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作者(外文):Chen, Sz-Chi.
論文名稱(中文):舊愛依然最美? 分手後關係信念與心理幸福感之相關研究─ 以分手後正負向情感與成人依附風格為中介變項
論文名稱(外文):Breaking up Romantic Relationships─ the Relationships Between Relationship Beliefs and Well-Being: using Positive and Negative Affect and Adult Attachment Style as Mediators
指導教授(外文):Wang, Chen-Shih
外文關鍵詞:relationship beliefs after breaking uppositive and negative affect after breaking upadult attachment stylepsychological well-being
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1. 研究對象在分手後關係信念的分量表間有顯著差異,負面評價高於正面懷念。
2. 研究對象於分手後正負向情感的分量表間有顯著差異,正向情感高於負向情感。
3. 不同性別、分手距今時長、分手方式、是否有新戀情等背景變項在分手後關係信念與分手後正負向情感上有顯著差異。
4. 個人分手後關係信念、分手後正負向情感、成人依附風格、心理幸福感之間有顯著相關。
5. 成人依附風格與分手後正負向情感在分手後關係信念對心理幸福感的影響中,具有中介效果。
The purposes of this research were to explore the relationship among personal relationship beliefs after breaking up, positive/negative affect after breaking up, adult attachment styles, and psychological well-being, and moreover to investigate, the mediating role of positive/negative affect and adult attachment style between personal relationship beliefs and psychological well-being after breaking up.
In this study, 494 valid samples were recruited and filled out the questionnaires. The major results were as following:
1. There was a significant difference between the subscales of personal beliefs after breaking up: negative evaluations were higher than positive misses.
2. There was a significant difference in the subscales of positive/ negative affect after a breakup: positive affect was higher than negative affect.
3. Demograpgic variables such as gender, the time since the breakup, the way of breaking up, whether or not there is a new relationship etc., had significant differences on the personal relationship beliefs and on the positive/negative affect after the breakup.
4. There presented significant correlations among personal relationship beliefs after breaking up, positive/negative affect after breaking up, adult attachment style and psychological well-being.
5. Positive/ negative affect and adult attachment style had a notably mediating effect between the personal relationship beliefs and the psychological well-being after a breakup.
According to the results, suggestions were offered to the practitioners of counseling and future studies.
第一章 緒論....................................1
第一節 研究動機................................1
第二節 研究目的................................3
第三節 研究問題................................4
第四節 名詞解釋................................5
第二章 文獻探討................................7
第一節 分手後關係信念之意涵與相關研究................................7
第二節 分手後正負向情感之意涵與相關研究..............................14
第三節 成人依附風格之意涵與相關研究................................18
第四節 心理幸福感之意涵與相關研究................................23
第五節 分手後關係信念、正負向情感與成人依附風格、心理幸福感之相關研究...26
第三章 研究方法................................31
第一節 研究假設................................31
第二節 研究對象................................34
第三節 研究工具................................36
第四節 資料分析................................53
第四章 研究結果與討論................................54
第一節 個人分手後關係信念與正負向情感之現況.........................54
第二節 不同背景變項的個人在分手後關係信念與正負向情感的差異分析.......60
第三節 個人分手後的關係信念、正負向情感與成人依附風格、心理幸福感之關聯
第四節 成人依附風格、分手後正負向情感對分手後關係信念與心理幸福感之關係
第五章 結論與建議................................87
第一節 研究結論................................87
第二節 建議................................91
附錄一 成人依附風格量表授權同意函................................103
附錄二 心理幸福感量表授權同意函................................104

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