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作者(外文):Ho, Simon C.-C.
論文名稱(外文):Revealing the mystery of the Universe with AKARI and HSC
指導教授(外文):Goto, Tomotsugu
口試委員(外文):Hirashita, Hiroyuki
Yang, Hsiang-Yi Karen
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:130
  • 評分評分:*****
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這份論文的第一部分是關於"利用Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam深光學數據計算北黃道極(NEP)區寬場的光學紅移"。

在21世紀初期,AKARI太空紅外線望遠鏡利用其獨特的9波段濾鏡在北黃道極區寬埸(NEPW; 5.4 deg^2)進行了深度的中紅外波段的觀測,這個觀測時間更佔了AKARI整個觀測壽命裡的十分之一。多波段濾鏡的特性是其他有名的紅外線望遠鏡如: NASA的Spitzer和WISE 太空望遠鏡(只有4波段濾鏡)所比不上的。
但是,AKARI NEPW卻欠缺了深度的可見光波段的數據,這連帶影響了光學紅移的計算。

近幾年,我們用8公尺的SUBARU光學望遠鏡的Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC)相機觀測並得到了5個寬帶波段的濾鏡(g, r, i, z, and Y),除此之外,我們更把從可見光到次毫米,不同波段的數據合併成一個目錄。利用這個目錄的數據,我們可以利用能量譜分佈的擬合(SED fitting)計算新的光學紅移。

我們總共用了26個不同波段的濾鏡,我們利用2026個0 < z < 5的已知光譜紅移值作比較,分析我們計算的光學紅移準確度。
在z < 1.5,我們達到了σ_{Δ[z/(1+z)]} = 0.053 的權重光學紅移準確度和11.3%的離群值 (離群值的定義是|Δz|/(1 + z_s) > 0.15)。



在此,我們會報告一個圍繞在疊合QSO圖像外的光學擴展結構的量測訊號。我們堆疊了的46張Subaru/HSC高紅移QSO圖像(z_median = 6.13)。這些QSO主要由Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs)識別。我們仔細地從圖像中減去了使用附近恆星所構造的點擴散函數(PSF)。在減去PSF之後,z波段中的擴展結構延伸了超過1.49角秒的半光度半徑(R_e = 9.3kpc)。這個宿主星系可能是一個正在形成的巨大星系,並與一個超大質量黑洞交互作用。這個結果仍是初步的,我們將來會再做更一步的分析。
This thesis is composed of two parts. The first part is "Photometric Redshifts in the North Ecliptic Pole Wide Field based on a Deep Optical Survey with Hyper Suprime-Cam". The AKARI space infrared telescope has performed near- to mid-infrared (MIR) observations on the North Ecliptic Pole Wide (NEPW) field (5.4 deg^2) devoting a large amount of time. AKARI took advantage of its continuous nine photometric bands, compared with NASA's Spitzer and WISE space telescopes, which had only four filters with a wide gap in the MIR.
The AKARI NEPW field lacked deep and homogeneous optical data, limiting the use of nearly half of the IR sources for extra-galactic studies owing to the absence of photometric redshifts (photo-zs).
To remedy this, we have recently obtained deep optical imaging over the NEPW field with 5 bands (g, r, i, z, and Y) of the Hyper Suprime-Camera (HSC) on the Subaru 8m telescope. We optically identify AKARI-IR sources along with supplementary Spitzer and WISE data as well as pre-existing optical data. In this work, we derive new photo-zs using a Χ^2 template-fitting method code (Le Phare) and reliable photometry from 26 selected filters including HSC, AKARI, CFHT, Maidanak, KPNO, Spitzer and WISE data. We take 2026 spectroscopic redshifts (spec-z) from all available spectroscopic surveys over the NEPW to calibrate and assess the accuracy of the photo-zs. At z < 1.5, we achieve a weighted photo-z dispersion of σ_{Δ[z/(1+z)]} = 0.053 with η = 11.3% catastrophic errors.

The second part is "Unveiling quasar host galaxies and their Lyα emission at z$\sim$6 by SHELLQs". Host galaxies of high redshift quasars (QSOs) are of interest; they provide us with a valuable opportunity to investigate the physics relevant to the starburst-active galactic nuclei (AGN) connection at the earliest epoch of the Universe, with the most luminous black holes.
Here we report an optical detection of an extended structure around a stacked QSO image. We have stacked 46 high-z (z_median = 6.13) QSOs images by Subaru/HSC. These QSOs are mainly identified by the Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). We have carefully subtracted a PSF constructed using nearby stars from the images. After the PSF (QSO) subtraction, a structure in the z-band extends for more than 4" on the sky (R_e = 11kpc). The host may be a forming giant galaxy, co-evolving with a supermassive black hole. More analysis will be carried out in the future.
List of Figures--------------viii
List of Tables--------------xi
I. Introduction--------------3
II. Photometric Redshifts of North Ecliptic Pole Wide Field based on Deep Optical Survey using Hyper Suprime-Cam (submitted to MNRAS, 2020)--------------9
1. THE DATASETS--------------11
1.1. Optical Identification of the AKARI Sources--------------11
1.2. Spectroscopic Data--------------12
1.3. Ancillary Near- to Mid-IR Data--------------13
1.4. Data Selection--------------15
2. Photo-z with SED template fitting--------------25
2.1. Comparison of different template models--------------25
2.2. Comparison of different filter combinations--------------27
2.3. Star/Galaxy Classification--------------27
2.4. Best parameters for photo-z accuracy--------------30
3. Photo-z with SED template fitting37
4. Discussion--------------39
4.1. Photo-z of AGNs--------------39
4.2. Feasibility of Machine Learning photo-z--------------40
4.2.1. Galaxy classification in the NEPW field--------------41
4.3. Comparison of photo-z accuracy with other work--------------41
III. Unveiling QSO host galaxies and their Lyα emission at z∼6 by SHELLQs--------------43
1. QSO sample--------------45
1.1. SHELLQs--------------45
1.2. SDSS--------------45
1.3. CFHQS--------------45
1.4. Sample selection--------------47
2. Method492.1. QSO stacking--------------49
2.2. Point Spread Function (PSF)--------------49
3. Result513.1. PSF subtraction--------------51
3.1.1. Sérsic fit--------------51
IV. Conclusion55V. APPENDIX711. Summary of source detection and photometry from different sources--------------73
2. Summary of definitions of depths for different catalogs753. Response to the panelists’ questions--------------77
3.1. The outlier fraction of the photo-z is 11.3% at z < 1.5. This sounds quite bad. Could you comment on this?--------------77
3.2. Why the photo-z computed by RF was quantized?--------------77
3.3. You did not use AGN templates for the computation of photo-z. Is this catalog still available for AGN research?--------------79
3.4. How robust can you say that this is a host galaxy, not e.g., outflows--------------79
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