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作者(外文):Tsai, Meng-Yun
論文名稱(中文):公共自行車的願付價格分析 —以新竹市YouBike為例
論文名稱(外文):The Analysis of Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for the Public Bicycle: A Case Study of YouBike in Hsinchu City
指導教授(外文):Chiueh, Ya-Wen
口試委員(外文):Chao, Chih-Liang
Chou, Pai-Lung
外文關鍵詞:Public bicycle systemContingent Valuation MethodPayment CardUser preferences
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以問卷建立多個假設市場,假如推出前三十分鐘的優惠方案、硬體設施改善與轉乘優惠的施行、保險金自付、機車停車格收費,讓受訪者推估其心目中願意支付的最高金額。經由條件評估法應用之分析結果,受訪者對於單次使用以不超過24小時的最高願付金額為32.6元。另外,從旅次調查中發現,平均每次使用時間為23.32分鐘,顯示YouBike屬於短程交通工具。設施改善方面,「市區全面設置自行車車道」的願付金額最高,單次願付金額為30.28元。轉乘措施中,「停汽車轉乘優惠」的參與度最高占74.5%,單次願付金額為9.97元。保險金自付方面,第三人責任險(上限200萬),單次願付金額為2.9元;個人傷害險(上限100萬),單次願付金額為3.22元;個人傷害險(上限500萬) ,單次願付金額為3.55元。機車停車格收費時,願意改使用YouBike的受訪者占72.7%,單次願付金額為7.57元。
In recent years, environmentalism has been valued increasingly all over the world, and the public bicycle system (PBS) are booming worldwide. Hsinchu Government has been promoting YouBike as a kind of substitute vehicle for short distance since 2016. It’s expected to change the public’s habit of using private vehicle. It can reduce the emission of PM2.5 caused by vehicles and alleviate traffic congestion. Rental Charge will influence consumers’ willingness to use the PBS. Thus, this study use the contingent valuation method (CVM) of the payment card method to assess the residents’ willingness to pay (WTP) of Hsinchu PBS. This study is to assess the residents’ willingness to pay (WTP) of Hsinchu PBS with the contingent valuation method (CVM) of the payment card method.
The various hypothetical markets were made through questionnaire to estimate respondents’ willingness to pay (WTP), such as the preferential price for the first 30 minutes, facilities improvement, transfer discount policy, insurance expense, and motorcycle parking charge. From the analysis result by CVM, respondents’ WTP for the PBS fee is NTD 32.6 per time (less than 24 hours). In the travel characteristics survey, the PBS users’ average time is 23.32 minutes per time indicating that YouBike is short-way transportation. In terms of facilities improvement, WTP of building bicycle lanes in Hsinchu City is the highest price which is NTD 30.28 per time. Among the transfer discount policy, the participation rate of car drivers is the most which is about 74.5% and the WTP is NTD 9.97 per time. In the insurance expense, WTP of third party liability insurance (coverage limit: NTD 2 million) is NTD 2.9 per time. WTP of personal injury insurance (coverage limit: NTD 1 million) is NTD 3.22 per time, and the coverage limit for NTD 5 million is NTD 3.55. When charging for a scooter space, 72.7% respondents will switch to YouBike as a vehicle, and the WTP is NTD 7.57 per time.
In accordance with the empirical result, the needs of increasing PBS rental stations for users is large in the situation of transfer discount policy and the motorcycle parking charge plan. Frequency, lease time and personal monthly expense show a positive correlation with WTP of transfer discount policy and the administration of improving facilities. Personal monthly expense is also a significant variable of insurance expense. The plan of preferential price for the first 30 minute is truly enhancing PBS usage. The study shows that to satisfy PBS users’ accessibility and provide a friendly cyclists’ environment in Hsinchu City, expanding the amount of related facilities is essential, such as rental stations and bicycle lanes.
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究背景與動機--------------------1
1.2 研究目的-------------------------3
1.3 範圍與對象-----------------------3
1.4 研究流程-------------------------4
第二章 文獻回顧
2.1.1 公共自行車的誘因----------------5
2.1.3 國外公共自行車-----------------10
2.1.4 國內公共自行車-----------------11
2.1.5 新竹市公共自行車---------------12
2.2 使用者行為特性-------------------15
2.4 小結----------------------------21
第三章 研究方法
3.1 理論模型與實證-------------------23
3.1.1 建立假設性市場-----------------23
3.1.2 理論模型建立-------------------23
3.2 實證模型與變數設定---------------25
3.3 問卷設計------------------------29
3.3.1 問卷結構設計-------------------29
3.3.2 問卷調查對象及方式-------------36
第四章 實證研究
4.1 敘述性統計----------------------37
4.2 實證結果分析--------------------53
4.3 小結---------------------------67
第五章 結論與建議
5.1 結論---------------------------70
5.2 建議---------------------------71

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