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作者(外文):Chou, Chun-Ying
論文名稱(外文):What is the Price of Life?An Empirical Study on Judgments of the Amount of Consolation Payment about the Right of Life
指導教授(外文):Wu, Shih-Ying
外文關鍵詞:right to lifeconsolation paymentillegal infringement
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Infringement of the right to life, the injurer shall be liable for damages, including medical expenses and expenses for increasing living expenses, funeral expenses, child care of the victim's parents and spouses, and condolence payments. Among them, there is no objective price for comforting money, and the actual connotation is not clear. Therefore, the factors affecting the amount of comfort money judgments are analyzed.
This article uses the letter from the Court of the Court on May 23, 2006, No. 1060014115, to report the original statistics of the consolation of the Legislative Yuan's "Analysis of the amount of damages for non-property damages in Article 194 of the Civil Code." The amount of the judgment money is the explanatory variable, the relative relationship between the victim and the requester, whether the requester lives with the victim, the intention or negligence of the injuring act, the economic status of the person concerned, the number of persons claiming the case, the jurisdiction of the court, and the type of the case. In order to explain the variables, empirical analysis is used to examine the factors that really affect the amount of the judgment money. The empirical results show that the kinship relationship between the requester and the victim, the number of claims in the same case, the jurisdiction of the court, the claimant’s absence from the victim, the intentional or negligent act of the injuring act, and the property of the perpetrator have statistically significant impact on the amount of the consolation judgment; As for the claimant’s possession of property or living with the victim, there is no statistically significant evidence showing that it is related to the amount of the consolation penalty.
Statistical analysis has both practical judgments and the establishment of a platform for quantitative prediction of comfort funds through empirical results. There is no technical difficulty. Although some theorists are worried about predicting quantitative comfort, it will mislead the "personal legal interest and money equivalent", but this paper believes that: comfort money has no objective price, the actual judgment must quantify it to a certain amount, through objective statistical evidence The establishment of a forecasting system can reduce the amount of judgment and increase people's trust in the judiciary. In addition, the comfort of forecasting information disclosure can reduce information asymmetry, assist parties to mediate and settle decision-making, and should help to resolve the source of court litigation. For the public, the comfort and discretion of legal regulations and practical operations is complicated and difficult to understand. It is often only possible to pay for the appointment of a law firm to assist in the processing. No matter whether time or money is spent, if the energy is predicted to be comforting, it will reduce the economic burden.
論文摘要 I
誌謝 ..............................................................IV
目錄 V
表目錄 VI
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機..............................................1
第二節 慰撫金的功能..........................................4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
第三章 資料說明與實證分析... 9
第一節 資料來源與變數描述....................................9
第二節 敘述統計 13
第三節 實證模型與結果.......................................20
第四章 實證發現與討論 24
第一節 親屬關係是慰撫金判決金額的預測變數 24
第二節 慰撫金判決金額隨同案請求權人數增加而減少 25
第三節 慰撫金判決因法院轄區而有不同 26
第四節 請求人未與被害人同住可能影響慰撫金判決金額...........28
第五節 案件類型與慰撫金判決金額.............................29
第六節 加害人有財產影響慰撫金判決金額.......................31
第七節 其他.................................................32
第五章 結論與建議 33

表 1.案件案號字號別及案件種類對照表.................................11
表 2.變數說明與敘述統計............................................15
表 3.案件類型A表..................................................18
表 4.案件類型B表..................................................19
表 5.模型1.2.3.4迴歸結果..........................................21
表 6.平均每人月消費支出─按區域別分................................27
附表 2.法院酌定影響慰撫金判決金額平均值因子分析一覽表..............38

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