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作者(外文):Wen, Yen-Ting
論文名稱(外文):Single Event Upset Assessment for Static Random-Access Memory Onboard the Aircraft in Popular Flight Routes from Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Sheu, Rong-Jiun
口試委員(外文):Lin, Uei-Tyng
Chao, Der-Sheng
外文關鍵詞:Cosmic rayAvionicsSingle event upsetSEU cross-sectionNTHU Flight Dose Calculator
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評估單粒子翻轉效應需要航線的累積能譜以及SRAM的單粒子翻轉截面,本研究利用NTHU飛航劑量評估程式(NTHU Flight Dose Calculator,NTHU-FDC)取得不同航線的累積能譜,並且廣泛蒐集文獻中從1997年起相關的研究結果,從中得到55個不同的SRAM其由中子、質子照射引發單粒子翻轉截面之量測數據。假設若將上述55個不同廠牌與類型的SRAM擺放於台灣常見國際航線的飛機上,我們針對2018年7月份台灣飛往世界各地的十條重要航線(阿姆斯特丹、紐約、法蘭克福、洛杉磯、雪梨、杜拜、新加坡、東京、北京及香港),分別評估其單粒子翻轉發生的機率,並依據評估結果探討其發生機率與SRAM的儲存容量與通道長度之關係,以及不同航線的垂直截止剛度和飛行高度與單粒子翻轉率之關聯性。本研究產生了多種SRAM置於台灣飛機上的單粒子翻轉率數據,相關評估方法與成果應可提供後續飛機電子元件系統安全與防錯設計相關分析的參考。
Cosmic-ray-induced radiation field at flight altitudes causes single event upset to avionics, and the probability of its occurrence increases as the flight altitude rises as the cosmic rays become stronger. Errors or failures of avionics caused by cosmic rays must be taken into consideration of flight system safety analysis. Therefore, how to correctly evaluate the single event upset of avionics caused by radiation is very important, especially for the environment of complex radiation field caused by cosmic rays at flight altitude. In view of this, this study collected a series of cross-sections of different static random access memory (SRAM) on the single event upset induced by radiation, and used the NTHU Flight Dose Calculator (NTHU-FDC) to systematically analyze the probability of single event upset on these SRAM on popular flight routes in Taiwan, and explore the relationship between the probability of occurrence and related parameters.
Estimation of the single event upset requires the cumulative spectrum of the flight and the cross-section of each SRAM. In this study, NTHU-FDC was used to obtain the cumulative spectrum of different aviation routes. Also extensively collect relevant research results in the literature since 1997, and obtained the measurement data of 55 SRAM’s cross-sections induced by the radiation. Suppose that if the above 55 different brands and types of SRAM are placed on aircraft on popular flight routes in Taiwan, evaluate the probability of single event upset for the ten important aviation routes from Taiwan to the rest of the world in July 2018. Based on the evaluation results, the relationship between single event upset rate and the device size and the channel length of SRAM, as well as the correlation between the vertical cutoff rigidity and flight altitude of different aviation routes and the single event upset rate are discussed. This study provided a variety of SRAM single event upset rate data placed on Taiwan’s aircraft, the relevant evaluation methods and results should provide a reference for subsequent analysis of aircraft avionics system safety and mitigation techniques.

第一章 緒論-----1
1.1 宇宙射線簡介-----1
1.2 電子元件受輻射照射引發的效應及緩解措施-----2
1.2.1 累積性效應-----2
1.2.2 單粒子事件-----2
1.2.3 軟錯誤緩解措施-----5
1.3 航空系統安全性評估-----6
1.4 研究動機-----7
1.5 文獻回顧-----8
第二章 研究方法-----10
2.1 單粒子翻轉發生率計算方式-----10
2.2 NTHU Flight Dose Calculator-----12
第三章 結果分析與討論-----18
3.1 單粒子翻轉計算之驗證-----18
3.2 彙整文獻中的多種靜態隨機存取記憶體(SRAM)的單粒子翻轉截面-----34
3.3 台灣重要的十條國際航線單粒子翻轉發生的機率-----39
3.3.1 不同SRAM於高空中的SEU率與地面上的差異-----62
3.3.2 台灣十條重要國際航線中SEU率最大值和最小值的差異-----64
3.3.3 中子及質子對SEU效應之貢獻-----64
3.3.4 兩個SEU特別低的SRAM-----66
3.4 影響單粒子翻轉效應發生機率之因素-----69
3.4.1 SRAM的儲存容量與SEU率的關係-----69
3.4.2 SRAM的通道長度與SEU率的關係-----71
3.4.3 航線垂直截止剛度與SEU率的關係-----74
3.4.4 航線飛行高度與SEU率的關係-----76
第四章 結論與未來工作-----78
4.1 結論-----78
4.2 未來工作-----79
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