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作者(外文):Sun, Jia-Xing
論文名稱(中文):機器物種 - 關於機器意識的隱喻
論文名稱(外文):Machine Species - About the Metaphor of Machine Consciousness
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Su-Chu
口試委員(外文):Tsai, Tsun-Hung
Lin, Jiun-Shian
外文關鍵詞:machine speciesmetaphorinstallation artmachine controlPower viewpointIntentionalityFuture risk
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  • 評分評分:*****
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智能化機器是當今社會最重要的議題之一,隨著各類技術的飛速進步,智能化機器已經成為人類社會不可或缺的一部分。但我們需要警惕,機器在為人類提供便利的同時,也在深刻地影響著人類社會,甚至會給人類帶來某種風險的挑戰。社會中的機器逐漸控制人類的生活習慣甚至思維,讓本人有感而發,因此促發本人創作與機器有關之系列作品,探討「機器物種 - 關於機器意識的隱喻」主題。本人創作了系列的機器裝置藝術作品,本人稱之為「機器物種」。在本論文,引入米歇爾·傅柯(Michel Foucault)的「權力觀」、弗朗茲‧布倫塔諾(Franz Brentano)的「意向性」心理學理論和尼克‧波斯特洛姆(Nick Bostrom)對人工智能發展,來探討「機器物種」系列作品的哲思及如何在藝術裝置中讓人體會這個物種意識下的「隱喻」。
Intelligent machine has been regarding as one of the most important issues today. With the rapid progress of technology, intelligent machine has become an indispensable part of human society. However, we need to be vigilant that machines not only provide convenience for us, but also have a profound impact on our society, and even bring certain risks and challenges to human beings. Machines in society gradually control human life habits and even thinking, which made me feel inspired, so I urged me to create a series of works related to machines, and explore the theme of "Machine Species - About the Metaphor of Machine Consciousness". I created a series of machine installation art works, which I call "machine species". In this thesis, I introduce Michel Foucault's "power viewpoint", Franz Brentano's "intentionality" psychological theory and Nick Bostrom on the development of artificial intelligence, to discuss the philosophical thinking of the "machine species" series of works and how to make people experience the "metaphor" of this species consciousness in the art installation.
For some scientists, the autonomous consciousness of machines is a key node, which means a watershed in the transformation of the relationship between human beings and machines. Based on the relationship between machine and human, this article discusses the art installation, puts forward the influence of machine on human senses, and tries to show the multiple possibilities of machine consciousness in art. I have created a series of installation art works "machine species", which combines the digital technology and contemporary art, to create an artistic installation symbolizing the concept of "machine species". The purpose of this artwork is to present the threats and challenges of machines to human beings, and probes into how this dangerous relationship is formed, its influence on human senses, and how we view the advantages and disadvantages of the development of science and technology.
摘要 ........................ I
Abstract .................... II
致謝 ....................... III
目錄 ........................ IV
圖錄 ........................ VI
第一章 緒論 ................. 1
第二章 文獻討論 ............... 5
第一節 機器的控制權力 .......... 6
第二節 控制下的風險 ............ 9
第三節 意向性 ................ 12
第四節 相關作品討論 ........... 14
一、 〈Fingers MKIII〉作品 ... 14
二、 〈難自禁〉作品 ........... 15
三、 〈The Big Picture〉作品 . 16
四、 〈黃翊與庫卡〉作品 ........ 18
五、 〈Please Smile〉作品 .... 19
第三章 創作論述 .............. 21
第一節〈指向莫名〉創作論述 ..... 22
一、作品情境與技術 ............ 22
二、 創作意涵 ................ 24
第二節 《機器物種》創作論述 .... 26
一、作品情境與技術 ............ 26
二、創作意涵 ................. 28
第四章 結論 ................. 39
第一節 結語 ................. 39
第二節 遭遇的困難與解決 ....... 41
第三節 未來的展望 ............. 43
參考文獻 ..................... 45
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