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作者(外文):Hsueh, Yu-Hsiang
論文名稱(外文):In-situ TEM observations of the effects of stacking faults on the electromigration of Ag nanowires
指導教授(外文):Lu, Ming-Yen
口試委員(外文):Wu, Wen-Wei
Lu, Ming-Pei
外文關鍵詞:in-situsilver nanowireelectromigrationstacking fault
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本研究利用伽凡尼置換法成功合成銀奈米線,具備成本低廉與量產的潛力,同時,透過調控硝酸銀濃度,可分別成長出無缺陷、雙晶與含有疊差的銀奈米線,後續將探討疊差對於電遷移的影響。首先,利用電子束穿透顯微鏡分析後,得出含有高密度疊差的銀奈米線含有本質型與外質型疊差,且平行排列於{111}平面。 後續將銀奈米線鍍上電極進行臨場觀測,觀察銀奈米線電遷移現象。相比於單晶無缺陷銀奈米線內的空洞擴散於表面,造成小幅度電阻的下降,我們發現在含有疊差的結構中,孔洞傾向被困在銀奈米線內,產生電阻大幅下降的現象,而此結果我們推測是由疊差所造成接觸退火與自我修復區程度的不同。同時,頸縮與孔洞成長面積會因疊差而大幅下降,實驗中發現是由排列於{111}平面的疊差所阻擋,造成原子遷移速度減緩。後續統計後發現含有疊差的奈米線,可承受高達80 MA/cm2,此結果顯示相比於其他增加元件壽命的方法:增加覆蓋層或是其他較複雜的製程,伽凡尼置換法產生含有疊差的銀奈米線,可提供簡易製程及有效提升元件壽命。
Silver nanowires (AgNWs) have drawn significant attention in transparent electrodes and interconnects of integrated circuit in recent years due to their extraordinary chemical stability and high electric conductivity. Therefore, a simple and cost-effective method is on demand and attractive. On top of that, failure of the device caused by charge transport such as voids or necking behavior has severe influence on the lifetime of devices.
This study provides a potential in mass production method to obtain silver nanowires called galvanic displacement reaction (GDR). By tuning concentration of silver ions, we produces single crystalline nanowires without defect, with twins and stacking faults (SFs). After that, we aim to investigate the influences of planar defects in on the electromigration. According to the TEM analysis, the AgNWs obtained from GDR are with high density of SFs including intrinsic extrinsic type, and the SFs tend to facet parallel to the {111} plane.
In-situ TEM observation of electromigration in single crystal AgNWs reveals that void tends to be trapped in SFs-riched AgNWs, causing higher resistance drops. This behavior is due difference extent in contact annealing and self-healing. Furthermore, compared to isotropical void growth in AgNW without SFs, the void formation in AgNWs with SFs is anisotropy and hindered at [111] atom migration direction, resulting in 135 times void growth rate slower than AgNWs without SFs. The experimental statistics show that AgNWs with SFs can sustain higher current density up to 80 MA/cm2. These results present the potential possibilities to prolong the lifetime of nanowires instead of adding capping layer or fabricating by complex procedure.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
第一章 緒論與文獻探討 1
1.1 一維奈米結構 1
1.2 銀奈米線 2
1.2.1 優點與應用 2
1.2.2 合成法 4
1.2.3 平面缺陷研究 7
1.3 臨場電子顯微鏡觀察技術 9
1.4 電遷移 10
1.5 研究動機 12
第二章 實驗方法與儀器 13
2.1 實驗架構與步驟 13
2.1.1 實驗架構 13
2.1.2 銀奈米線製備–伽凡尼置換法 14
2.1.3 TEM臨場觀測用氮化矽薄膜基板的製備 15
2.1.4 臨場觀測樣品製備 16
2.2 儀器介紹 18
2.2.1 X光繞射分析儀 (X-Ray Diffractometer, XRD) 18
2.2.2 掃描式電子顯微鏡 (Scanning Electron Microscope, SEM) 19
2.2.3 電子束微影系統 (Electron beam lithography system) 20
2.2.4 電子束蒸鍍系統 (E-Gun Evaporation System) 21
2.2.5 穿透式電子顯微鏡 (Transmission Electron Microscope, TEM) 22
2.2.6 電子顯微鏡臨場通電系統 (In-situ biasing system) 24
2.2.7 能量色散X-射線光譜儀 (Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy, EDS) 25
第三章 結果與討論 26
3.1 伽凡尼置換法銀奈米線分析 26
3.1.1 銀奈米線形貌與結構分析 26
3.1.2 硝酸銀濃度參數影響 28
3.1.3 疊差分析 – X-ray 疊差機率計算 29
3.1.4 疊差分析 - TEM晶軸選擇 31
3.1.5 疊差分析 - [011]晶軸TEM分析 32
3.2 臨場通電觀測 – 疊差於孔洞移動影響 34
3.2.1 無疊差奈米線 – 空缺移動 35
3.2.2 有疊差奈米線 – 空缺移動 39
3.2.3 缺陷對於孔洞移動與電性影響 45
3.3 臨場通電觀測 – 疊差對於元件失效影響 49
3.3.1 疊差對於頸縮速率改變之探討 49
3.3.2 疊差對於孔洞成長速率改變之探討 51
3.4 疊差影響銀奈米線承受電遷移能力 55
第四章 結論 58
第五章 未來展望 59
參考文獻 60

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