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作者(外文):Hsu, Hsiu-Li
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Meta-Analysis of the Psychological Capital
指導教授(外文):Chen, Yin-Che
口試委員(外文):Chu, Hui-Chiung
Chang, Chia-Wen
外文關鍵詞:psychological capitalpositive feelingsnegative feelingsorganizational levelComprehensive Meta-Analysis
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心理資本(Psychological Capital)從2004年被Professor, Fred Luthans提出至今已發展近16年,這16年來許多學者相繼地提出研究,以實證其對於員工與組織發展的重要影響。時至今日,心理資本儼然是一個成熟的理論,其具有的核心構念,如:自我效能、希望、樂觀與韌性以及重要特質,如:獨特性、可測量性、可發展性已是企業永續發展中最欠缺、但卻是最有價值、最無法替代和複製的核心資源。從蒐集所得的相關心理資本文獻探討中可發現員工心理層面的感受分別有正面感受、負面感受,以及組織層面是值得進行與心理資本之間的關聯做全面性探究,鑒於台灣目前尚未有針對心理資本與正面感受、負面感受、組織層面的相互影響性予以統整地分析,因而,促使研究者以統合分析之研究方法來一探近年來相關的研究。
本研究旨在統合2009年至2018年間之39篇心理資本期刊及論文等相關文獻及研究數據,並採用Rosenthal(1991)統合分析方法驗證下列研究假設:一、探討心理資本與正面感受之關聯。二、探討心理資本與負面感受之關聯。三、探討心理資本與組織層面的之關聯。研究結果顯示:異質性檢定呈現顯著條件下,「正面感受」效果值為0.266、「負面感受」效果值為0.06及「組織層面」效果值為0.352,以Dr. Sheldon Cohen的效果值標準「正面感受」及「組織層面」皆屬於中度效果量,而「負面感受」屬於小效果量,因此,得知心理資本對於「正面感受」、「組織層面」均具有正向的影響,而對於「負面感受」並無顯著影響。

The Psychological Capital has been developed byDr. Fred Luthans since 2004 and has been developing for nearly 16 years. Within these 16 years, many researchers have successively proposed researches to prove its significant influences on the development of employees and organizations. Today, the Psychological Capital is already a mature theory, and its core constructs, such as: self-efficacy, hope, optimism and resilience, or its special features, such as: uniqueness, measurability, and developability have become the most valuable, irreplaceable core resources for an organization, but unfortunately, they are also the ones that an organization is deficient commonly. Based on the researches of Psychological Capital that for all employees, there are two types of psychological feelings, positive felling and negative felling. Furthermore, they are all related with the levels of organization tightly. It is worth conducting an overall study to get the fully understanding about the relationshipsand interactions among Psychological Capital, employees’ feelings and organization levels. Due to in Taiwan, there is still not a consolidated analysis about this target yet, thus prompting researchers to explore and study the relevant research in recent years with the method of integrated analysis.
The purpose of this research is to integrate 39 Psychological Capital journals and papers and other relevant literature and research data from 2009 to 2018, and use Rosenthal’s (1991) meta-analysis method to verify the following research hypotheses: First, to explore the relationships between Psychological Capital and positive feelings. Second. to explore the relationships between Psychological Capital and negative feelings. Third, to explore the relationships between Psychological Capital and organizational level. The results of the study showed that under the significant condition of heterogeneity test, the effect size of "positive feeling" was 0.266, the effect size of "negative feeling" was 0.06 and the effect size of "organization level" was 0.352. According to the standard of Dr. Sheldon Cohen's effect size, "positive feeling" and "Organization level" belong to moderate effect size, and "negative feeling" belongs to small effect size. Therefore, obtaining the conclusion is: Psychological Capital has a positive influence on both "positive feeling" and "organization level", and no significant impact on "negative feeling".
According to the results of this study, followsare some suggestions which need to be faced: If the organization wants to strengthen the positive feelings of employees, the Psychological Capitalmust be developed and promoted solidly to come out the long term positive development situation to the organization (for example: to reduce the turnover rate of manpower, to keep the excellent ones, to achieve the goal of key performance, to create the higher performance, to enhance the creativity, etc.). Furthermore, regarding the organizational level, can be fulfilled by enhancing the leaders’ Psychological Capital for generating a positive leadership of manageable model to build up the good relationship between the team leader and the subordinates, accordingly, to increase subordinates’ trust and identification to their managers. And then, no doubt, based on the same business concept of a whole team is able to create anenvironment of sustainable development for the organization.

Keywords: psychological capital, positive feelings, negative feelings, organizational level, Comprehensive Meta-Analysis
第一章 緒論.............................1
第一節 研究背景及動機.....................1
第二節 研究目的..........................3
第三節 名詞解釋..........................3
第四節 研究限制與範圍.....................6
第二章 文獻探討..........................7
第一節 心理資本的發展歷程..................7
第二節 心理資本的定義.....................12
第三節 心理資本與正面感受的關聯.............23
第四節 心理資本與負面感受的關聯.............30
第五節 心理資本與組織層面的關聯.............35
第六節 統合分析法(CMA)....................49
第三章 研究方法...........................55
第一節 文獻範圍...........................55
第二節 研究實施程序及架構...................56
第三節 資料分析...........................58
第四章 資料分析與結果......................59
第一節 心理資本與正面感受之統合分析...........59
第二節 心理資本與負面感受之統合分析...........62
第三節 心理資本與組織層面之統合分析...........64
第四節 結論...............................67
第五章 討論與建議..........................69
第一節 研究假設結果討論.....................69
第二節 研究建議............................71

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