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作者(外文):Tien, Wei-Yang
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Dielectric Constants and Thickness of Metal Oxide Dielectric Layers on the Performance of Surface Plasmon Polariton Laser
指導教授(外文):Chen, Lih-Juann
口試委員(外文):Gwo, Shan-Gjr
Wu, Wen-Wei
外文關鍵詞:surface plasmonnanolaserdielectric layer
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:284
  • 評分評分:*****
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Lasers in nanoscale have been found to be a useful device in nano-science and nano-technology. Compared with conventional lasers, it transmits signal in a faster and more efficient way. Accompanied by the improvement of nanolasers, it is promising to integrate with IC circuits. Thus, not only the delivering speed but the amount of data for digital age will rise to a higher level.
In the present study, we demonstrate Surface plasmon polariton (SPP) nanolasers consisting of ZnO nanowires coupled with single-crystalline aluminum film and high dielectric constant interlayer. High quality ZnO nanowires synthesized in a three-zone horizontal furnace acted as gain media to operate lasing at room temperature. Single-crystalline aluminum film grown with molecular beam epitaxy is critical to decrease plasmonic losses. Dielectric layers (SiO2, TiO2, Y2O3, HfO2 and ZrO2) deposited by E-beam evaporator were inserted between ZnO nanowires and Al film to lower the lasing threshold.
The thresholds for lasing were measured to be considerably low with the addition of dielectric layer. Such suppression is attributed to dielectric layer mediating strong confinement of optical field in the subwavelength regime. The threshold value for lasing was found to decrease with increasing dielectric constant for different dielectric layers. It is attributed to the reduction in the volume of resonant cavity leading to the increase in the transfer energy for lasing. The results provide crucial information for the development of efficient and practical nanolaser in nanodevices.
Contents 1
Abstract 4
摘要 5
誌謝 6
1. Introduction 7
1.1. Motivation 7
1.2. Overview of Nanotechnology 8
1.2.1. One-Dimensional Nanostructures 9
1.3. Theoretical Background of Electromagnetism 11
1.3.1. Electromagnetism in Dielectrics 11
1.3.2. Electromagnetism in Metals 14
1.3.3. Mechanism for Surface Plasmon Polaritons 15
1.3.4. Surface Plasmon Polaritons in Nanolasers 18
1.4. Metal/ Oxide/ Semiconductor Structure Nanolaser 19
1.4.1. Aluminum Substrate for Metal Layer 20
1.4.2. Promising application of Aluminum films in quantum computing 21
1.4.3. Dielectric materials 21
1.4.4. ZnO Nanowires for Semiconductor 25
2. Experimental Procedures 26
2.1. Synthesis of ZnO nanowires 27
2.1.1. Preparation of Substrate 27
2.1.2. Growth in a Horizontal Tube Furnace 28
2.2. Epitaxial Aluminum Growth by Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) 29
2.3. Preparation of Dielectric layers 30
2.4. Fabrication of Nanolaser 30
2.5. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Observation 30
2.6. Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) Observation 32
2.7. Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) Observation 33
2.8. X-ray Diffractometer Measurement 34
2.9. Electron Probe MicroAnalyzer (EPMA) measurement 35
2.10. Spectroscopic Ellipsometer Measurement 36
2.11. Micro-Photoluminescence (µ-PL) Measurement 37
3. Results and Discussion 38
3.1. ZnO Nanowires 38
3.2. Epitaxial Aluminum Film 42
3.3. Dielectric Layers 43
3.3.1. Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) 44
3.3.2. Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) 45
3.3.3. Yttrium oxide (Y2O3) 46
3.3.4. Hafnium Dioxide (HfO2) 47
3.3.5. Zirconium Dioxide (ZrO2) 49
3.4. Metal/ Oxide/ Semiconductor Structured Nanolaser 50
3.5. Effects of Different Dielectric Layers on Lasing Performance 50
3.5.1. 5 nm SiO2 50
3.5.2. 5 nm TiO2 52
3.5.3. 5 nm Y2O3 53
3.5.4. 5 nm HfO2 55
3.5.5. 5 nm ZrO2 56
3.5.6. Comparison of Different Dielectric Layers on Lasing Performance 57
3.6. Effects of Dielectric Layer Thickness on Lasing Performance 59
3.6.1. 5 nm TiO2 60
3.6.2. 10 nm TiO2 60
3.6.3. 15 nm TiO2 62
3.6.4. Comparison of Different Thickness on Lasing Performance 63
3.6.5. Comparison on Lasing Performance with other Relevant Works 64
4. Summary and Conclusions 66
5. Future Prospects 67
5.1. Quantitative analysis for cavity loss 67
5.2. Surface plasmon polariton nanolasers based on graphene 68
6. References 70

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