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作者(中文):默 根
作者(外文):Elbegsaikhan, Mergen
論文名稱(中文):台灣和蒙古的地理標示以及其發展現狀: 比較分析
論文名稱(外文):Geographical Indications of Taiwan and Mongolia and their development status: a comparative analysis
指導教授(外文):Wong, Chan-Yuan
口試委員(外文):Ray, Soumya
Hsieh, Ying-Che
外文關鍵詞:geographical indicationagriculturerural developmentGILugu Dong Ding Oolong TeaGobi Desert Camel Wool
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  • 評分評分:*****
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Geographical Indications (GIs) are collective intellectual property rights. Their purpose is to certify a certain good originates from a specific geographical region and produced through special methods to embed quality. GI products possess unique characteristics which are attributable to such things as the land, the traditional know-hows of the local producers, and etc. As GIs are tied to the region of production, GI products are deemed to have potential benefits to enhancing rural development. This study includes the brief history of GI development and how it being spread and utilized around the world, specifically building cases from the most prominent products of Taiwan and Mongolia. The findings reveal how implementing the GI policy system can benefit to rural development for countries with different backgrounds. Moreover, it highlights the differences of collective trademarks and sui generis GI protection systems. As Taiwan and Mongolia have different regulations to register GIs, it is indeed interesting to observe this conundrum.
Chapter 1 – INTRODUCTION 4
2.1 Definition and history 6
2.2 Diffusion of the GI concept 10
2.3 Distribution of GIs 13
2.4 The functions of GI 15
2.4.1 GI’s contribution potential to rural development 16
Chapter 4 – CASE STUDIES 21
4.1 GIs in Taiwan, the case of Lugu Dong Ding Oolong Tea 23
4.1.1 The Taiwanese tea industry and the Lugu Dong Ding Tea 24
4.1.2 Institutional structure 27
4.2 GIs in Mongolia, the case of Gobi Desert Camel Wool 29
4.2.1 The Gobi Bactrian Camel 30
4.2.2 Institutional structure 32
Chapter 5 – DISCUSSION 35
Chapter 6 – CONCLUSION 37
6.1 Summary 37
6.2 Contributions 38
6.3 Limitations 38

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