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作者(外文):Dai, Chen-Yi
論文名稱(中文):探討類囊體膜蛋白 CURVATURE THYLAKOID 1A 的派送和寡聚合機制
論文名稱(外文):Investigating the Mechanisms of Targeting and Oligomerization of Thylakoid Membrane Protein CURVATURE THYLAKOID 1A
指導教授(外文):Liu, Tzu-Yin
口試委員(外文):Sue, Shih-Che
Chiu, Chi-Chou
中文關鍵詞:CURT1A類囊體膜派送寡聚合類囊體膜嵌膜酶 Alb3VIPP1
外文關鍵詞:CURT1Athylakoid targetingoligomerizationAlb3VIPP1
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CURVATURE THYLAKOID 1 (CURT1) 家族為類囊體膜蛋白,主要位於葉綠餅邊緣。它們具有兩個跨膜 α 螺旋,胺基和羧基端皆朝向葉綠體基質,能形成寡聚體並參與植物於光照環境變化下類囊體膜塑性的調控。目前對 CURT1 的派送及寡聚合的機制所知甚少。本研究利用菸草短暫表達系統表現阿拉伯芥 CURT1 亞型 A (CURT1A),並以三分子螢光互補技術和共免疫沉澱法證明 CURT1A 能和類囊體膜嵌膜酶 Albino 3 (Alb3) 及類囊體膜生合成相關的蛋白 VESICLE-INDUCING PROTEIN IN PLASTIDS 1 (VIPP1) 產生蛋白質交互作用。我們也製作刪除 CURT1A 胺基末端完整基質區域、部分胺基末端、第四個 α 螺旋、以及同時刪除胺基與羧基末端完整基質區域的一系列缺失突變蛋白。藉由同樣的檢測方法,我們發現 CURT1A 可能使用跨膜域 與 Alb3 產生交互作用以及使用胺基末端基質區域與 VIPP1 產生交互作用。不僅如此,CURT1A 缺失突變蛋白的自相互作用能力也顯著下降。藉由次細胞分餾法,我們也發現,除了只含跨膜域的 CURT1A 缺失突變蛋白外,其餘的缺失突變蛋白仍然可以被派送至葉綠體的膜系統。不同於 CURT1A 全長蛋白,短暫大量表現 CURT1A 缺失突變蛋白於菸草並不會改變類囊體的微細構造。綜合以上結果,我們推測 CURT1A 跨膜域包含一個必要但不足以使其被派送至類囊體膜的訊息序列。CURT1A 的胺基與羧基末端基質區域可能皆參與了其進行寡聚合的機制,進而影響類囊體膜的構造。基於三分子螢光互補技術幾乎無法探測到 CURT1A 與 chloroplast signal recognition particle 43 (cpSRP43) 的蛋白交互作用,且 CURT1A 不具有一段被 cpSRP43 辨識的 DPLG 序列,我們認為 CURT1A 不是藉由傳統的 cpSRP 途徑進行派送。
The CURVATURE THYLAKOID 1 (CURT1) family are thylakoid membrane proteins mainly located at the grana margins and contain two transmembrane helices with amino (N) and carboxyl (C) termini facing to the stroma. They can form oligomers and modulate the thylakoid plasticity under challenging light conditions. So far, little is known about the mechanisms of targeting and oligomerization of the CURT1. Using tripartite split-GFP association and co-immunoprecipitation methods, we showed that in agro-infiltrated tobacco (Nicotiana benthamiana) leaves, the transiently expressed Arabidopsis CURT1 isoform A (CURT1A) interacts with the thylakoid membrane insertase Albino 3 (Alb3) and the thylakoid biogenesis-related protein VESICLE-INDUCING PROTEIN IN PLASTIDS 1 (VIPP1). We generated a series of CURT1A mutants with deletion of the N-terminal region containing the stromal tail and helix 1, the N-terminal stromal tail, the helix 4, and both the N-and C- terminal regions. Using the same protein-protein interaction assays, we found that the transmembrane domains of CURT1A may contribute to its interaction with Alb3, the N-terminal stromal region is important for its interaction with VIPP1, and all the CURT1A deletion mutants have reduced abilities to self-interact. Sub-organelle localization analysis suggested that all CURT1A mutants, except the one containing only the two transmembrane helices, are largely targeted to the chloroplast membranes. Unlike the full-length CURT1A, overexpression of the deletion mutants does not alter the grana ultrastructure. Our results suggested that a putative signal in the transmembrane domains of CURT1A is required but insufficient for its thylakoid targeting. In addition, both the N-and C-terminal stromal regions of CURT1A may mediate its oligomerization and thus affect the thylakoid structure. Because of a merely weak interaction between CURT1A and the chloroplast signal recognition particle 43 (cpSRP43) as detected by the tripartite split-GFP association assay and the absence of a putative DPLG motif in CURT1A recognized by cpSRP43, we proposed that CURT1A is not transported by the classical cpSRP pathway.
