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作者(外文):Chang, Cheng-Hsien
論文名稱(外文):Study of Accelerating the Esterification Process of Biodiesel by Enhancing Electric Field
指導教授(外文):Chang, Tsun-Hsu
口試委員(外文):Chao, Hsien-Wen
Lee, Yi-Fa
Wang, Ming-Rui
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:744
  • 評分評分:*****
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本論文的目的在透過加強反應物中的電場,藉以提高酯化反應的反應速率,本論文的實驗方法有二:(1) 於反應物中加入奈米粒子、(2) 在實驗腔體中加入尖金屬柱陣列;(1):於反應物中加入奈米銀或是奈米氧化鋁,再透過微波加熱於200℃下反應,透由顆粒半徑小及等效介電系數高的特性,加強電場在反應物的強度,但其結果與單純微波加熱的結果相似,其原因可能是奈米粒子間會團聚的緣故,使得聚集電場的效果不那麼明顯。(2):在實驗腔體中加入尖金屬柱陣列,其目的是藉由尖金屬柱增強電場在反應物中的強度,此方法在5個小時內使酸價(Acid Value)低於3mg KOH/g,但無尖金屬柱陣列需要6個小時才會達到相同結果。由此可證於腔體中加入尖金屬柱陣列對於提升反應速率相當有效。
This thesis mainly discuss how to accelerate the esterification reaction with microwave heating by the means of physical methods.
Nowadays, many researches have indicated that using microwave as heating resource can promote the reaction rate of esterification and transesterification. Therefore, how to make microwave more efficiently absorbed by reactants and further enhance the reaction rate of esterification reaction is the subject of this thesis.
Many researches modified the commercial microwave oven to study the esterification process with microwave heating, but the disadvantage of it was small amount of the reactants. Therefore, whether the results can be applied to a large amount of industrial production is still a doubt. Different from using commercial microwave oven, the experimental program of this thesis was to cooperate with Chant Oil Company and the experimental cavity was
2nd generation microwave cavity designed by Dr. Hsien-Wen Chao, which can place large amount of reactants and it’s equipped with 2.45GHz microwave source and impedance adjuster. The reactants can be heated at microwave power about 1kW and the impedance adjuster makes the incident microwave have good impedance to reduce the power of reflected wave, so the microwave can heat the reactants more efficiently.
This thesis aims to increase the reaction rate of esterification by enhancing the electric field in the reactants. The experimental methods in this thesis are as follows: (1) Adding nanoparticles to the reactants (2) Displaying the pointed metal pillar array to the cavity.
(1): Add nano-silver or nano-Alumina to the reactants and react by microwave heating at 200℃. In order to enhance the electric field in the reactants by the propertied of the tiny radius of the particles and high equivalent permittivity. However, the results were similar to the result of microwave heating without nanoparticles. The reason may be that the nanoparticles would agglomerate.
The agglomeration increasing the curvature radius made the effect of concentrating electric field be not significant. (2): The purpose of displaying pointed metal pillar array to the experimental cavity was to enhance the electric field in the reactants. This method took 5hr to reduce the acid value lower than 3mg KOH/g, but it took 6hr to achieve the same result without pointed metal pillar array. It can proof that displaying the pointed metal pillar array to the experimental cavity is effective to increase the reaction rate.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
一、緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2生質柴油的製程介紹 3
1.2-1生質柴油之特性及製程介紹 3
1.2-2轉酯化反應 4
1.2-3酯化反應 6
1.2-4 微波加熱對實驗的影響 7
1.3微波 8
1.3-1微波簡介 8
1.3-2微波產生的原理 9
1.3-3微波加熱的優點 9
1.3-4 微波加熱的機制 10
1.4 介電係數 11
1.5 酯化反應反應物的介電係數 12
二、腔體設計 13
2.1 腔體模擬 13
2.2第一代腔體 13
2.2-1第一代腔體設計 13
2.2-2 第一代腔體的討論 14
2-3第二代腔體 15
2-3-1 第二代腔體設計 15
2.3-2 第二代腔體的討論 19
三、奈米粒子 19
3.1 奈米粒子簡介 19
3.2表面效應 19
3.3粒子於微波場下的電場模擬圖 20
四、尖端的聚場效應 21
五、實驗方法及實驗設備 22
5.1 實驗方法 22
5.1-1 實驗原料 22
5.1-2 實驗原理 23
5.1-3 分析方法 23
5.2 實驗設備 24
5.2-1 傳統加熱設備 24
5.2-2 微波加熱設備 25
5.3 實驗方法 27
5.3-1 傳統加熱 27
5.3-2 傳統加熱加入奈米粒子 27
5.3-3 微波加熱 28
5.3-4 微波加熱中加入奈米粒子 28
5.3-5 微波加熱中放入金屬柱陣列 28
六、實驗結果與討論 29
6.1樣品圖 29
6.2 加入奈米銀 31
6.3加入奈米氧化鋁 31
6.4 加入金屬柱陣列32
6.5 不同金屬柱的排列 34
七、 結論 35
參考文獻 36
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