybrid solar cell 24
Chapter 2: Literature review 26
2-1 In Situ Passivation for Efficient PbS Quantum Dot Solar Cells 26
2-2 Polymer/quantum dot hybrid solar cell 28
2-3 Literature analysis 38
Chapter 3: Method 40
3-1 Chemicals 40
3-2 General measurement and characterization 41
3-3 Synthesis 42
3-3-1 Preparation of Poly(3-hexylthiophene) with bromo group at one terminal 42
3-3-2 Preparation of Polystyrene with end group of pinacol boronic ester 43
3-3-3 Preparation of Block Copolymer P3HT-b-PS 43
3-3-4 Synthesis of PbS QD 44
3-4 Device fabrication and measurement 45
Chapter 4: Results and discussion 47
4-1 Physical and optical properties of block copolymer and quantum dot 47
4-1-1 Molecular weight of polymers 47
4-1-2 Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) 48
4-1-3 Ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) of polymers 49
4-2 The influence of the mixing ratio of P3HT and PbS quantum dots on the device 50
4-3 The influence of thermal annealing on performance of quantum dots hybrid solar cell. 53
4-4 The influence of block copolymer P3HT-b-PS on morphology of active layer. 55
4-5 The influence of blend ratio of P3HT and P3HT-b-PS on morphology of active layer. 60
4-6 The improved performance of device by doping TBAI into PEDOT:PSS 63
4-7 Conclusion 66
Chapter 5: References 68

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