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作者(外文):Shang, Chun-Lin
論文名稱(中文):綠膿桿菌外毒素-A PE38於毒殺HEK293T細胞之應用
論文名稱(外文):Application of Cytotoxic Pseudomonas Exotoxin-A PE38 in HEK293T Killing
指導教授(外文):Chang, Hwan-You
口試委員(外文):Chang, Chien-Wen
Chen, Ying-Chieh
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本研究使用細胞毒素PE38 以進行癌細胞毒殺,其源自綠膿桿菌外毒素A,藉由刪除
外毒素A 基因序列中受體辨識片段,使其缺乏主動進入細胞的能力,搭配擁有腫瘤
研究首先建立大腸桿菌表現PE38 的系統,以得到重組PE38。隨後將PE38 蛋白及帶
PE38 基因的質體轉染至癌化的人類胚胎腎上皮細胞株HEK293T 中,其中質體形式
之PE38 帶有已知具癌症標靶能力的3 端非轉譯區,能夠在分裂快速的細胞中穩定目
在轉染後能夠明顯抑制HEK293T 細胞活性,而在西方墨點法分析轉染後存活細胞之
裂解液蛋白中卻無法得到PE38 蛋白的訊號。我們亦構築T7-RNA 聚合酶的表現載
體,經生產及純化後應用於體外轉錄反應,以嘗試合成RNA 形式之PE38。在未來,
本研究結合RNA 形式之PE38 毒殺研究後,便可提供PE38 藥物形式選擇的相關資
訊。綜合以上論述,PE38 擁有應用於標靶藥物的潛力。
Accroding to the World Health Organization, cancer is the number two cause of
deaths all over the world. However, among all the cancer drugs, the most popular one,
chemotherapy drugs, lack specificity for cancer cells and thereby induce side effect in noncancerous
regions. With the rise of the concept of precision medicine, targeted therapy has
become the key research field in anticancer drug. Tumor specificity of targeting molecules
and killing ability of toxins are two key attribute of targeted drugs, by which cancer cells
can be eliminated and surrounding normal cells remain unaffected. In this study, we used
biotoxin PE38 as cytotoxic agent for tumor-killing. PE38 is a truncated toxin derived from
Pseudomonas exotoxin A. By deleting the sequence coding for the receptor binding
domain of exotoxin A, PE38 loses its ability to invade cells. Combination of PE38 and
specific tumor-recognized molecules leads to a potential application in cancer targeted
therapy. Here, we transfected PE38 protein and PE38-coding plasmid to cancerated human
embryonic kidney cell line HEK293T. Analyzing the cell viability after transfection, we
found that PE38-coding plasmid leads to decline of cell activity. But further Western blot
results showed no PE38 signal in lysate of living cell after plasmid transfection. We also
produced and purified T7 RNA polymerase from a construct expressing plasmid, and used
it for in vitro transcription for PE38 RNA synthesis. In the future, by combining with the
research on the cytotoxicity from mRNA of PE38, this study can provide valuable
information for choosing the type of PE38 as a cancer drug. Finally, this study suggests
that PE38 can be a potential anti-cancer drug in targeted therapy.
壹、 前言.......................................1
1.1 癌症.......................................1
1.2 蛋白質藥物..................................2
1.3 DNA藥物....................................2
1.4 RNA藥物....................................3
1.5 mRNA抗癌藥物................................4
1.6 體外轉錄反應(In Vitro Transcription)......5
1.7 PE38.......................................6
1.8 研究目的...................................6
貳、 材料與方法.................................8
2.1 菌株培養...................................8
2.2 細胞培養...................................9
2.3 質體建構...................................10
2.4 蛋白誘導表現與純化..........................13
2.5 mRNA合成...................................14
2.6 細胞轉染(Transfection)....................15
2.7 PE38轉染效果檢..............................15
參、 結果......................................18
3.1 PE38重組蛋白於HEK293T細胞毒殺能力試驗........18
3.2 PE38-UTR之DNA質體於HEK293T毒殺能力試驗......19
3.3 T7-RNA聚合?蛋白之生產純化..................21
3.4 以T7-RNA聚合?合成PE38-UTR之RNA.............22
肆、 討論......................................24
伍、 參考文獻..................................28

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1. 利用新式三維細胞培養系統研究癌症與組織工程中異種細胞間交互作用
2. 治療性anti-IgE單株抗體藥物在體外重組模式及體內基因轉殖鼠之藥理作用機制
3. 建構並鑑定創傷弧菌調控子LytR的突變株
4. 創傷弧菌YJ016中調控環狀雙鳥嘌呤單磷酸相關的 vva0325-36基因群功能分析
5. DTriP-22抑制腸病毒71型之機制探討
6. 細菌基因表現之調控: HptB磷酸根轉移系統與三磷酸腺苷水解功能必須之轉錄蛋白AcoK之功能分析
7. 比較分析綠膿桿菌兩個尿嘧啶雙磷酸葡萄糖去氫酶
8. 標的表現IgE的B淋巴細胞以調控IgE之生成
9. 克雷白氏肺炎桿菌第三型線毛主要單體蛋白MrkA—線毛組裝有關區域之搜尋以及於呈現系統發展之應用
10. 綠膿桿菌HptB訊息傳遞路徑-雜合感應子之分析及下游基因之搜尋
11. 克雷白氏肺炎桿菌磷酸酪胺酸激酶KpWzc對其下游酵素ManC, Gnd活性影響之分析與Ugd磷酸酪胺酸殘基鑑定與下游受質之搜尋
12. 克雷白氏肺炎桿菌第三型線毛主要單元體MrkA─參與線毛堆疊之重要胺基酸分析以及線毛的疫苗呈現系統之建構
13. Histidine-containing Phosphotransfer Protein-B (HptB) Regulates Swarming Motility through Partner-switching System in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 strain
14. 利用磁性粒子與光敏性水膠建構特殊細胞排列的組織
15. 創傷弧菌外毒素RtxA 高量甘氨酸-天門冬氨酸區域人源單鏈抗體之篩選以及此區域的細胞表面結合特性之研究
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