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作者(外文):Liu, Hung-Hsiang
論文名稱(中文):鍍層架構對鍍覆於AISI D2鋼之氮化鈦鋯鍍層磨潤性之影響
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Coating Architecture on Tribological Behavior of TiZrN Coatings on AISI D2 Steel
指導教授(外文):Huang, Jia-Hong
口試委員(外文):Lee, Jyh-Wei
Chang, Yin-Yu
外文關鍵詞:TiZrNinterlayertransitional layerresidual stresstribological
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本研究的目的為探討鈦介層和氮化鈦過渡層在雙層和三層氮化鈦鋯鍍層中對於應力釋放以及磨潤性質扮演的角色。此外,也會探討鈦介層和鈦鋯介層對於鍍層應力釋放的影響。試片以非平衡磁控濺鍍法在AISI D2鋼上鍍製氮化鈦鋯鍍層。本實驗設計的鍍層架構有六種,單層氮化鈦鋯、雙層氮化鈦鋯/鈦、氮化鈦鋯/氮化鈦、三層氮化鈦鋯/氮化鈦/鈦、氮化鈦鋯/氮化鈦/鈦鋯以及四層氮化鈦鋯/氮化鈦/鈦鋯/鈦。其中三層氮化鈦鋯鍍層中的氮化鈦厚度從200到400奈米。上層氮化鈦鋯鍍層的厚度控制在1600奈米左右。如此一來,可以去除鍍層厚度對於殘留應力以及耐磨性的影響。上層氮化鈦鋯的殘留應力由平均X光應變法結合奈米壓痕法測得。應力數值分布範圍從-5.87 到-3.74 GPa。透過比較雙層和三層鍍層中氮化鈦鋯殘留應力可以發現單獨加入鈦介層應力釋放的效果是比較好的。氮化鈦過渡層的加入反而會減少氮化鈦鋯殘留應力釋放量。四層氮化鈦鋯鍍層的殘留應力是所有試片中最低的,這結果代表以漸層的方式設計金屬介層可以有效地降低應力。從刮痕測試的結果發現加入介層或過渡層可以大幅改善鍍層與基板的附著力。從75公尺的磨耗測試結果發現磨耗率同時受到摩擦係數和磨耗機制影響。另外,在150公尺的磨耗測試結果發現磨耗率最好的兩個試片是單層氮化鈦鋯和雙層氮化鈦鋯/鈦,代表加入介層或過渡層對於耐磨性的改善有限。剛剛提到利用改變介層架構可以有效地降低殘留應力,但是殘留應力下降時,耐磨性卻沒有明顯改善。此外,常見的指標像是硬度對彈性常數的比值和彈性儲存能在本研究中並不適合評估耐磨性,可能是因為隨著鍍層架構改變,上層的破裂韌性(Gc)也會跟著改變。
The objectives of this study were to investigate the roles of Ti interlayer and TiN transitional layer in stress relief and tribological behavior of bi-layer and tri-layer TiZrN coatings. In addition, the effect of Ti and TiZr interlayers on stress relief in tri-layer and quadri-layer coatings was explored. TiZrN coatings with different architectures were deposited on AISI D2 steel by DC unbalanced magnetron sputtering. There were six designed architectures, including TiZrN (S), TiZrN/Ti (Bm), TiZrN/TiN (Bc), TiZrN/TiN/Ti (Tx), TiZrN/TiN/TiZr (Tz), and TiZrN/TiN/TiZr/Ti (Q), where x represented the TiN thickness ranging from 200 to 400 nm. The thickness of TiZrN coatings for all specimens was fixed at 1600 ± 70 nm such that the effect of coating thickness on the residual stress and wear behavior could be ruled out. Residual stress of the TiZrN coatings measured by average X-ray strain combined with nanoindentation method ranged from -5.87 to -3.74 GPa. The extent of stress relief by TiN/Ti layer in Tx series is smaller than that by Ti interlayer in specimen Bm. The results indicated that introducing a TiN transitional layer decreased the capability of stress relief on TiZrN layer. Moreover, the residual stress of specimen Q was the lowest among all specimens, suggesting that adding graded interlayers is an effective approach in relieving stress of the hard coating. The adhesion strength was measured by scratch tests, and the wear rate was evaluated by pin-on-disc tests. Critical loads (Lc2) of all specimens ranged from 52.6 to 81.0 N. The results showed that adding interlayer or transitional layer could significantly improve the adhesion strength. The wear rate of TiZrN coatings at 75-m sliding distance is correlated to both friction coefficient and wear mechanism. In the wear test at 150-m sliding distance, the specimens S and Bm showed lower wear rate than other specimens, which indicated that the wear resistance could not be significantly improved by introducing interlayer or transitional layer. As mentioned above, the residual stress of TiZrN layer could be substantially relieved by introducing Ti interlayer or TiZr/Ti graded interlayer, but the wear resistance did not increase. Moreover, the H/E ratio, H3/E2 ratio, and stored elastic energy (Gs) of TiZrN layer could not be used as indexes to evaluate the wear resistance, possibly due to the variation of fracture toughness of TiZrN coatings in different coating architectures.
