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作者(外文):Huang, Ying-Hsun
論文名稱(外文):Heralded single photon source via cavity-enhanced spontaneous parametric down conversion
指導教授(外文):Lee, Ray-Kuang
口試委員(外文):Chen, Ying-Cheng
Chen, Yen-Hung
Chuu, Chih-Sung
外文關鍵詞:QuantumSingle photonHeraldedCavitySpontaneous Parametric Down Conversion(SPDC)PPLNLithium niobate
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  • 評分評分:*****
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Looking at the scientific revolution of these 5 to 10 years. We can find the shortcomings and insufficient of traditional computing from the application of big data, cloud system, and AI (Artificial Intelligence) etc. And with the market share importance from the technology magnates such as google, IBM, also showing us the development of “quantum technology” is in full swing. However, touch upon the non-classical quantum states of light. Nothing is more important than number state and squeezed state. Nowadays in quantum applications, single photon light source is always a big issue. Therefore, this research proposes to produce a heralded single photon source by cavity-enhanced spontaneous parametric down conversion, which nonlinear crystal is PPLN (Periodically Poled LiNbO_3), for using in quantum states understanding and quantum application.
第一章 、緒論.....................................................6
第二章 、理論.....................................................7
2-1 二階諧波產生 (Second Harmonic Generation, SHG)................7
2-1-2有效非線性係數(Effective nonlinear parameter, d_eff).........10
2-1-3 非線性轉換效率(Efficiency, η_SHG)...........................15
2-1-4 准相位匹配(Quasi-phase-matching)...........................17
2-2 自發參量下轉換(Spontaneous Parametric Down Conversion, SPDC)..19
2-2-1 訊號(signal)、閒置(idler),與泵浦(pump)光....................19
2-2-3 光子對產生率(Photon-pair production rate)...................22
2-2-3 波長、折射率與溫度..........................................23
2-3 單光子光源(Single photon light source).......................25
2-3-1 二階自相關聯函數(Second-order auto-correlation function, g^(2))..........................................................25
2-3-2 先驅單光子源(Heralded Single Photon Source, HSPS)...........29
2-3-3 洪-歐-孟德爾干涉(Hong-Ou-Mandel Interference, HOMI).........34
第三章 、文獻回顧.................................................37
第四章 、方法與結果...............................................41
4-1 研究架構.....................................................41
4-2 SPDC頻譜(spectrum of SPDC)...................................44
4-3 符合窗與濾窗(Coincidence & Filtering window)..................47
4-3-1符合窗(Coincidence window, τ_c).............................47
4-3-2 濾窗(Filtering window, τ_f)................................50
4-4 先驅率(Heralding rate).......................................55
4-5 先驅單光子源之二階自相關聯函數:g_ssi^((2)).....................58
4-6 頻譜亮度(Spectral Brightness, SB)............................61
4-7 洪-歐-孟德爾干涉(Hong-Ou-Mandel Interference, HOMI)...........64
第五章 、結論.....................................................67
I) Laser, crystal, and cavity................................74
II) Detection – The spec of our SNSPD........................76
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