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作者(外文):Lu, Ting-Chiang.
論文名稱(外文):Research on the practices of mentoring system in Taiwan enterprises from the perspective of human resource management
指導教授(外文):Hsieh, Ying-Che
口試委員(外文):Weng, Jingjing
Lim, Sirirat
外文關鍵詞:mentoringhuman resource developmentemployee training
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  • 評分評分:*****
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近年來,員工漸漸被視為是企業裡相當重要的資產,更是企業組織競爭實力的主要來源之一(Becker and Gerhart 1996),因此培訓員工的方法就更顯得重要,而企業師徒制則為企業教育訓練人才的一種有效培訓方法(Hunt and Michael 1983, Underhill 2006),綜觀當今國內外的學術研究主題多聚焦在企業師徒制的功能上(Kram 1983, Kram 1985),鮮少從人力資源管理之角度來切入並探討關於企業實施師徒制對組織的成效。此研究採取質性研究方法,除透過文獻探討、親身參與並深度訪談台灣數家企業內部的員工,去了解企業組織施行師徒制的方法與過程、引進師徒制的主要的目的及現存的問題。本研究具體指出了台灣企業培訓機制的做法,並藉由這些做法,企業因此得以順利永續經營、減少產業與學術單位間人才供給與需求所現存的斷層,並且建議一套解決辦法供參考,帶動企業師徒制訓練的整體效率。
Employee has always been regarded as the most important asset of the company and one of the core sources of competitiveness of enterprise. (Becker and Gerhart 1996) Therefore, the method of training employee is getting more and more important, and the enterprise mentoring system is one of the effective training methods. (Hunt and Michael 1983, Underhill 2006) At present, academic research focuses on the function of the mentoring system.(Kram 1983, Kram 1985) But from perspective of human resource management, the effectiveness of the implementation of the mentoring system on the organization is rarely discussed. This research adopts qualitative research methods, through literature discussion, personal participation and in-depth interviewees with internal employees of several companies in Taiwan, for the purpose of understanding the process and methods of implementing the mentoring system, recognizing the main purpose of introducing the mentoring system and the existing problems. This study specifically points out the practice of Taiwan's corporate training mechanism, and through these practices, companies can continue to operate, reduce the gap of labor supply and demand between industry and academic units, and suggest a set of solutions for reference, boost the efficiency of the mentoring system of enterprise in Taiwan.
摘要 I
Abstract II
Acknowledgement III
Table of Content IV
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation and Objectives 1
1.2 Briefly introduction on mentoring 2
2. Literature Review 5
2.1 Definition of Mentoring 5
2.2 Category of mentoring 6
2.3 Concept of the corporate mentoring 8
2.4 Functions of mentoring 10
2.5 Relationship of Mentor and protégé 12
3. Methodology 15
3.1 Conceptual framework 16
3.2 Research design 16
3.3 Data Collection and Analysis 18
3.3.1 Case A 18
3.3.2 Case B 19
3.3.3 Case C 19
3.3.4 Case D 20
4. Results 22
4.1 Selection criteria of protégé 23
4.2 Mentoring in different scale of organization 25
5. Discussion 27
6. Conclusion 30
6.1 Limitations and future research 31
References 34
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