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作者(外文):Pan, Tung-Ning
論文名稱(外文):The Influence of Omni-channel Characteristics on Customer Retention Across Customer types
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Hung-Chang
口試委員(外文):Tang, Yun-Chia
Hsieh, Yi-Ching
外文關鍵詞:OmnichannelMultichannelConsistencyCustomer orientationAccessibilityInteractionCustomer retention
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  • 評分評分:*****
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Thanks to technological advances, we now have a wide range of pathways to choose from. Consumers can complete all kinds of needs through different channels. From information inquiry, commodity purchase to customer service at anytime and anywhere. Therefore, compared with the previous single channel, multiple channel, omni-channel provides more choices and complete variety for consumers, and therefore omni-channel consumers have high loyalty. This is not only improving the distribution of revenue, it can also establish good business image, therefore, it is clear that omni-channel is a rising new trend.

However, literature on the omni-channel is far less abundant than single channel and multi-channel, and the content is mostly scattered. Therefore, this study integrates four important characteristics of the omni-channel, which are consistency, customer orientation, accessibility and interaction. We want to verify whether these four features can have a significant impact on customer retention. If so, we want to further understand whether and how different groups of customers will change as a result of these four characteristics. Therefore, we set customer types as moderators to explore how it affects the positive relationship of omni-channel characteristics to customer retention.

The research results show that all the four characteristics of the omni-channel have a positive impact on customer retention, among which the interaction is the largest, so retailers can give priority to this as an option to improve customer retention. However, different customer types basically have no great difference in customer retention. Only consistency can positively improve consumers' intention to enter the channel and effectively enhance their customer retention.

Omni-channel will be a new trend in the retail industry in the future, but there are not many precedents in the past. I hope this academic study can provide some thoughts and suggestions for those who want to adopt omni-channel in the future.
Table of Contents IV
List of Figure V
List of Table V
1. Introduction 1
2. Theoretical Background 4
2.1 Omni-channel Retailing 4
2.1.1 Customer Retention 9
2.1.2 Consistency 10
2.1.3 Customer Orientation 11
2.1.4 Accessibility 12
2.1.5 Interaction 13
2.2 Customer types 14
2.2.1 Difference between stayers, satisfied switchers and dissatisfied switchers 15
3. Methodology 19
3.1 Research Framework 19
3.2 Sample and Data Collection 20
3.3 Questionnaire Design and Measure 21
4. Data Analysis 25
4.1 Reliability and Validity 25
4.2 Hypotheses Testing 29
5. Conclusions 33
5.1 Discussion and Implications 33
5.2 Limitations and suggestions for future research 36
6. References 37
Figure 1 Research framework of this study 19
Figure 2 Sample background 20
Figure 3 Regression equation figure 32
Table 1 Omni-channel characteristics 5
Table 2 Hypotheses for moderating effect 18
Table 3 Measurements background 23
Table 4 Correlations of Variables 25
Table 5 Measurement model estimation and basic statistics 27
Table 6 Factor Analysis 28
Table 7 Results of hierarchical regression analysis 30
Table 8 Separate regression analysis 31
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