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作者(外文):Wang, Chun-Jen
論文名稱(外文):The effect of chatbot humanoid image and humor on user experience
指導教授(外文):Wang, Chen-Ya
口試委員(外文):Wang, Jyun-Cheng
Hsu, Pei-Fang
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聊天機器人在當代應用跨足各個產業,在工商、心理領域以及技術相關的研究於近年急遽成長,而本篇研究針對聊天機器人的人形化外觀與幽默進行探討,考量在高或低程度的擬人與幽默是否會影響使用者體驗。本研究採用2(人形化外觀程度) x 2(幽默程度) x 2(聊天機器人類型)進行情境實驗設計,讓受試者親身操作聊天機器人後,進行實驗問卷填答,共蒐集126份有效樣本。研究分析結果指出,高幽默程度的聊天機器人在任務型聊天機器人可以正向提升使用者體驗,因此融入幽默對話進入聊天機器人腳本中,有助於提升使用者的服務滿意度以及再使用意願;高程度擬人形象雖然對於使用者體驗沒有直接關聯,但經由融洽關係與信任感的中介仍有影響。這意味著儘管形象上的改變未必能直接影響使用者體驗,但卻在心理層面產生影響,未來可以進一步研究其成因與探索其他情感中介關係所帶來的影響。
The application of chatbot in contemporary industries has grown rapidly and there has been an increasing number of research in business, psychology, and technology-related fields. This study explores the humanoid image and humor of chatbot on user experience through scenario simulation experiment. This study employs a 2 (level of humanoid image) x 2 (level of chatbot humor) x 2 (chatbot type) experimental design. A total of 126 valid responses were collected. The research results show that the chatbot with high humor level can positively enhance the user experience (e.g. satisfaction and intention to use) for the task-oriented chatbot. The level of the humanoid image is not directly related to the user experience but indirectly through rapport and trust. The future research may further explore other mediating mechanisms.

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