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作者(外文):Pan, Mei-Lin
論文名稱(中文):運用機器學習於平面設計: 比較線上廣告之自動化設計方法
論文名稱(外文):Visual Design using Machine Learning: Comparing Automated Design Approaches for Online Advertisements
指導教授(外文):Ray, Soumya
口試委員(外文):Lin, Fu-Ren
Kuo, Pei-Yi
外文關鍵詞:Automated DesignOnline AdvertisementLayout DesignMachine LearningDesign Aesthetics
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Several approaches have been used to attempt automated design and art, including machine learning, constraint rules based on design principles, or even style transfer. However, there are no studies that systematically compare automated design approaches, which makes it hard for future researchers and designers to consider their alternatives. We seek to compare and contrast different feasible approaches for automating design. We limited our implementation to a subset of Facebook advertisements for sake of simplicity. From our review of previous visual design approaches and design theories, we propose a taxonomy of approaches for automated visual design, distinguished by design philosophy, algorithm families, and operational details. We implemented various approaches in this taxonomy to get a stronger qualitative sense of how these techniques differ and the implications of these differences to firms.
Abstract 2
Acknowledgment 4
1. Introduction 6
2. Visual design of online advertisements 8
2.1 Overview of online advertisements 8
2.2 Previous automated visual design approaches 10
2.3 Challenge of automated online advertisement design 12
3. Alternative approaches for automated design 13
3.1 Design decision philosophy 14
3.2 Algorithm family 15
3.3 Continuous vs. Heuristics implementation 17
4. Study Design and Data 19
4.1. Overview of Study 19
4.2. Data Collection 20
4.3 Data Annotation 20
4.4 Data structure 23
5. Implementation of automated ad design 24
5.1 Descriptive approach 24
5.2 Predictive learning 27
5.3 Style transfer 32
6. Analysis and Results 33
6.1 Descriptive approach results 34
6.2 Predictive learning results 36
6.3 Style transfer results 38
6.4 Overview of results 40
7. Discussion 42
7.1 Contributions 42
7.2 Limitations and future work 43
8. Reference 43
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