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作者(外文):Chang, Hui-Ming
論文名稱(中文):臺日韓國中教師多元文化專業成長與教學實踐之比較:TALIS 2018 結果分析
論文名稱(外文):Comparison of Multicultural Education Profession Development and Practice by Middle School Teachers in Taiwan, Japan and South Korea: an Analysis of TALIS 2018
指導教授(外文):Hsieh, Chuan-Chung
口試委員(外文):Liu, Mei-Hui
Chen, Wen-Yan
Hung, Jui-Hsuan
Li, Hui-Chieh
外文關鍵詞:Multicultural EducationInternational MobilityTALISOECD
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全球化與少子化等社會現象,導致人口流動頻繁、引進大量外籍人力所導致的社會人口結構大改變,以致多元文化背景學生的快速增加,讓教師必須面對的多元文化教學現場越發有挑戰。本研究透過次級資料(secondary research)方式來分析,將TALIS 2018 臺日韓之(有效)問卷數據,研究來自臺灣202所中學的3835名,來自日本196所中學3555名,以及來自南韓177所中學的2931名教師(OECD,2018),並聚焦於臺日韓國中教師個人層面(性別、年資、教育程度、教師國際移動力)與學校層面(教學創新、以學生為中心之共識)等變項進行分析,用以剖析多元文化教學背後影響因素之關聯與差異。先以探索性因素分析(Exploratory factor analysis, EFA)確認指標之信效度後,再以百分比數值、透過平均數比較多元文化教學背景的現況,另以SPSS 進行單一樣本t 檢定與單因子變異數、迴歸分析。
根據研究結果,針對國中教師多元文化專業成長與教學實踐方面之政策制定、課程實施與教師專業發展等面向提出建議,並對後續研究提供方向。(一) 教師國際移動力與培訓增能以強化多元文化理解:1. 提供適切增能培訓與工作坊: 建立定期多元文化培訓計畫,包括教學技巧、觀察多元文化背景學習者方法等。2. 強化教師的國際移動力、增加國際交流的機會:提供經濟資助,鼓勵教師參與國際交流、國際研討會、研修,強化其國際視野與多元文化理解。3. 促進國際合作: 支持協助學校簽訂姊妹校,促進知識跨境分享。(二) 營造開放、包容並尊重多元文化的學習環境: 1. 多元文化教育課程設計: 設計全球議題的多元文化課程,培養學生對文化差異的理解和包容。2. 多元文化活動舉辦: 定期舉辦多元文化活動,如國際文化週、異國文化展覽,豐富學生對不同文化的認識。3. 促進跨文化交流: 鼓勵學校參與交流計畫,如交流參訪團,促進不同文化學生的友善互動。
In response to the societal shifts brought about by globalization and declining birth rates, this study investigates the challenges faced by junior high school teachers in multicultural teaching environments, considering factors such as gender, teaching experience, education level, and international mobility, along with school-level variables like teaching innovation and student-centered consensus. Utilizing TALIS 2018 questionnaire data from Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea, the study employs secondary research methods, including exploratory factor analysis and statistical analysis.
The findings reveal that Taiwanese junior high school teachers experience a heightened demand for multicultural teaching but lack confidence in the teaching environment. In particular, they score lower than the TALIS average in areas such as organizing multicultural activities and culturally responsive teaching. In contrast, Korean teachers exhibit greater awareness and flexibility in adjusting their teaching for students from multicultural backgrounds. Gender differences are noted, with male teachers outperforming female teachers in multicultural professional growth and practice. Furthermore, international mobility is identified as a positive influence on teachers' multicultural professional growth and practice, enhancing their expertise in multicultural teaching.
Based on these results, the study proposes recommendations for policy formulation, curriculum implementation, and teacher professional development to enhance multicultural professional growth and teaching practices for junior high school teachers. The suggested strategies include: (1) Enhancing Teacher International Mobility and Training for Multicultural Understanding:1.Provide Appropriate Training and Workshops: Establish regular multicultural training programs covering instructional techniques and methods for observing learners from diverse cultural backgrounds. 2. Strengthen Teacher International Mobility and Increase Opportunities for International Exchange: Offer financial support and encourage teachers to participate in international exchanges, conferences, and workshops to enrich their international perspective and multicultural understanding. 3. Promote International Collaboration: Support schools in establishing sister-school relationships to facilitate cross-border knowledge sharing. (2) Creating an Open, Inclusive, and Respectful Multicultural Learning Environment:1. Design Multicultural Education Curriculum: Develop a multicultural curriculum addressing global issues to foster students' understanding and acceptance of cultural differences. 2. Organize Multicultural Activities: Regularly host multicultural events like International Culture Week and exotic cultural exhibitions to enhance students' awareness of diverse cultures. 3. Promote Cross-Cultural Exchange: Encourage schools to participate in exchange programs, such as visitation tours, to facilitate friendly interactions among students from different cultural backgrounds.
誌謝詞 i
中文摘要 ii
目次 vi
表次 viii
圖次 x
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與待答問題 8
第三節 名詞釋義 9
第二章 文獻探討 13
第一節 多元文化教育的意義與內涵 13
第二節 臺灣多元文化教育脈絡的相關探討 23
第三節 日本多元文化教育脈絡的相關探討 28
第四節 韓國多元文化教育脈絡的相關探討 33
第五節 多元文化教育的相關研究 41
第三章 研究設計 53
第一節 研究架構 53
第二節 資料處理與統計分析 63
第三節 研究對象 67
第四節 研究工具 70
第五節 研究方法與步驟 72
第六節 研究限制 74
第四章 研究結果分析與討論 75
第一節 臺日韓教師多元文化教學相關背景之概述 75
第二節 臺灣教師在多元文化變項之影響因子 82
第三節 臺日韓全體教師在多元文化變項之影響因子 93
第五章 研究結論與建議 106
第一節 研究結論 106
第二節 研究建議 112
參 考 文 獻 118
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