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作者(外文):Flores, Orison
論文名稱(外文):Second-hand Book Market Based on Blockchain Technology
指導教授(外文):SUN, HUNG-MIN
口試委員(外文):HUANG, CHING-YU
外文關鍵詞:blockchainmarketplaceprivacysecond-hand books
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:380
  • 評分評分:*****
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As internet services become integral parts of our lives, new technologies start to fulfill our various needs and entertainment. Book distribution has entered a new era with the help of the internet, and new technologies have ushered various new services in order to provide users with better reading resources and improved ways to obtain and to sell them. At the same time, blockchain has started to attract many users due to the inventive functions it offers, with decentralization and smart contracts offering an array of possibilities to improve online applications. With blockchain, we design a marketplace where users can buy and sell second-hand books with all the advantages that decentralized applications can offer. In the following study, we propose a basic smart contract to visualize the potential benefits or difficulties of blockchain for the online commerce of second-hand books. Furthermore, we design a basic application for blockchain users that serves as a simple marketplace with a focus on privacy and reduced cost.
Table of Contents.... i
List of Figures...... iii
1 Introduction....... 1
2 Background......... 5
3 Research Methodology... 18
4 Analysis........... 32
5 Conclusion......... 41
Bibliography......... 43
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