摘要 ............................................................. i
ABSTRACT ........................................................ ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................... iii
CONTENTS ........................................................ iv
1. Introduction ............................................. 1
1.1. Post-translational targeting of thylakoid membrane proteins .................................................................. 1
1.1.1. Chloroplast signal recognition particle (cpSRP) pathway .. 1
1.1.2. Spontaneous pathway ...................................... 3
1.1.3. Chloroplast vesicle transport ............................ 3
1.2. CURVATURE THYLAKOID 1A (CURT1A) .......................... 5
1.3. Aims of the study ........................................ 7
2. Results .................................................. 9
2.1. Tripartite split-GFP association and split-GFP tagging assays in the chloroplasts of agro-infiltrated tobacco (Nicotiana benthamiana) leaves .............................................. 9
2.2. Examination of the interaction of CURT1A with cpRabA5e in agro-infiltrated tobacco leaves ................................. 10
2.3. Search for a putative DPLG motif in the Arabidopsis CURT1A ................................................................. 10
2.4. Examination of the interactions of CURT1A with cpSRP43, Alb3, and VIPP1 in agro-infiltrated tobacco leaves .............. 10
2.5. Role of different structural domains of CURT1A in targeting and oligomerization of CURT1A in agro-infiltrated tobacco leaves ................................................................. 13
2.6. Examination of the interactions of truncated CURT1A variants with VIPP1 and Alb3 in agro-infiltrated tobacco leaves .......... 15
2.7. Analysis of curt1a transgenic lines expressing full-length or truncated CURT1A variants .................................... 16
3. Discussion .............................................. 17
3.1. Pathways involved in the CURT1A targeting to the thylakoids ................................................................. 17
3.2. Links between the oligomeric state of CURT1A and the structural plasticity of grana responding to environmental cues . 18
3.3. Interaction of cpSRP43 with Lhcb1 ....................... 19
3.4. Promoter selection for high expression of CURT1A suitable for co-IP and complementation analyses .......................... 20
4. Materials and Methods ................................... 21
4.1. Surface-sterilization and germination of tobacco (N. benthamiana) seed ............................................... 21
4.2. Surface-sterilization and germination of A. thaliana seed ................................................................. 21
4.3. Soil and hydroponic cultivations ........................ 22
4.4. Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transient gene expression in tobacco ...................................................... 22
4.5. Arabidopsis transformation .............................. 23
4.6. Construct design for gene expression .................... 24
4.7. Bioinformatics analyses ................................. 24
4.8. Confocal microscopy and fluorescence image analyses ..... 25
4.9. Isolation of intact chloroplasts from tobacco and Arabidopsis leaves .............................................. 25
4.10. Sub-fractionation of isolated chloroplasts .............. 26
4.11. Extraction of chloroplast and shoot total proteins ...... 27
4.12. Co-IP analysis .......................................... 27
4.13. Determination of protein concentration .................. 28
4.14. SDS-PAGE and immunoblot analyses ........................ 28
4.15. Immunoblot image analyses ............................... 29
5. Figures and Tables ...................................... 30
