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作者(外文):Yeh, Ssu-Yu
論文名稱(外文):Identifying the Independent Contributions of Three Canonical Posttranslational Modifications of STAT3 in Regulating Lung Cancer Stemness
指導教授(外文):Lee, Jia-Lin
口試委員(外文):Chang, Chuang-Rung
Wang, I-Ching
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信號傳導及轉錄激活蛋白3(Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3, STAT3) 屬於轉錄蛋白STAT家族的其中一員,受STAT3所調控之下游基因與細胞生長、分化、癌細胞轉移等特性息息相關;典型的激活模型指出當受到如上皮生長因子(EGFR)、介白質6 (Interlukin, IL-6) 等刺激時,STAT3會發生轉錄後修飾並聚合形成二聚體或是多聚體,進入細胞核與基因的啟動子區段結合,進而調控該基因表現;位於不同區段的轉錄後修飾會直接影響STAT3結構,並對STAT3的功能有所改變,此篇研究我們將討論酪胺酸705 (Tyrosine 705) 磷酸化、絲氨酸727 (Serine 727) 磷酸化、離胺酸685 (Lysine 685) 乙醯化在個別發生時對於肺癌癌幹細胞特性的調控,我們透過常間回文重複序列叢集/常間回文重複序列叢集關聯蛋白(Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats/ CRISPR-Associated Protein 9, CRISPR/ Cas9)基因編輯系統將STAT3剔除,並轉染具有兩個位置或三個位置顯性抑制性突變的STAT3,並針對STAT3的入核情形以及下游所調控的基因作探討。實驗結果顯示無論在兩個位置或是三個位置被顯示抑制突變的情形下,細胞核的區域皆能偵測到STAT3的訊號,此結果證明了其他修飾點位對於STAT3入核也有所影響;而針對與EMT相關之Twist1調控,則發現在離胺酸685可被正常乙醯化的STAT3組別中,Twist1表現量與野生型(wild-type) STAT3並無顯著差異,顯示離胺酸685此點位對於STAT3調控Twist1的重要性。
Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) is a well-known transcription factor in regulating genes related to cancer stemness. The canonical activation model of STAT3 suggests the importance of posttranslational modification (PTM), dimer formation, and nuclear translocation of STAT3 upon mediating the gene expression. Here, we aim to identify the independent contribution of three PTMs, including phosphorylation on tyrosine 705 (pY705) and serine 727 (pS727), and acetylation on lysine 685 (acetyl-K685), during STAT3 activation. First, STAT3-null lung cancer cells are generated by CRISPR-Cas9 knockout system, and expression of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT)-related genes (N-cadherin, Twist) and stemness-related genes (Oct4, ABCB1) are found to be down-regulated after deletion of STAT3. Next, we introduce STAT3 mutants with double (Y705F/K685R, S727A/K685R, Y705F/S727A) or triple (Y705F/S727A/K685R) dominant-negative residue replacement. Although the capability of STAT3 nuclear translocation is not influenced when impairing S727, Y705, and K685 of STAT3, RT-PCR results show that acetyl-K685 STAT3 alone up-regulates the expression level of Twist1 equalling to the wild type STAT3. This study not only implies the potential of other PTMs in STAT3 dynamics but the specific role of acetyl-K685 in STAT3-dependent Twist1 regulation.
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Lung Cancer_____________________________________________________1
1.2 Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 3 (STAT3) 3
1.3 Cancer Stemness and STAT3 6
1.4 Purpose_________________________________________________________8
Chapter 2. Material and Methods 9
2.1 Cell Culture____________________________________________________ 9
2.2 Cell Counting__________________________________________________ 9
2.3 CRISPR/Cas9 Gene Editing System 10
2.3.1 STAT3 Knockout Plasmid 10
2.3.2 Liposome-Based Transfection - LipofectamineTM 2000 11
2.3.3 Puromycin Single Clone Selection 11
2.4 Electroporation_________________________________________________ 12
2.5 Cell Lysis_____________________________________________________ 12
2.6 Nuclear Cytosol Protein Fraction 13
2.7 Western Blot___________________________________________________ 14
2.8 RNA Isolation__________________________________________________ 14
2.9 RT-PCR_______________________________________________________ 15
2.10 Immunofluorescence (IF) 16
Chapter 3. Results____________________________________________________18
3.1 Characterization of STAT3 CRISPR/Cas9 Knockout HM20 cells 18
3.2 Down-regulation of ABCB1, Oct4, and Twist1 in STAT3 Knockout HM20 cells_________________ 19
3.3 Potential of other Non-canonical PTMs on STAT3 21
3.4 Acetyl-Lysine 685 is Essential for STAT3-dependent Twist1 Regulation 22
Chapter 4. Discussion 24
Chapter 5. Figures and Legends 29
Chapter 6. References 36
Chapter 7. Appendices 44

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1. 誘導癌幹細胞特性過程中探討STAT3不同後轉譯修飾藉導轉錄的全基因體定序分析
2. 14-3-3θ通過Stat3途徑逆轉上皮-間質轉化, 以允許腫瘤在轉移部位的生長和定殖
3. 抑制Rho激酶-肌球蛋白II路徑對於誘導人類胚胎幹細胞衍生間葉前驅細胞產生神經型態之探討
4. 分泌型Frizzled相關蛋白1和3對Wnt訊號傳導路徑調控癌細胞的幹細胞特性和腫瘤新生能力中所造成的影響
5. sFRP4 (secreted Frizzled-related protein 4) 在Wnt訊息傳遞誘發轉型為癌症幹細胞過程所扮演的角色
6. 異常細胞核內表現的SFRPs在Wnt/β-catenin誘發增加癌症幹細胞特性所扮演的角色
7. 人類骨髓間質幹細胞在癌症幹細胞之利基中所扮演的角色
8. 鑑別在上皮-間質轉化期間 β-catenin 之相異目標並藉此定義癌幹細胞族群與預測腫瘤復發可能性
9. 癌症幹細胞表面標記在癌幹特性、腫瘤形成與轉移所扮演的角色
10. 結合高度正相關GRB2 和 14-3-3θ新癌幹細胞標記提供較準確的大腸癌預後情形
11. 藉由間質幹細胞分泌的外泌體所轉移至癌細胞的RNAs/蛋白質能夠調控其癌症幹細胞的特性
12. CRISPR/Cas9藉由基因體和表觀基因組的編輯精準地調節癌症幹細胞相關基因表達
13. 骨髓間質幹細胞有助於異質性癌症幹細胞利基形成並促進癌症轉移
14. 飢餓環境下誘導的M-Sec透過促進奈米隧道管形成以增加癌症幹細胞之特性
15. 間質幹細胞透過細胞間通道促進肺癌細胞產生癌症幹細胞的表型
* *