List of Figures............................................viii
List of Tables...............................................ix
Chapter 1 Introduction........................................1
Chapter 2 Literature Review...................................3
2.1 Characteristics of Transition Metal Nitride Coatings......3
2.2 Characteristics of TiZrN coatings.........................5
2.2.1 Structure of TiZrN coatings.............................5
2.2.2 Properties of TiZrN coatings............................5
2.3 Effect of Metal Interlayer................................6
2.4 Effect of Functionally Graded Materials (FGM).............7
2.5 Tribological Behavior.....................................9
2.5.1 Adhesion Strength.......................................9
2.5.2 Wear resistance........................................10
2.5.3 Evaluation of Wear Resistance..........................11
Chapter 3 Experimental Details...............................13
3.1 Substrate Preparation....................................13
3.2 Deposition Procedures....................................13
3.3 Characterization Methods for Compositions and Structure..17
3.3.1 Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA)....................17
3.3.2 Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (TOF-SIMS)........................................................17
3.3.3 X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Glancing Incidence XRD (GIXRD)......................................................17
3.3.4 Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)..........................18
3.3.5 Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM)...19
3.4 Characterization Methods for Mechanical Properties.......19
3.4.1 Hardness and Young’s modulus...........................19
3.4.2 Micro-Vickers hardness test............................20
3.4.3 Residual stress: Average X-ray strain (AXS) method.....21
3.4.4 Scratch test...........................................21
3.4.5 Pin-on-disk Wear Test..................................23
Chapter 4 Results............................................25
4.1 Chemical Compositions and Structure......................28
4.1.1 Chemical Compositions..................................28
4.1.2 Crystal Structure......................................30
4.1.3 Microstructure.........................................33
4.1.4 Surface Roughness......................................35
4.2 Properties...............................................38
4.2.1 Hardness and Young’s modulus...........................38
4.2.2 Microhardness..........................................38
4.2.3 Residual Stress........................................39
4.2.4 Adhesion Strength......................................41
4.2.5 Wear Resistance........................................45
Chapter 5 Discussion.........................................55
5.1 Residual stress..........................................55
5.1.1 Roles of Ti interlayer and TiN transitional layer in bi-layer and tri-layer TiZrN coatings...........................55
5.1.2 Effect of Ti and TiZr interlayers on stress relief.....56
5.2 Adhesion strength........................................58
5.3 Wear resistance..........................................58
5.3.1 Wear mechanism.........................................58
5.3.2 Friction coefficient...................................59
5.3.3 Wear rate of TiZrN coatings............................60
5.3.4 Wear rate of the entire coatings.......................65
Chapter 6 Conclusions........................................67
Appendix A Friction coefficient (75 m).......................76
Appendix B SEM images of wear track (150 m)..................77
Appendix C EDS-mapping of wear track.........................80

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