Figure 1. Application of tripartite split-GFP association and split-GFP tagging assays in chloroplasts .............................. 30
Figure 2. Detection of S11-tagged CURT1A, cpSRP43, Alb3, VIPP1, and cpSecA by cTP-GFP1–10 in agro-infiltrated tobacco leaves ........ 31
Figure 3. Interactions of CURT1A with CURT1A, cpSRP43, Alb3, VIPP1, and cpSecA by tripartite split-GFP association assay in agro-infiltrated tobacco leaves ...................................... 32
Figure 4. Interactions of Lhcb1 with cpSRP43, Alb3, VIPP1, and cpSecA by tripartite split-GFP association assay in agro-infiltrated tobacco leaves .................................................. 33
Figure 5. Interactions of cpSRP43 with CURT1A and Lhcb1 in the chloroplasts of agro-infiltrated tobacco leaves ................. 34
Figure 6. Co-IP analysis of the CURT1A interactions in agro-infiltrated tobacco leaves ...................................... 35
Figure 7. Co-IP analysis of the Lhcb1 interactions in agro-infiltrated tobacco leaves ...................................... 36
Figure 8. Conserved structural domains in the N- and C-terminal tails of CURT1 family proteins .................................. 37
Figure 9. Comparison of schematic model and localization of truncated CURT1A variants ....................................... 38
Figure 10. Localizations of S10-tagged full-length and truncated CURT1A variants and Lhcb1 in the chloroplasts of agro-infiltrated tobacco leaves .................................................. 39
Figure 11. Detection of S10- or S11-tagged full-length and truncated CURT1A variants by split-GFP tagging assay in agro-infiltrated tobacco leaves .................................................. 40
Figure 12. Analysis of oligomerization of full-length and truncated CURT1A variants by tripartite split-GFP association assay in agro-infiltrated tobacco leaves ...................................... 41
Figure 13. Detection of S10-tagged full-length and truncated CURT1A variants and cpSecA by cTP-S11-GFP1–9 in agro-infiltrated tobacco leaves .......................................................... 42
Figure 14. Interactions of VIPP1 with full-length and truncated CURT1A variants and cpSecA by tripartite split-GFP association assay in agro-infiltrated tobacco leaves .............................. 43
Figure 15. Interactions of Alb3 with full-length and truncated CURT1A variants and cpSecA by tripartite split-GFP association assay in agro-infiltrated tobacco leaves .............................. 44
Figure S1. Principle of the tripartite split-GFP association and split-GFP tagging assays in chloroplasts ........................ 45
Figure S2. CURT1A does not interact with cpRabA5e in agro-infiltrated tobacco leaves ...................................... 46
Figure S3. Sequences alignment of Arabidopsis mature CURT1A (N63–164) and loop2-TMD3 of Lhcb1 (N173–241) ......................... 47
Figure S4. Expression of cpSRP43-3 × HA, Alb3-3 × HA, and VIPP1-3 × HA in T2 transgenic lines ....................................... 48
Figure S5. Expression of cpSRP43-3 × HA, Alb3-3 × HA, and VIPP1-3 × HA in the chloroplasts isolated from T2 transgenic lines ........ 49
Figure S6. Expression of CURT1A-3 × HA, cTP-CURT1A (N63–145)-3 × HA, cTP-CURT1A (N86–164)-3 × HA, and cTP-CURT1A (N74–164)-3 × HA in the shoots of T2 transgenic lines (curtla background) ............... 50
Figure S7. Expression of CURT1A-3 × HA in the chloroplasts isolated from T2 transgenic lines (curtla background) .................... 51
Table S1. List of the constructs used in this study ............. 52
Table S2. List of the oligonucleotides used for gene cloning .... 54
6. References .............................................. 58
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