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作者(外文):Muljadi, Michael
論文名稱(外文):Engineering development study of self-collecting early, quick, alternative point-of-care bacteria screening tools for potential use in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
指導教授(外文):Cheng, Chao-Min
Shen, Ching-Ju
口試委員(外文):Huang, Jen-Huang
Yang, Chung-Yao
Lu, Tsai-Te
Huang, Chieh-Cheng
外文關鍵詞:DiagnosticsBacteria detectionChlamydiaVaginal swab
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由細菌引起的病原體感染一直是科學和醫學領域的一個難題。特別是在臨床實踐中,細菌感染給疾病的治療和預防帶來了諸多問題。這些包括水和食物中毒、尿道感染 (UTI) 中的大腸桿菌 (E. coli)以及產科和性傳播感染中的沙眼衣原體 (C. Trachomatis)。這些病症的正確診斷和治療需要臨床醫生進行適當評估,並藉助使用經過適當驗證的技術、設備以及訓練有素的操作人員進行科學分析。例如,為了幫助診斷細菌感染,標準程序包括細菌培養和使用傳統培養皿方法分離目標細菌,例如針對目標細菌 DNA 的聚合酶鏈反應 (PCR)。然而,儘管這些技術具有高度準確的趨勢,但它們通常需要大量的資源和時間。一些疾病如嚴重的尿路感染,需要及時診斷和正確治療,往往依賴於醫生的早期觀察和判斷。其他如沙眼衣原體引起的感染通常沒有症狀,但可能導致不孕等長期並發症,需要進行常規篩查和檢測,而這些篩查和檢測往往難以執行且成本高昂。臨床診斷的新興研究有可能通過提供早期、快速、替代的方法來篩查、診斷和治療患者的多種疾病,從而改變醫學格局。目前此研究提出了一項廣泛的工程概念開發,即以比色試紙形式進行的即時診斷設備,做為細菌的早期篩選替代工具。目前的研究還提出了另一項關於自我收集方法的試點可行性研究,用於常規篩查細菌性傳播感染,特別是沙眼衣原體。
Pathogenic infections due to bacteria has been a consistent problem in the field of science and medicine. In clinical practice in particular, bacterial infections have caused a number of problems in disease treatment and prevention. These include Escherichia coli (E. coli) in water and food poisoning and Urinary Tract Infections (UTI), and Chlamydia Trachomatis (C. Trachomatis) in obstetrics and sexually transmitted infections. Proper diagnosis and treatment of these conditions require proper assessment by clinicians, aided by scientific analyses using properly validated techniques, equipment, as well as highly trained personnel in its operation. To aid in the diagnosis of bacterial infections for example, gold standard techniques include bacteria culture and isolation of target bacteria using traditional plate culture methods among others such as Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for target bacterial DNA. However, although these techniques have the tendency to be highly accurate, they often require significant amounts of resources and time. Some conditions such as severe UTI, which require timely diagnosis and proper treatment, often rely on physician’s early observations and judgment. Others such as an infection due to C. Trachomatis, which are often asymptomatic and can lead to long-term complications such as infertility, require routine screening and testing that are often difficult and costly to execute. Emerging research in point-of-care diagnostics has the potential to change the landscape of medicine by providing early, quick, alternative ways to screen, diagnose, and treat patients for a multitude of conditions. The current study proposes one broad engineering concept development study of a point-of-care diagnostic device in the form of colorimetric paper strips for early, alternative screening of bacteria. The current study also proposes another pilot feasibility study of self-collection methodology for the routine screening of bacterial sexually transmitted infections, in particular of Chlamydia Trachomatis.
Abstract (English):4
Abstract (Mandarin Chinese):5
Chapter 1 – Point-of-care Diagnostic Tools in Obstetrics and Gynaecology: Bacterial infections, engineering development, and project overview:6
Section 1 – Bacteria in Obstetrics and Gynaecology:6
Section 2 – Point-of-Care Diagnostic Tools:8
Chapter 2 – A Simple Colorimetric Point-of-Care Device for Early, Alternative Screening of Bacteria (Escherichia Coli):10
Section 1 – Background:10
Section 1.1 – Urinary Tract Infections:10
Section 1.2 – Biochemical Compounds:15
Section 1.3 – Potential Application of MTT in Bacteria Detection:19
Section 1.4 – Objective and Rationale:20
Section 2 – Methodology:26
Section 2.1 – Preparation of Samples and Reagents:26
Section 2.2 – Test Strips:29
Section 2.3 – Measurements and Data Processing:31
Section 2.4 – Procedure:37
Section 2.5 – Tested Parameters:39
Section 3 – Results:41
Section 3.1 – MTT-PMS ratio of 5:1:41
Section 3.2 – MTT-PMS ratio of 2:1:58
Section 3.3 – Further analyses:75
Section 4 – Discussion:82
Section 4.1 – Colorimetric Incubation Period and Limit of Detection:82
Section 4.2 – Error Margin Analyses:89
Section 4.3 – Implications and Potential:94
Chapter 3 – An NAAT based Self-Collected Vaginal Swab Device for the Screening of Chlamydia Trachomatis in Women:96
Section 1 – Background:96
Section 1.1 – Chlamydia Trachomatis in Women:96
Section 1.2 – Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Prevention and Treatment of STIs:99
Section 1.3 – Chlamydia Trachomatis Serology, Screening, and Infertility:106
Section 1.4 – Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests (NAATs) and Chlamydia:107
Section 1.5 – Self-collected vaginal swabs:112
Section 1.6 – Objective and Rationale:117
Section 2 – Methodology:120
Section 2.1 – Study Participants:120
Section 2.2 – Questionnaire:122
Section 2.3 – Preparation of Samples and Reagents:123
Section 2.4 – Procedure:125
Section 2.5 – Measurement and Data Processing:128
Section 3 – Results:130
Section 3.1 – Demographics:130
Section 3.2 – Univariate Frequencies:138
Section 3.3 – Multivariate Frequencies and Cross-tabulations:140
Section 4 – Discussion:151
Section 4.1 – Demographics, Frequencies, Analyses:151
Section 4.2 – Implications and Potential:156
Section 4.3 – Limitations and Future Directions:159
Chapter 4 – Concluding Remarks: Utility, Project Contributions, and Future Directions:161
Section 1 – Overall Summary and Contributions:161
Section 1.1 – Overall Project Summary:161
Section 1.2 – Project Contributions:163
Section 2 – Future Directions:165
Section 2.1 – MTT-PMS Strips:165
Section 2.2 – Self-collected Vaginal Swab Device:172
Section 2.3 – MTT-PMS Strips and C. trachomatis – an Unlikely Marriage:175
Section 3 – Concluding Remarks:177
Appendix 1 – Questionnaire:186

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