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作者(外文):Kuo, Ming-Hung
論文名稱(外文):Using Plickers as Formative Assessment to Enhance Fifth-Grade Students’ English Learning Attitude and Learning Achievement in English Grammar
指導教授(外文):Luo, Wen-Hsing
口試委員(外文):Yu, Li-Tang
Chiu, Fu-Yuan
外文關鍵詞:Computer-assisted language learningInteractive Response SystemPlickers
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即時回饋系統,讓老師更能專注在學生的學習進程上,能夠即時知道學生的迷失概念,並在學生不懂時,能即時改變教學策略,提供學生學習的鷹架。學生透過即時反饋系統Plickers,回答老師設計的題目,能夠即時發現自己的錯誤,進而訂正錯誤,以鞏固知識的學習。本研究採實驗研究法,研究對象為國小五年級學生共 52 人為樣本,實驗組接受即時反饋系統Plickers輔助,進行課堂形成性評量,人數為26人; 控制組則接受傳統紙筆小考來進行形成性評量,人數為26人。本實驗為期十週。實驗後針對英語學習態度量表、即時反饋系統Plickers輔助英語教學之問卷,及英語文法前測、 後測與延宕後測資料以 SPSS Statistics 統計軟體進行資料處理與分析,結果如下:

一、 應用即時反饋系統Plickers輔助進行課堂形成性評量,對實驗組學生的整體英語學習態度
二、 接受即時反饋系統Plickers,輔助進行課堂形成性評量的實驗組學生,
三、 實驗組學生對Plickers應用於英語教學上持正向想法,並認為Plickers比一般紙筆隨堂測驗
The Interactive Response System allows teachers to pay more attention to each student's learning progress and promptly adjust teaching strategies. By holding their QR code cards to show their answers for the teacher to scan with a smartphone, students can immediately obtain the results and feedback from Plickers, allowing them to know their mistakes, modify their answers, and finally acquire the knowledge. A quasi-experimental approach was adopted in this study. Twenty-six fifth grade students were in the experimental group and another 26 fifth grade students were assigned to the control group. The experiment lasted ten weeks. An attitude questionnaire was given to investigate the students’ English learning attitude after the instructions were provided. A perception questionnaire was given to gather more details on students’ thoughts on Plickers. The pretest, posttest, and delayed posttest in this study were designed by the researcher, who incorporated the opinions and suggestions of experts into the questionnaires. The students’ responses were analyzed statistically with SPSS. The results revealed that the students in the experimental group (1) had positive attitudes toward English learning, (2) had better grammar learning retention, and (3) had positive opinions regarding the implementation of Plickers and found it more interesting and helpful than paper and pencil quizzes.
LIST OF TABLES.....................................................................................vi
LIST OF FIGURES...................................................................................vii
CHAPTER ONE........................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the study....................................................................1
1.2 Significance of the study...................................................................6
1.3 Research questions...........................................................................7
CHAPTER TWO.......................................................................................8
LITERATURE REVIEW..............................................................................8
2.1 Learning attitude and learning achievement.....................................8
2.1.1 Attitude...........................................................................................9
2.1.2 Attitude in English language learning ........................................10
2.1.3 Learning attitude and learning achievement in English.................11
2.2 Technology use in language instruction..........................................12
2.2.1 Computer-assisted language learning (CALL)..............................12
2.2.2 Students’ English learning attitude toward technology use.........14
2.3 An interactive response system (Plickers)......................................15
2.3.1 What is Plickers?...........................................................................15
2.3.2 The manual of Plickers...................................................................18
2.4 Formative assessment......................................................................23
2.4.1 Technology-enhanced formative assessment................................24
CHAPTER THREE.....................................................................................28
3.1 The research variables.....................................................................28
3.2 The participants...............................................................................30
3.3 The instruments...............................................................................30
3.4 The procedure.................................................................................35
3.5 Data analysis.....................................................................................37
CHAPTER FOUR.......................................................................................38
DATA ANALYSIS........................................................................................38
4.1 Analysis of English learning attitude..................................................38
4.2 Analysis of learning achievement in English grammar.......................43
4.3 Analysis of students’ perceptions regarding the use of Plickers.......46
CHAPTER FIVE.........................................................................................50
DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS......................................................................50
5.1 Students had a positive learning attitude toward English learning.....50
5.2 Students in the experimental group showed better grammar learning
5.3 Students in the experimental group had positive perceptions
regarding the use of Plickers in English classses.....................................53
CHAPTER SIX ......................................................................................54
SUGGESTION AND CONCLUSION..........................................................54
6.1 Suggestions.......................................................................................54
6.2 Conclusion.........................................................................................55
APPENDIX C: PRE-TEST...........................................................................69
APPENDIX D: POST-TEST.........................................................................70
APPENDIX E: DELAYED POST-TEST.........................................................71
APPENDIX G: THE SYLLABUS..................................................................73
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