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作者(外文):Lee, Chia-ying.
論文名稱(外文):A Collocational Analysis of ji3 Construction in Mandarin Chinese
指導教授(外文):Yeh, Jui-chuan
口試委員(外文):Huang, Han-chun
Hsu, Ting-ting
外文關鍵詞:Mandarin Chineseji3 'squeeze'verb-object Constructionverb-directional complement-object Constructioncollostructional analysis
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本篇主要採用構式搭配分析法(Collostructional analysis)來探索「擠」的動賓構式和動趨賓構式中與名詞詞組的搭配關係,藉此檢視結構對賓語的偏好,並透過前人(cf. 周書平,2014)模擬之動詞「擠」的概念圖來歸整動賓構式及動趨賓構式賓語類型之偏好和分佈;「擠」的概念基模擬訂三個階段:第一階段為致使移動義(進)、第二階段為動詞佔有物的狀態(在)、第三階段為動作移除(出)。本文理論架構採用Fillmore(1982)框架語意將動詞「擠」的特徵列出幾項:「動作對象」、「受事特徵」、「動作之方法」、「動作致使移動」、「動作之結果狀態」;利用Talmy(2000)事件框架和注意力視窗來觀察結構和語篇的視角關係;另外,採用Lakoff and Johnson(2003)概念譬喻來解釋賓語形態多樣性的成因。


This thesis adopts the collostructional analysis to explore the collostructional patterns of the verb ji3 in the verb-object construction and in the verb-directional complement-object construction in Mandarin Chinese. The focus is on the interaction of lexemes and the grammatical structures associated with them. Based on the previous semantic conceptual analysis of ji3 suggested by Chou (2014), a three-stage model is proposed, including caused to move (into), caused to be, and caused to remove (out). According to Fillmore’s (1982) frame semantics, such frame elements as agent, entity (target of the action), manner, place, and result are examined to see how the verb ji3 is used in actual corpus texts. The windowing of attention in motion event-frames proposed by Talmy (2000) is used to see how one distributes one’s attention over the structured event from the selected perspective point. Lakoff and Johnson’s (2003) theory of metaphors is adopted to explain the diversity of the object NPs in the given constructions.

The object NPs are classified into sixteen categories, including (1) food, (2) daily supplies, (3) body parts, (4) foreign objects, (5) excrement, (6) time, (7) money, (8) expression, (9) other 1 (abstract), (10) other 2 (metaphor), (11) transportation, (12) target 1 (space), (13) target 2 (object), (14) target 3 (plane), (15) target 4 (power), and (16) target 5 (honor). To highlight the direction of motion, 7 directional complements are selected from the corpus, including chu1 ‘exit’, jin4 ‘enter’, shang4 ‘ascend’, ru4 ‘enter’, guo4 ‘pass’, xia4 ‘descend’, and hui2 ‘return’.

The results show that the preferred object category in the verb-object construction is (1) food, and that in the verb-directional complement-object construction may vary depending on the complement, viz., (2) expression (chu1), (13) target 2 (object) (jin4), (11) transportation (shang4), (13) target 2 (object) (ru4), (13) target 2 (object) (guo4), (15) target 4 (power) (xia4), and (13) target 2 (object) (hui2). When collocating with an abstract object noun, the ‘caused to be’ and ‘caused to remove (out)’ readings predominate in the verb-object construction, whereas the ‘caused to move (into) and ‘caused to remove (out)’ readings outnumber the ‘caused to be’ interpretation in the verb-directional complement-object construction. Both constructions show that the perspective relationship relies on the interaction between the figure and the ground in the constructions/contexts. The direction of the action is, therefore, not fully specified in the two constructions; however, the occurrence of a directional complement may help profile the directionality. In addition, the diversity of the object NPs is a reflection of the principle of economy. Basically, the semantic extension of the object NP has a lot to do with the container metaphor, i.e., the figure is the containee and the ground, the container. This is a clear case showing that metaphors have roots in our bodily experiences, a fact that may help foreign language learners to better understand cross-linguistic cultures.
第一章 前言
1.1 研究背景與動機...........................................1
1.2 研究議題.................................................6
1.3 研究目標及目的...........................................8
1.4 研究架構與概念組織.......................................9
第二章 文獻回顧
2.1 漢語多面向動詞「擠」的語意研究..........................10
2.2 漢語致使移動到空間組合之研究............................16
2.3 小結....................................................24
第三章 理論架構
3.1 FILLMORE的框架語意......................................25
3.2 TALMY的事件框架與注意力視窗.............................28
3.3 LAKOFF AND JOHNSON的概念譬喻............................32
3.4 小結....................................................33
第四章 語料來源及研究方法
4.1 語料來源及分類..........................................34
4.2 研究方法................................................37
第五章 研究發現與分析
5.1 動詞「擠」的語意特徵及其動作對象........................39
5.2 動詞「擠」之動賓結構與賓語類型的搭配組合................69
5.3 動詞「擠」之動趨賓結構與賓語類型的搭配組合..............71
5.4 動詞「擠」之動賓結構與動趨賓結構之賓語類型之比較........80
5.5 動詞「擠」之動(趨)賓結構中賓語的延伸語意..............82
5.6 動詞「擠」之動(趨)賓結構中賓語的語意分布..............90
5.7 小結....................................................92
第六章 結論與討論
6.1 文本主要發現............................................93
6.2 研究限制................................................95
6.3 未來研究方向............................................96
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