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作者(外文):Chen, Wen-Hsiu
論文名稱(外文):Efficient Codebook-based Beam Alignment Method for Massive MIMO Antennas in 5G Wireless Communication Systems
指導教授(外文):Tsai, Yuh-Ren
口試委員(外文):Chung, wei-ho
Liang, Yao-Jen
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:464
  • 評分評分:*****
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In this thesis, a beam alignment method for multi-beam antenna array is provided. The steps are summarized below: A base station (BS) sequentially uses one of a plurality of multi-modal beam patterns to transmit synchronization signals (SS). A user equipment (UE) scans the synchronization signals, and determines the synchronization signal with strongest received power and a receive beam direction corresponding to the strongest synchronization signal. Further, the user equipment transmits an initial access message including an (explicitly or implicitly) index of the strongest synchronization signal through a random access channel. The base station uses a plurality of single-modal beam patterns to receive the initial access message on the random access channel, and determines the single-modal beam pattern with a strongest access power for the initial access message. Finally, the base station determines an optimal beam direction for the transmission to the user equipment by comparing the strongest receive single-modal beam pattern and the multi-modal beam pattern corresponding to the index included in the initial access message.
誌謝 IV
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 General Background Information 1
1.2 Related Works 3
Chapter 2 System Model and Channel Model 5
2.1 Hybrid Precoding for Massive MIMO System 5
2.2 Channel Model 6
2.3 Problem Formulation 8
Chapter 3 Beam Alignment Algorithm 9
3.1 Conventional Beam Search Scheme 9
3.2 Multi-Modal Beam Search Scheme 11
3.2.1 Synchronization Signals Transmission 11
3.2.2 Random Access Response 15
3.2.3 Decision of Optimal Beam 17
Chapter 4 Multi-Modal Beam Pattern Design 20
4.1 Phase Extraction of Multi-Beam Vector (PEMBV) Approach 20
4.2 Special Case of PEMBV 24
4.3 Multi-Beam by Spacing of Active Antennas (MBSAA) Approach 26
Chapter 5 Simulation Results 29
5.1 Evaluation of CDF of Link SNR Performance 30
5.2 Evaluation of Mean Angle Estimation Error (MAEE) Performance 38
5.3 Evaluation of Beam Alignment with Quantized Phase Shifter 48
Chapter 6 Conclusion 53
References 54

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