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作者(外文):Lu, Teng-Hui
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Relevance of Toys and STEAM Education from Teachers’ Perspectives - An Example of "STEAM Toys 100" from CW Education Media and Publishing
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Fu-Yuan
口試委員(外文):Chen, Ming-Hsiu
Chiu, Chia-Hui
外文關鍵詞:STEAM toysSTEAM EducationCW Education Media and Publishingteachers’ perspectives
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本研究以調查研究作為研究方法,使用問卷作為研究工具,總共蒐集74份有效問卷,當中36份問卷來自職前教師,另外38份問卷來自現職教師。在問卷資料蒐集與整理完畢以後,透過IBM SPSS 23統計軟體,進行獨立樣本t檢定分析以及皮爾森相關性分析,統計分析的結果如下:
(一) 僅有少數的STEAM玩具在STEAM五元素當中都有高度的關聯性。
(二) 影響本研究STEAM玩具排序最主要的因素是每個玩具在STEAM五元素間得分的差異。
(三) 在本研究98種STEAM玩具當中,只有少數的玩具會因為教師的性別、任教身分以及任教階段不同,而在得分上有顯著差異。
(四) 在本研究98種STEAM玩具當中,有超過一成的玩具會因為教師對於STEAM教育熟悉程度的不同,而在得分上有顯著差異。
(五) 在本研究的Top 10 STEAM玩具當中,若分別以教師的性別和任教身分來分組,在所有玩具的每個STEAM五元素當中,只有少數元素的得分是有顯著差異的。
(六) 在本研究的Top 10 STEAM玩具當中,若分別以教師的任教階段和對STEAM的熟悉程度來分組,在所有玩具的每個STEAM五元素當中,有較多元素的得分是有顯著差異的。
(七) 在Top 10 STEAM玩具當中,每一個玩具科學元素的得分與科技元素的得分都有高度的正相關性,每一個玩具科技元素的得分與工程元素的得分也都有高度的正相關性。
This study aims to understand teachers’ perspectives on the relevance of commercially available STEAM toys and STEAM Education. In other words, it is to study whether the toy itself is related to the five fields of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics). The research targets of this study are the 98 kinds of STEAM toys which the researcher could obtain during the study period from the topic of "STEAM Toys 100" of CW Education Media and Publishing. In addition to investigating teachers' views on the relevance of these 98 toys to STEAM Education, this study also analyzed whether teachers' perceptions of STEAM toys vary depending on gender, teaching status, teaching stage, and understanding of STEAM Education.
This study used survey research as the research method and used questionnaire as the research tool. A total of 74 valid questionnaires were collected, of which 36 were from pre-service teachers and 38 were from current teachers. After the questionnaire data was collected and collated, the researcher used IBM SPSS 23 statistical software to perform independent sample t-test analysis and Pearson correlation analysis. The results of the statistical analysis are as follows:
(1) Only a few STEAM toys have a high degree of relevance among the five elements of STEAM.
(2) The main factor affecting the STEAM toy ranking in this study was the difference in scores between the five elements of STEAM in each toy.
(3) Among the 98 STEAM toys in this study, only a few toys had significant differences in scores due to the teachers' gender, teaching status, and teaching stage.
(4) Among the 98 STEAM toys in this study, more than 10% of the toys had significant differences in scores due to the different levels of understanding of STEAM education of teachers.
(5) Among the STEAM’s five-element scores of the Top 10 STEAM toys in this study, only few elements were significantly different due to different genders or teaching status of teachers.
(6) Among the STEAM’s five-element scores of the Top 10 STEAM toys in this study, there were more elements that were significantly different because of different teaching stage or teachers with different levels of familiarity with STEAM Education.
(7) In the Top 10 STEAM toys, the scores of the Science elements of each toy are highly positively correlated with the scores of the Technology elements. The scores of the Technology elements of each toy are also highly positively correlated with the scores of the Engineering elements.
At the end of the study, based on the research results, the researcher’s suggestions were made for toy users, teachers, STEAM toy developers and related research directions.
第一章 緒論------------------------------------1
第一節 研究動機與目的---------------------------1
壹、 研究動機 --------------------------------1
貳、 研究目的---------------------------------3
第二節 研究問題 ---------------------------------3
第三節 名詞釋義 ---------------------------------4
壹、 教師--------------------------------------4
貳、 STEAM好玩具100-----------------------------4
參、 STEAM五元素---------------------------------5
第二章 文獻探討 ------------------------------------7
第一節 STEAM的起源與發展-----------------------------7
壹、 STEM的緣起------------------------------------7
貳、 STEM與藝術-STEAM-----------------------------8
第二節 各國STEAM發展概況------------------------------9
壹、 美國STEAM發展概況------------------------------9
貳、 其他國家STEAM發展現況---------------------------9
參、 我國STEAM發展現況-------------------------------10
第三節 STEAM課程設計-----------------------------------11
第四節 STEAM教育與STEAM玩具-----------------------------12
第三章 研究方法 ----------------------------------------13
第一節 研究架構-----------------------------------------13
第二節 研究對象與工具------------------------------------14
壹、 研究對象 -----------------------------------------14
貳、 研究工具 -----------------------------------------14
第三節 研究問卷資料處理-----------------------------------15
第四章 研究發現-------------------------------------------17
第一節 親子天下雜誌「STEAM好玩具100」之得分排序--------------17
第二節 本研究各個STEAM玩具得分統計結果-----------------------21
第三節 Top 10 玩具之統計分析--------------------------------115
第五章 結論與建議-------------------------------------------205
第一節 結論-------------------------------------------------205
壹、 STEAM玩具與STEAM五元素的關聯性-------------------------205
貳、 不同教師對於STEAM玩具的給分之差異性---------------------206
參、 Top 10 STEAM玩具STEAM五元素之間的關聯性----------------207
第二節 建議--------------------------------------------------209
參考文獻 ------------------------------------------------------211
附錄 ------------------------------------------------------216
附錄一 本研究之研究標的(98種STEAM玩具依問卷順序排列)------------216
附錄二 本研究STEAM玩具之STEAM五元素得分------------------------219
附錄三 STEAM玩具得分排名--------------------------------------240
附錄四 本研究STEAM玩具之群組統計量(以性別分組)------------------245
附錄五 本研究STEAM玩具之群組統計量(以任教身分分組)---------------255
附錄六 本研究STEAM玩具之群組統計量(以任教階段分組)---------------266
附錄七 本研究STEAM玩具之群組統計量(以對STEAM教育的熟悉程度分組)---272

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