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作者(外文):Pan, Yan-Ru.
論文名稱(外文):Epigenetic suppression of microRNA-708 promotes breast cancer progression and metastasis
指導教授(外文):Lin, Kai-Ti
口試委員(外文):Cheng, Shih-Chin
Wang, Chun-Chao
外文關鍵詞:breast cancermetastasisepigenetic modificationsDNA methylationEZH2microRNA-708
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Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women and cancer metastasis are responsible for almost 90% of breast cancer-related deaths. To date, there is no targeted therapy available in treating breast cancer metastasis. Previous study indicates that glucocorticoids (GCs) suppress cancer metastasis in ovarian cancer through induction of microRNA-708. Here we propose to investigate the therapeutic potential of GCs in treating metastatic breast cancer. We observe that microRNA-708 promoter region is epigenetically silenced by both DNA methylation and histone methylation among metastatic breast cancer cells. Co-treatment of GCs, together with DNA-demethylation agents, decitabine (5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine), significantly increases the expression of microRNA-708, leading to the synergistic suppression of tumor growth. Overall, our data reveal a potential strategy of using GCs together with the epigenetic drug to suppress breast cancer progression and metastasis.
Table of Contents.......................................iv
Table of Figures........................................vi
1.1 Breast Cancer...................................1
1.1.1 Treatment options for metastatic breast cancer..3
1.2 Epigenetics.....................................4
1.3 MicroRNA........................................6
1.4 Decitabine......................................6
1.5 Dexamethasone...................................7
Motivation and aims.....................................8
Materials and Methods..................................10
3.1 Cell culture and transfection..................10
3.2 Western blot analysis..........................11
3.3 Quantitative real-time RT-PCR..................12
3.4 Mouse orthotropic metastasis model.............14
3.5 Bisulfite sequencing...........................15
3.6 Chromatin Immunoprecipitation assay............18
Results ...............................................23
4.1 MicroRNA-708 is downregulated in breast cancer.23
4.2 The promoter region of microRNA-708 highly methylated and associated with patient survival.......................23
4.3 Knockdown of EZH2 induces expression of microRNA-708..24
4.4 Knockdown of EZH2 increases methylation level in the promoter region of microRNA-708.................................25
4.5 The promoter region of microRNA-708 is bound to methylated H3K27 and H3K4 .......................................25
4.6 Co-treatment of DEX and Decitabine suppresses breast cancer metastasis in the mouse model..........................26
4.7 Co-treatment of DEX and Decitabine induce expression of microRNA-708 in mouse model..................................................27
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