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作者(外文):Mach, Patrizia
論文名稱(外文):A Data Mining Approach to Surveying Academic Literature on Behavioral Big Data in Operations Management Research
指導教授(外文):Shmueli, Galit
口試委員(外文):Lee, Hsiao-Hui
Lin, Furen
外文關鍵詞:Behavioral Big DataData MiningOperations ManagementAcademic LiteratureBig DataClassification
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:125
  • 評分評分:*****
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Behavioral big data has become a recent focus in operations management research as it attempts to aid decision making using traditional mathematic modelling that captures human behavior. To explore the depth of research on this topic, it is common to conduct a comprehensive literature review of published papers. However, identifying individual papers as containing behavioral big data in a large and growing pool of operations management published research is both time and labor intensive, and fails to specifically define factors that would identify a paper as pertaining to behavioral big data. This research provides an efficient data mining method to surveying a vast number of research articles across different operations management journals that objectively classifies papers as relevant or not. We find that the model was able to detect a larger number of papers and classify them correctly if the journal content and structure was similar to the training set used. Although it was not possible to automate the entire procedure, this process of classifying documents without manual reading of each paper requires less time to identify a narrower subgroup for close examination, and by requiring a set of conditions for identifying behavioral big data, provides a more efficient and structured literature review process.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgement 2
List of Figures 6
List of Tables 7
Abstract 8
中文摘要 9
1. Introduction 10
1.1. Motivation 13
2. Data 14
2.1. Extraction 15
2.2. Labeling 16
2.3. Exploration 17
2.4. Challenges 22
3. Data Mining Approach 24
3.1. General Approach 24
3.2. Classification Algorithms 24
3.2.1. Classification Tree 25
3.2.2. Random Forest 25
3.2.3. Boosted Tree 26
3.2.4. Logistic Regression 26
3.2.5. LASSO logistic regression 27
3.2.6. Ensemble 27
3.3. Performance Evaluation 28
3.3.1. Sensitivity and Specificity 28
3.3.2. ROC Curves 29
3.3.3. Confusion Matrices and Cut-off Value 29
3.3.4. Precision and Recall 29
4. Data Analysis and Results 31
4.1. Data Pre-Screening 31
4.2. Data Partitioning 32
4.3. Benchmark Model 32
4.4. Model Training and Evaluation 33
4.4.1. Classification Tree 35
4.4.2. Random Forest 37
4.4.3. Gradient Boosted Tree 39
4.4.4. Logistic Regression 41
4.4.5. LASSO Regression (L1 regularization) 43
4.4.6. Ensemble 45
5. Classifying test sets 46
5.1. Classifying Test Set: 2017 MS Journal 47
5.2. Classifying Test Set: 2017 MSOM Journal 49
5.3. Classifying Test Set: 2017 POM Journal 51
6. Conclusion 53
6.1. Limitations 55
6.2. Recommendations 55
6.3. Future Work 57
References 58

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