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論文名稱(外文):The moderated role of resilience between strain and illicit drug use in a population of adolescents
指導教授(外文):Lee, Kunhua.
口試委員(外文):Lin, Min-Pei.
Chen, Cheng-Te.
外文關鍵詞:illegal drug useadolescentsresilienceself-awareness
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大多數人第一次接觸非法藥物在青少年時期,此時期尚未成癮,若能及早終止用藥行為,以及降低非法藥物對青少年的傷害,此時期是關鍵。並非所有的青少年皆持續使用非法藥物,有些人零星的使用藥物,有些人則不再使用(吳齊殷,2010),本文欲找出減少使用藥物的保護因素以及作用機制。Nikmanesh & Honakzehi(2016)調查使用非法藥物之青少年與非使用藥物之青少年,兩者在感受社會支持、正向的情緒、靈性三方面上有最大的差異性,因此本文擬以此為變項,了解復原力對於藥物使用的減緩效果。
Most individuals encounter illegal drugs for the first time during their adolescence, a period when addiction has not yet developed. If drug use can be terminated early and the harm of illegal drugs on teenagers can be reduced promptly, this period becomes critical. Not all teenagers continue to use illegal drugs; some use drugs sporadically, while others discontinue use (Wu Chi-Yin, 2010). This study aims to identify protective factors and mechanisms that reduce drug use. Nikmanesh & Honakzehi (2016) investigated adolescents who use illegal drugs and those who do not. They found significant differences in social support, positive emotions, and spirituality between the two groups. Therefore, this study intends to use these variables to understand the mitigating effects of resilience on drug use.
This study recruited two groups of participants: 30 male adolescents who were illegal drug users and 40 male high school students who had never used illegal drugs. SPSS statistical software was used to examine the interactive relationship between resilience and drug use.
The results of the study showed a significant main effect of resilience on drug use, and a significant interaction between life stress and resilience. Regression analysis revealed that trust in one's own intuition, tension in family relationships, and the interaction effect of these two factors were the most significant predictors of illegal drug behavior, explaining a considerable portion of the variance. This indicates that resilience has a moderating effect and can protect teenagers from reducing illegal drug use.
In the context of tertiary prevention for high-risk students, improving self-efficacy in drug refusal is identified as a crucial factor in addressing drug use behavior. As part of secondary prevention, counseling professionals are advised to strengthen positive family relationships to enhance teenagers' self-efficacy in refusing drugs. Positive resilience factors can encourage adolescents to engage in various social activities and build more positive relationships, creating a continuous positive cycle that helps reduce drug use behavior.
第一章、緒論 10
第一節、研究動機 10
第二節、研究目的 11
第三節、名詞定義 12
第二章、文獻回顧: 14
第一節、青少年使用毒品的盛行率 14
第二節、使用非法藥物青少年的環境風險因子 15
第三節、生活緊張因素對青少年非法藥物使用之影響 16
第三節、青少年之復原力與非法藥物使用 19
第四節、生活緊張因素對復原力之影響 22
第五節、生活緊張因素與復原力對非法藥物使用之影響 22
第六節、研究假設 24
第三章、研究方法 25
第一節、研究設計 25
第二節、研究對象與研究程序 25
第三節、研究工具 26
第四章、研究結果 28
第一節、生活緊張因素、復原力、藥物使用描述統計值 28
第二節、用藥青少年與未用藥青少年差異分析 29
第三節、生活緊張、復原力、藥物使用迴歸分析 30
第四節、復原力羅吉斯迴歸分析 32
第五節、研究資料小結 32
第五章 研究結論與建議 33
第一節、研究結論 33
第二節、研究建議 35
附錄 37
參考文獻 38

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