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作者(外文):Sung, Pei-Hsun
論文名稱(外文):Gas-Phase Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction to C2-C3 Oxygenates on ZIF-67 Derived Carbon/TiO2
指導教授(外文):Liao, Chien-Neng
口試委員(外文):Chen, Li-Chyong
Chung, Po-Wen
Wang, Cheng-Yu
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  • 評分評分:*****
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以水作為還原劑的光催化二氧化碳還原反應,也稱為人工光合作用,被視為能同時解決氣候變遷及能源短缺問題的有效方法。本研究中,我們首先利用不同的碳化溫度生成ZIF-67衍生碳(ZIF-67 derived carbon, ZDC),將其應用為氣相二氧化碳還原的光催化材料,並成功以高選擇性(> 80%)生成C2產物乙醛。在研究的第二部份,我們合成ZIF-67/TiO2的複合材料,並利用真空加溫的碳化製程使其中的二氧化鈦生成有助於C=O鍵解離的氧缺陷。隨著二氧化鈦含量的增加,二氧化碳還原的主要產物逐漸由乙醛(C2)轉變為丙酮(C3),其選擇性高達52%且量子效率提升為ZDC的兩倍以上(0.248%)。根據多種分析,我們發現更高溫的碳化製程雖然能增加ZDC中的Co-N鍵解離,卻同時促使鈷奈米顆粒的團聚以及氮的揮發,因而使效能下降。透過二氧化鈦的添加,除了引入氧缺陷之外,能在維持同樣鈷奈米粒子大小以及氮含量的前提下減少Co-N鍵結,為效能提升的可能原因。總結來說,此研究合成了新穎的二氧化碳還原光催化材料,並成功的以高選擇性產出多碳數產物(C2-C3)。除此之外,根據還原產物的轉變,我們提出ZDC以及ZDC/TiO2 複合材料 (ZDC/Ts) 在光催化二氧化碳還原中生成多碳產物的可能機制以及反應路徑。
Photoreduction of CO2 using H2O as a reducing agent, namely artificial photosynthesis, is believed to be an appealing solution to tackle the issues of climate change and energy crisis simultaneously. In this work, we conducted pyrolysis of zeolite imidazolate framework (ZIF-67) at different temperatures, and adopted the resulting ZIF-67 derived carbon (ZDC) as a photocatalyst to reduce gas-phase CO2 into acetaldehyde (CH3CHO) with high selectivity (> 80%). Furthermore, we synthesized ZDC/TiO2 composites (ZDC/Ts) in the second part of the research, and successfully introduced oxygen vacancies in TiO2, which are beneficial for C=O dissociation, during pyrolysis of ZIF-67/TiO2 composite. Intriguingly, the major CO2 derivates becomes C3 (CH3COCH3) with a selectivity of up to 52% and apparent quantum efficiency (AQE) of 0.248%, ~2 times higher than that of pristine ZDC. Our analyses suggest that the pyrolysis process performed at elevated temperature not only reduces the Co-N coordination but also causes cobalt nanoparticle aggregation and nitrogen loss, and thereby degrades the photocatalytic performance. Nevertheless, with the addition of TiO2, the coordination bonds between N and Co atoms were found to decrease without changing Co particle size and dissociation of nitrogen notably, leading to superior photocatalytic CO2 reduction performance. In conclusion, we have synthesized novel photocatalysts for multi-carbon (C2-C3) products with high selectivity, and provided a plausible mechanism to illustrate the formation process of multi-carbon products during photoreduction of CO2.
Lists of Figures................................................VIII
Lists of Tables..................................................XII
Chapter 1 Introduction.............................................1
1.1 Background information on CO2 reduction........................1
1.1.1 Thermodynamics of photocatalytic CO2 reduction...............4
1.1.2 Kinetics of photocatalytic CO2 reduction.....................6
1.1.3 Different measuring systems of photocatalytic CO2 reduction..8
1.1.4 Calculation of apparent quantum efficiency (AQE)............10
1.2 Motivation....................................................12
Chapter 2 Literature Review.......................................13
2.1 TiO2-based photocatalysts for CO2 reduction...................13
2.1.1 Common ways to modify TiO2 as photocatalysts................13
2.1.2 Self-modification: black TiO2 as photocatalysts.............17
2.2 N-doped carbon applied in CO2 reduction.......................21
2.2.1 Identification of active sites in N-doped carbon for CO2 reduction.........................................................22
2.2.2 Synergistic effects with metal nanoparticles in CO2 reduction ..................................................................26
2.3 MOF-derived carbon for CO2 conversion.........................30
2.3.1 Introduction of MOF-derived carbon..........................30
2.3.2. ZIF-67 derived carbon applied in CO2 conversion............33
Chapter 3 Experimental Procedure..................................36
3.1 Synthesis of ZIF-derived carbon/TiO2 (ZDC/Ts).................36
3.1.1 Synthesis of ZIF-67 and ZIF-derived carbon (ZDC)............36
3.1.2 Synthesis and vacuum annealing of anatase TiO2 nanoparticles ..................................................................36
3.1.3 Experimental process flow for ZIF-67/TiO2 composites (ZIF/Ts) ..................................................................37
3.1.4 Synthesis of ZDC/Ts.........................................38
3.2 Experimental reagents and apparatuses.........................39
3.2.1 Chemicals and reagents......................................39
3.2.2 Experimental apparatuses....................................39
3.3 Characterization..............................................40
3.3.1 Electron microscopy analysis (SEM/TEM)......................40
3.3.2 X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD)............................40
3.3.3 Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA)..........................40
3.3.4 Surface chemical composition analysis (HRXPS)...............41
3.3.5 UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy analysis (DRS)......41
3.3.6 Raman spectroscopy analysis.................................42
3.3.7 Gas adsorption analysis.....................................44
3.3.8 Gas-phase CO2 photoreduction measurement....................44
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion..................................46
4.1 ZDCs prepared at different temperature........................46
4.1.1 Microstructure of ZDCs......................................46
4.1.2 Surface chemical composition of ZDCs........................50
4.1.3 Optical properties of ZDCs..................................54
4.1.4 Gas adsorption analysis.....................................57
4.1.5 Photocatalytic CO2 reduction measurement....................59
4.2 Characterization and analysis of ZDC/Ts.......................61
4.2.1 Synthesis of ZIF/Ts.........................................61
4.2.2 Microstructure and surface composition of ZIF/Ts and ZDC/Ts.62
4.2.3 Surface chemical composition analysis of ZDC/Ts.............65
4.2.4 Optical properties analysis.................................70
4.2.5 Gas adsorption analysis.....................................72
4.2.6 Photocatalytic CO2 reduction measurement....................74
4.3 Proposition of CO2 photoreduction mechanism...................77
4.3.1 Dual active sites within ZDCs...............................77
4.3.2 Further enhancement with black TiO2.........................78
4.3.3 Proposed CO2 reduction pathway..............................80
Chapter 5 Conclusions.............................................82
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