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作者(外文):Hsu, Feng-Ming
論文名稱(外文):Study of growth mechanisms in photoreduced DNA nanoparticle composite and thickness-dependent properties of DNA devices
指導教授(外文):Hung, Yu-Chueh
口試委員(外文):Chuang, Wei-Tsung
King, Ya-Chin
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:509
  • 評分評分:*****
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In the first part of this study, by time resolved small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), we characterized the in situ formation of silver nanoparticles(AgNPs) in two polymer matrix systems, DNA-CTMA and PMMA, where AgNPs were synthesized in the presence of polymer matrix by a photoreduction process. The experimental SAXS profiles of the DNA-CTMA system and PMMA system under photo-irradiation up to one hour were fitted by the hard-sphere model and poly-hard-sphere model, respectively. The analyses revealed several different properties of AgNPs formation between these two systems, including particles size, uniformity, and distribution. The optical and morphological properties of the two systems were also studied and are in line with the SAXS measurements. Based on the characterization results, we propose possible formation growing processes and mechanisms to explain the formation of AgNPs for both systems.
In the second part of the study, we carried out measurements for DNA-CTMA resistive switching devices in order to look for possible mechanisms to explain the thickness-dependent resistive switching behaviors. The DNA devices consist of a simple DNA-CTMA layer sandwiched by two electrodes. We conducted several characterizations for devices with different thickness DNA-CTMA layer, including GI-SAXS, dielectric spectroscopy, and dynamic light scattering. The switching curves were also fitted by different models to examine the switching mechanisms. These results show some correlation with thickness-dependent electrical properties, which provide informative physical insights toward the thickness-dependent behaviors of DNA devices.
第一章 緒論 p.1
1.1 前言 p.1
1.2 DNA介紹及應用 p.1
1.3 奈米材料簡介與應用 p.3
1.4 小角度X光散射簡介p.6
1.5 電阻式記憶體介紹 p.8
1.6 研究動機 p.16.

第二章 實驗方法 p.17
2.1 材料及實驗樣品製備 p.17
2.2 特性量測儀器 p.21

第三章 光還原奈米複合物成長與趨勢分析 p.25
3.1 銀奈米粒子分析 p.25
3.2 成長趨勢分析 p.30
3.3 成長趨勢討論 p.35

第四章 電阻式記憶體薄膜厚度與電性探討 p.38
4.1 不同薄膜厚度的記憶體元件特性 p.38
4.2 DNA-CTMA薄膜特性探討 p.41
4.3 電流傳導機制分析 p.45

第五章 結果與未來展望 p.49
參考文獻 p.50
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