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作者(外文):Yi, Ji-Wei
論文名稱(外文):Internet of Thing's Insurance and Service Innovation:The Service System View
指導教授(外文):Chang, Yuan-Chieh
口試委員(外文):Hsieh, Ying-Che
Zhang, Gong-Yi.
Wan, Guo-Fen.
外文關鍵詞:car telematicsusage-based insuranceservice systemservice innovation
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隨著物聯網和車聯網等技術的不斷發展和成熟,在保險領域的應用成為了一種現實的可能,近年來臺灣己經開始湧現出了很多基於物聯網、車聯網技術應用相結合的嶄新保險理念和產品,IoT (Internet of Thing)車聯網服務創新保單是典型的創新服務,且取得了比較好的實際使用效果。使用基礎型保險(usage-based insurance, UBI)保單為臺灣的保險公司帶來新一輪技術和服務融合模式的創新,為消費者帶來更好的車險產品,改變傳統車險保單以車價、年齡、肇事記錄等因素保單計價的模型,以駕駛里程、駕駛習慣、駕駛行為等數據因數為基礎,借助最新的車聯網技術,實現了“一人一價”的全新保單服務,改變目前由大部分安全駕駛員為少數高風險駕駛員埋單的行業現狀。

本研究通過凝練服務創新系統的觀點,以Den Hertog & Bilderbeek(1999)服務創新系統四維模型作為研究的核心模型。因由泰安UBI保單是臺灣第一家獲得保險局核准的UBI保單,市場表現優秀,引領臺灣UBI服務創新保單的發展,本研究將其作為臺灣服務創新的典型案例,從服務創新系統視角探討泰安UBI保單的服務創新具體實務,解釋泰安UBI服務創新保單的具體內容,將技術選擇、服務概念、服務介面、服務傳遞系統下所表現出的創新能力進行詳細分析和描述,同時在第五章提出本文研究結論,泰安產物車聯網保單在服務創新系統下之創新能力支持了服務創新系統四維模型,并發現其創新能力互動關係變現為發散,聚焦,支撐,人力發展,組織整合,賦能。且彼此之間互動存在順序關係。最後藉由研究結論,對如何使創新能力之間的互動更加緊密提出實務建議,希望為今後保險行業服務創新提供借鑒和指導。
With the continuous development and maturity of technologies such as the Internet of Things and the Internet of Vehicles, the application in the insurance field has become a realistic possibility. In recent years, Taiwan has begun to emerge a lot of new insurance based on the combination of Internet of Things and Internet of Vehicles technology. Ideas and products, IoT car networking service innovation policy is a typical innovative service, and achieved a better practical use. UBI (usage-based insurance) brings better insurance service to consumers, changing traditional insurance pricing, based on data factors such as driving mileage, driving habits, driving behaviour, etc., rather than age, cars price, etc.
This study takes the perspective of the service innovation system and uses the Den Hertog & Bilderbeek(1999)service innovation system four-dimensional model as the core model of the research. Because Taian UBI policy is the first UBI insurance policy approved by the Insurance Bureau in Taiwan, the market performance is excellent, leading the development of Taiwan UBI service innovation policy. This study regards it as a typical case of Taiwan service innovation and discusses Taian UBI from the perspective of service innovation system. The specific service innovation of the policy, explain the specific content of the Taian UBI service innovation policy and describe the innovation ability demonstrated by the technology selection, service concept, service interface and service delivery system. The conclusion in Chapter 5. of the study is that the innovative ability of the Taian product vehicle network insurance policy under the service innovation system supports the four-dimensional model of the service innovation system, and finds that its innovative ability interaction relationship is realized as divergence, focus, support, human development, organizational integration, and empowerment. And there is a sequential relationship between each other. Finally, through the conclusion of the study, it puts forward practical suggestions on how to make the interaction between innovation capabilities more closely and hopes to provide reference and guidance for service innovation in the insurance industry in the future.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝辭 III
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究意義 3
1.3研究流程 6
第二章 文獻回顧 8
2.1 UBI 保險認知與新思維 8
2.2 服務創新 12
2.3 服務創新系統 24
第三章 研究方法 27
3.1 個案研究方法 27
3.2 個案選擇 27
3.3 資料收集 28
第四章 個案研究 31
4.1 UBI服務創新保單之技術選擇 31
4.2 UBI服務創新保單之服務概念 37
4.3 UBI服務創新保單之顧客介面 39
4.4 UBI服務創新保單之服務傳遞系統 45
4.5 UBI服務創新保單之實務 46
第五章 研究結論與建議 49
5.1 研究結論 49
5.2研究建議 51
參考文獻 53
中文文献 53
英文文献 54
附录一:訪談逐字稿 56
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