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作者(外文):Chung, Rung-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Prediction of Flower Bud for Dragon Fruit with Machine Learning Approaches
指導教授(外文):Huang, Nen-Fu
口試委員(外文):Sheu, Jang-Ping
Chen, Jun-Liang
外文關鍵詞:IoTWireless sensor networkPredictiveMachine learningBig Data AnalyticsLoRaWAN
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  • 點閱點閱:202
  • 評分評分:*****
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Taiwan's agriculture plays an important role in the economy. Due to the population explosion, the land available for agriculture has decreased drastically. It is essential to utilize the available land by selecting the appropriate crop and planting pattern. The prediction can be done by analyzing the data from the state of the plant. Machine learning is a technique by which a result can be predicted based on a model prepared by training past input data and its output behavior.
In Taiwan, the normal production period of dragon fruit is from June to October. After this period of time, the sun is not enough and the temperature is low. It often fails to bloom smoothly. As long as the red dragon fruit can be produced from November to April, the price will double. At present, the collection of parameters related to the growth environment of the dragon fruit plant is used as an input to machine learning to predict the production time of each batch of dragon fruit. In the future, light-sensing can be used to adjust the growth cycle of dragon fruit through light-filling technology. The use of light compensation technology can promote the early flowering period of dragon fruit and improve the flowering quality, so as to achieve the effect of increasing annual output. We chose five machine learning algorithms to compare prediction accuracy. The results obtained are compared to the actual results to calculate the accuracy and determine the algorithm that results in the greatest precision.
Table of Contents-------III
List of Figures---------IV
List of Tables----------V
Chapter 1 Introduction-------------------------------------1
Chapter 2 Related work-------------------------------------4
2.1 Basic Concepts of Machine Learning---------------------4
2.2 Types of Machine Learning Algorithms-------------------5
2.2.1 Supervised Learning----------------------------------5
2.2.2 Unsupervised Learning--------------------------------6
2.2.3 Semi-Supervised Learning-----------------------------7
2.2.4 Reinforcement Learning-------------------------------7
2.2.5 Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithm Types-------8
2.3 Classification and Regression in Supervised Learning---8
2.3.1 Classification---------------------------------------9
2.3.2 Regression-------------------------------------------9
2.4 Common Regression Algorithm Under Supervised Learning--10
2.4.1 Multiple Linear Regression---------------------------10
2.4.2 Decision Tree Regression-----------------------------10
2.4.3 Support Vector Machine (SVM)-SVR---------------------12
2.4.4 Random Forest----------------------------------------13
2.4.5 K-Nearest Neighbors----------------------------------14
2.5 Related Works of Machine Learning Application in Agriculture--14
2.5.1 Crop Yield Prediction--------------------------------15
2.5.2 Soil Moisture Prediction-----------------------------16
2.5.3 Crop Disease Prediction------------------------------16
Chapter 3 System Design------------------------------------18
3.1 Data Collection System---------------------------------18
3.1.1 Hardware-related Components of Sensor Hubs-----------19
3.1.2 Sensor Hubs transmission protocol-Lora and LoraWAN---23
3.1.3 Data Collection System Architecture------------------27
3.2 Machine Learning Prediction System---------------------29
3.2.1 Raw Data---------------------------------------------31
3.2.2 Preprocess in Python---------------------------------31
3.2.3 Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms---------32
3.2.4 Prediction Parameters--------------------------------33
3.2.5 Evaluate Model Performance---------------------------34
3.3 Data Display Platform----------------------------------37
Chapter 4 Experiment and Result----------------------------41
4.1 Data Collection Environment----------------------------41
4.2 Feature Selection--------------------------------------44
4.3 Set model Parameters and Evaluate Model----------------46
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Works----------------------57

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