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作者(外文):Chen, Yen-Zhou
論文名稱(中文):基於非完美通道資訊之下行MIMO-NOMA 系統的預編碼器與解碼器設計
論文名稱(外文):Precoder and Decoder Designs Based on Imperfect Channel State Information for a Downlink MIMO NOMA System
指導教授(外文):Wang, Chin-Liang
口試委員(外文):Chen, Yung-Fang
Huang, Yu-Chih
Ku, Sheng-Ju
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:725
  • 評分評分:*****
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( 非正交多重接取 ( 系統的 預編碼器和解碼器設計問題,此系統包
含 一個基地台和兩個 使用者。 首先,我們設置 一個 初始預編碼 矩陣並 求出一個最
佳功率分配係數以最小化所有解碼過程 的 最大 均方誤差;然後,針對兩個使用者
件下, 以 最小化 兩個 使用者 的解碼訊號之均方誤差總和 為設計準則, 更新預編碼
器 ;上述過 程可經由迭代方式重複多次以進一步改善效能。電腦 模擬結果 顯示
在 合理的 通道估測誤差情境下, 所提 出的 聯合預編碼器和解碼器設計 方法 皆 有良
好的效 能表現。
In this
thesis , we investigate precoder and decoder designs for a downlink multiple
input multiple output (MIMO) non o rthogona l multiple access (NOMA) system with a
base station an d two users under a scenario of imperfect channel sta te information. A n
initial precoding matrix is set and an optimal power allocation factor is calculated to
minimize the maximum mean squared error (MSE) for all the decoding processes. Then,
t he corresponding decoders are designed for t he two users to minimize the MSE of the
decoded signals for each decoder Subsequently, the precoder is updated by formulating
an optimization problem to minimiz e the sum of MSEs for the two user’s decoded
signals under a transmit power constraint The above procedure can be repeated for a
specified number of iterations for further performance improvement Simulation resul ts
show that the proposed joint precoder a nd decoder design achieve s good performnace
for reasonable channel MSE scenarios.
Absrtract i
Contents ii
List of Figures iii
II.System Model................................................5
III.Proposed Precoder And Decoder Design.......................6
A.Initial Precoder Design......................................6
B.Decoder Design...............................................6
C.Precoder and Decoder with Imperfect CSI......................8
IV.Simulation Results..........................................15
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