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作者(外文):Peng, Chun-Chin.
論文名稱(外文):A Case Study of high-Achieving Students’Cognitive Processes of Conjecturing Teaching in Cramming School
指導教授(外文):Lin, Pi-Jen
口試委員(外文):Tsai, Wen-Huan
Lin, Yung-Chi
外文關鍵詞:Conjecture-oriented teachingconjecture cognition elementmathematical conjecture
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  • 點閱點閱:40
  • 評分評分:*****
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Conjecture-oriented teaching can construct students' cognitive performance in conjecture when facing high-level mathematics. This study adopted the case study method and chose three gifted students, who were sixth-graders at Hsinchu Experimental Elementary School and had been identified as exceptionally gifted children, as the study subjects. The three were comprehensively compared with each other to see their commonality and difference, as well as the display of cognition and experience before, during and after the conjecture-oriented teaching.
The study results showed that under the specialized cognitive elements, simplifying the complexity of problems can inspire solvers' familiarity with problems. However, further observation and identifying quantitative relations and the connection with the math knowledge learned are required for further exploration. Adopting elements of systemized cognition for the exploration of problems has positive benefits in students' cognition of problem-solving. With respect to the analogy dimension, it is found that students' analogy and specialized and systemized can become a linked relation, that is, the examples of specialized and systemized can integrate related mathematical knowledge similar in concepts and structures. In the post-teaching justifying the conjecture phase, students are conscious of preliminary conjectures and will want to proactively justify more generalized possibilities or uncertainties, trying to convince themselves to confidently believe in the correctness of conjectures. Sixth-graders may not adopt mathematical dedction, but it proves that generalized concepts can be learned, and it can be helpful to the proof of future mathematical learning. In a conjecture-oriented way of thinking, students can show more completeness of their analysis of problems and exploration of information, further improving the cognitive possibilities of generalized proof.
Therefore, this study believes that, conjecture-oriented teaching can help gifted students in their senior year in terms of their conjecture learning of mathematics. Students can demonstrate their problem-solving thinking process when facing high-level math problems, and the way of thinking can impact how they learn mathematics.
壹、緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與待答問題 3
第三節 名詞釋義 3
第四節 研究範圍與限制 3
貳、文獻探討 4
第一節 數學臆測認知歷程 4
第二節 數學臆測教學模式實徵性研究 13
第三節 臆測模式取向 15
第四節 補習班的數學學習與教學相關研究 18
參、研究方法 20
第一節 個案研究法 20
第二節 研究對象與場域 20
第三節 研究架構 21
第四節 研究流程 23
第五節 研究設計 25
第六節 資料來源與分析 40
肆、研究結果 44
第一節 三位個案認知元素的綜合性比較 44
第二節 探索階段、形成猜想階段 46
第三節 驗證猜想階段 78
第四節 證明猜想階段 88
伍、結論與建議 98
第一節 研究結果與討論 98
第二節 未來研究的教學和建議 101
參考文獻 102
第一節 中文文獻 102
第二節 英文文獻 103
附錄 106
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