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作者(外文):Liou, Yi-De
論文名稱(外文):A study on dopant activation and contact resistance of n+/p-Ge by laser annealing
指導教授(外文):Wu, Wen-Fa
Chang-Liao, Kuei-Shu
口試委員(外文):Wu, Yung-Chun
Luo, Guang-Li
外文關鍵詞:Geramniumcontact resistivitylaser annealing
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磷摻雜的鍺晶圓分別經快速升溫熱退火、Nd:YAG綠光雷射與CO2雷射退火來進行活化,與快速升溫熱退火相比,兩種雷射退火均有抑制摻雜物擴散的效果。隨著能量增加,綠光雷射退火會導致摻雜物的擴散變強,而由於鍺對CO2雷射有較低的吸收率,因此摻雜活化主要是經由自由載子吸收機制來達成,能量增加只使得摻雜物有些微的擴散,因此可以達到極淺的接面深度。佈植缺陷若未完全修復會導致鍺PN接面極大的漏電,CO2雷射退火在修復PN接面中深層的能態缺陷能力上,會比綠光雷射退火還優異許多,使用CO2雷射退火形成的鍺PN接面漏電流可降低到3×〖10〗^(-4) A/cm2,並且在1V時開關電流比可達到5×〖10〗^4 。另外,我們使用微分霍爾量測來量測表面載子濃度,可發現到磷佈植鍺晶圓經綠光雷射退火後,表面載子濃度有大幅度下降的趨勢,隨著能量的增加,載子濃度下降的幅度越大,從原子力顯微鏡也觀察到表面也變越粗糙,這是因鍺經綠光雷射退火過程中有融化的情形發生,導致相鄰表層有重新結晶的現象,形成表面缺陷,致使電阻率上升。鍺在CO2雷射退火後,則並未觀察到同樣的現象,經磷佈植的鍺晶圓,使用CO2雷射退火後,其距晶圓表面20奈米深度的載子濃度可以達到約1×〖10〗^20 cm-3,接觸電阻率也大幅度降低到3.7×〖10〗^(-7) ohm-cm2,鍺使用CO2雷射退火能夠達到極淺的接面,並且能夠抑制接面漏電以及降低接觸電阻率。
Germanium is considered as a promising transistor channel material to replace silicon due to its higher carrier mobility and good process compatibility with silicon. With shrinking the transistor size, germanium as a transistor channel material can increase drive current and improve the operating speed of the device. Although germanium is superior to silicon in carrier mobility, there are still many problems that need to be solved. Germanium n-MOSFET has relatively high contact resistance at the source and drain, which can be attributed to the low n-type dopant activation in germanium and the strong Fermi level pinning. Severe dopant diffusion and low dopant solubility lead to low n-type dopant activation in germanium. In this study, laser annealing was used to activate phosphorus-doped germanium. Fast and high temperature laser annealing can inhibit the diffusion of dopant and achieve the maximum dopant solubility.
Phosphorus-doped germanium wafers were activated by rapid thermal annealing (RTA), Nd:YAG green laser annealing and CO2 laser annealing, respectively. Compared to RTA, laser annealing had the inhibiting effect of the dopant diffusion. However, as the energy increased, green laser annealing would result in a strong diffusion of dopant. Since germanium had a low absorption rate for CO2 laser, the dopant activation was mainly achieved through the free carrier absorption mechanism. The increase in laser energy only caused slight diffusion of dopant, so extremely shallow junction could be achieved. If the implant damage was not completely repaired, it would cause large leakage current of the germanium PN junction. CO2 laser annealing could repair deep level defects in the PN junction and was much better than green laser annealing. The leakage current of the germanium PN junction caused by CO2 laser annealing could be reduced to 3×〖10〗^(-4)A/cm2, and on/off current ratio could reach 5×〖10〗^4at 1V. We also used differential Hall measurement to evaluate the surface carrier concentration of germanium, and it was found that the surface carrier concentration tended to drop significantly after green laser annealing. As the energy increased, the carrier concentration decreased more and the surface became rougher as observed from the atomic force microscope. This was attributed to the melting of germanium during the green laser annealing process, and it caused the adjacent surface layer to recrystallize and form surface defects and hence increase resistivity. However, the results were not observed for CO2 laser annealing on germanium. For phosphorus-doped germanium activated by CO2 laser annealing, the carrier concentration of 20nm depth from the wafer surface could reach about 1×〖10〗^20cm-3, and the contact resistivity was also reduced to 3.7×〖10〗^(-7) ohm-cm2. Phosphorus-doped germanium activated by CO2 laser annealing could achieve a very shallow junction and suppress junction leakage and reduce contact resistivity .
摘要 i
Abstract iii
致謝 v
目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 x
第一章 序論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 鍺需要克服的問題 2
1.3 接觸電阻 3
1.3.1 接觸電阻率與載子傳輸機制 4
1.4 鍺中摻雜活化程度 5
1.4.1 固態溶解度 5
1.4.2 摻雜物在鍺中的擴散速率 6
1.5 增加摻雜溶解度的退火方式 7
1.5.1 雷射退火 7
1.5.2 多次佈植和多次退火 8
1.6 蕭特基能障 8
1.6.1 費米能階釘紮 8
1.6.2 緩解費米能階釘紮的方法 9
1.7研究動機 10
第二章 元件製程與量測 25
2.1 實驗製程與原理 25
2.1.1 離子佈植 26
2.1.2 雷射退火 26
2.1.3 晶圓清洗 27
2.1.4 圖形定義 27
2.1.5 乾式電漿蝕刻 28
2.1.6 沉積金屬電極 28
2.1.7 舉離製程(lift off) 28
2.2 電性量測 28
2.2.1 微分霍爾量測 28
2.2.2 圓形傳輸線模型 31
2.2.3 PN接面 32
2.3 物性分析 32
2.3.1 二次離子質譜儀 32
2.3.2 能量色散X射線光譜 33
2.3.3 穿透式電子顯微鏡 33
2.3.4 原子力顯微鏡 33
第三章 雷射退火對摻雜活化與接觸電阻率的影響 42
3.1 研究方法 42
3.2 製程與條件 42
3.3 實驗結果與討論 43
3.3.1 摻雜物擴散程度 43
3.3.2 佈植損傷與PN接面漏電 44
3.3.3 不同退火條件下活化後載子濃度 45
3.3.4 接觸電阻率 46
第四章 結論與展望 63
4.1 結論 63
4.2 未來展望 64
第五章 參考文獻 65

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