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作者(外文):Peng, Mien-Hao
論文名稱(外文):Establishment of an efficient air-liquid interface culture system using gelatin methacrylate hydrogel for biomedical applications
指導教授(外文):Chang, Hwan-You
口試委員(外文):Chang, Chien-Wen
Chen, Ying-Chieh
外文關鍵詞:cell sheetgelatinhydrogelair-liquid interface
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養試驗。於傷口癒合試驗中,測試了單磷酸核苷酸 AMP、TMP、GMP、CMP 以及四種單磷酸合苷酸混合液對傷口癒合的影響,結果顯示 AMP 與 GMP 對
組成的多細胞類球體於小鼠纖維母細胞 3T3 組成的細胞層片有較好的生長與 擴散。接著成功的以甲基丙烯水凝膠與人類腸道上皮細胞 Int-407 培養於空氣 -液體介面(Air-liquid interface)培養系統,所培養的細胞經過 7 天的空氣-液體
Cell sheet technology is widely used to repair damaged organs such as eyes, heart and bladder. However, the main challenge of cell sheet technology is that, when separating the cells sheet from the culture vessel, the cell sheet shrinks due to the contractile force produced by actin filaments pulling neighboring cells together. Thus, a supporting material that maintains the cell layer configuration with good biocompatibility is needed. Gelatin methacryloyl (GelMa) hydrogels is sufficient as a medium for culturing cell sheet due to its excellent biocompatibility and tunability. This study uses GelMa hydrogels to culture cell sheet, and explores the possibility of utilizing the cell sheet in the biomedical field, including wound healing tests and tumor-cell co-culture experiments. In the wound healing test, the effects of AMP, TMP, GMP, CMP and the mixture of four monophosphate nucleosides on wound healing were tested. The results showed that AMP and GMP have an inhibitory effect on wound healing. In the tumor-cell co-culture experiments, it was found that the multicellular spheroids composed of fewer cells had better growth and spread in the cell sheet composed of mouse fibroblasts 3T3. The GelMa hydrogel with human intestinal epithelial cells Int-407 were successfully cultured in an air-liquid interface culture system, and the cultured cells were maintained after 7 days on air-liquid interface culture system with good cell viability. A wound healing test was performed to test how monophosphate nucleoside affects wound healing on the air-liquid interface culture system.
中文摘要........................................................................................................................ 1
Abstract .......................................................................................................................... 2
致謝................................................................................................................................ 3
縮寫表............................................................................................................................ 5
目錄................................................................................................................................ 6
圖目錄............................................................................................................................ 7
前言................................................................................................................................ 8
材料與方法........................................................................................................ 13
1.1 細胞培養....................................................................................................... 13
1.2 甲基丙烯酸化明膠的製備........................................................................... 14
1.3 傷口癒合試驗............................................................................................... 15
1.4 腫瘤細胞與小鼠纖維母細胞3T3 共培養試驗 .......................................... 16
1.5 多細胞類球體與小鼠纖維母細胞3T3 共培養試驗 .................................. 17
1.6 空氣-液體介面培養系統的建構 ................................................................. 18
1.7 免疫螢光染色............................................................................................... 18
1.8 空氣-液體介面培養的傷口癒合試驗 ......................................................... 19
結果.................................................................................................................... 21
2.1 小鼠纖維母細胞3T3 培養於明膠甲基丙烯水凝膠 .................................. 21
2.2 小鼠纖維母細胞3T3 於明膠甲基丙烯水凝膠上之傷口癒合試驗 .......... 21
2.3 腫瘤細胞與小鼠纖維母細胞3T3 於明膠甲基丙烯水凝膠之共培養試驗
.............................................................................................................................. 23
2.4 多細胞類球體與小鼠纖維母細胞3T3 於明膠甲基丙烯水凝膠之共培養
試驗...................................................................................................................... 23
2.5 空氣-液體介面培養系統的建構 ................................................................. 24
2.6 人類腸道上皮細胞Int-407 於空氣-液體介面培養系統的傷口癒合試驗 25
討論.................................................................................................................... 26
參考文獻............................................................................................................ 29
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