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作者(外文):Chen, Guan-Yen
論文名稱(外文):Depression Prediction with Deep Learning
指導教授(外文):Wu, Shun-Chi
口試委員(外文):Huang, Chih-Mao
Hsu, Ching-Han
外文關鍵詞:Major depressive disorderFMRIComplexityDeep learningSVM
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憂鬱症目前為盛行率較高的精神疾病。臨床上,醫師會根據患者的病徵、病史及病患過去一周的個案自述來進行評估,若患者處於憂鬱狀態長達兩周以上,則能確診為憂鬱症。此外,醫師還會藉由不同的憂鬱症篩檢量表進行檢測,提高確診的可信度,並且在經過審慎評估後,依其病症的嚴重程度,採取不同的治療方式。但是目前對於憂鬱症的診斷標準較為主觀,缺乏科學方法進行客觀的檢驗,因此本研究嘗試運用深度學習技術建立一套診斷系統,希望能透過受試者的功能性核磁共振造影(functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, fMRI)配合交叉樣本熵演算法,先行判斷患者是否真的罹患憂鬱症,隨後再預估患者的病症嚴重程度。憂鬱症判別部分,除了卷積神經網路模型外,我們同時使用自動編碼器與支援向量機輔助,使得分類準確率達到80%以上;而病症嚴重程度評估方面,藉由分類模型與迴歸模型的合併使用,在測試集的均方根誤差為3.52,若再加以改善的話,效果會優於僅使用單一迴歸模型進行預測的結果。
Major depressive disorder is a mental disorder with a high prevalence. Clinically, the diagnosis of depression is based on the person's symptoms, biographical history, and reported experiences. Moreover, if a person is in a state of depression for more than two weeks, the diagnosis can be made. Besides, several rating scales would be used in mental status examination to evaluate the severity of depression more thoroughly. According to the severity of the disease, different types of treatment would be used. However, the current diagnostic criteria for depression are of concern because it relies on subjective interpretation and lack of scientific methods for confirming. Hence, we attempt to build a deep learning system that could classify the patients from normal and evaluate the severity of depression using resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) with cross-sample entropy. For the classification of depression, we use autoencoder and support vector machines better to make the convolutional neural network model’s performance better, and the combining of classification model and a regression model was used for scale prediction. From the result, the accuracy of the depression classification was more than 80%, and the root means square error for the scale prediction during testing was 3.52. The performance would be better if the model in the classification stage of scale prediction was improved by comparing it to those of a scheme only with a regression stage.
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