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作者(外文):Wang, Hua-Wei
論文名稱(外文):Texturing with Chemical Wet Etching to Form Inverted Pyramids on Surfaces of Single Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells
指導教授(外文):Wang, Li-karn
外文關鍵詞:texturinginverted pyramids
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:414
  • 評分評分:*****
  • 下載下載:44
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In addition to improving the efficiencies of solar cells, the reduction of process cost is also an important issue. This thesis mainly discusses a new chemical wet etching method for texturing the surfaces of single crystalline silicon solar cells, in which inverted pyramids are formed on the surfaces without using a metal catalyzed chemical etching(MCCE) method. The MCCE texturing technique recently developed is relatively expensive in forming either porosities or inverted pyramids. On the contrary, the chemical wet etching method discussed in this paper does not require any metal to achieve the desired size of the inverted pyramids. After inverted pyramids are formed on the surface, we then use POCl3 to form an n+ layer on the front surface. Next, a PECVD SiNx layer is deposited on the front surface and used as an anti-reflection layer. Finally, Al paste and silver paste are, respectively, screen-printed on the back and front surfaces of the silicon solar wafer, followed by a co-firing process.

This paper also presents SEM photographs to show the surface morphologies. Different solutions or different etching times will have an influence on the size and distribution uniformity of the inverted pyramids. Several solar cells are fabricated to show the comparison of the devices with different surface morphologies. It is found that the group of solar cells with uniformly-distributed inverted pyramids of ~900nm in size have a highest conversion efficiency of 19.16% on average.
第一章 序論 1
1-1 太陽能電池現況 1
1-2 研究背景 2
1-3 文獻回顧 3
1-4 研究目的 5
1-5 論文架構 5
第二章 太陽能電池原理 6
2-1 半導體材料結構與特性 6
2-2 半導體載子的產生與復合 7
2-3 太陽能電池之原理 10
2-3.1 P-N接面 10
2-3.2 太陽光譜 11
2-3.3 太陽電池之運作 13
2-3.4 太陽電池之等效電路 14
2-3.5 太陽能電池參數介紹 15
2-3.6 效率損失之原因與改善 16
2-3.7 背表面電場效應 18
第三章 實驗規劃與流程 19
3-1 實驗架構 19
3-2 使用儀器介紹 19
3-3 實驗步驟 23
3-3.1 RCA清洗 24
3-3.2 表面製絨 26
3-3.3 磷擴散及磷玻璃去除 26
3-3.4 抗反射層沉積(PECVD) 27
3-3.5 邊晶絕緣 28
3-3.6 電極網印 28
3-3.7 共燒結 28
第四章 實驗結果與討論 29
4-1 製絨表面之SEM 29
4-2 少數載子生命週期量測(lifetime) 36
4-3 反射率量測 37
4-4 電極網印成果 43
4-5 背表面電場SEM 45
4-6 效率量測及IV curve 47
第五章 結論及未來展望 51
第六章 參考資料 53

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