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作者(中文):黃 琳
作者(外文):Huang, Lin
論文名稱(外文):Throughput Analysis of Coded Slotted ALOHA in a Correlated On-off Fading Channel with Cooperative Receivers
指導教授(外文):Chang, Cheng-Shang
口試委員(外文):Lee, Duan-Shin
LIN, Hwa-Chun
外文關鍵詞:multiple access,ALOHAuccessive interference cancelation,
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在本篇論文中,我們主要是研究出了一種在具有協作接收器的衰落通道中的Coded Slotted ALOHA(CSA)系統。在以往的研究中,只考慮到了分別採用多個接收器非協作狀態下的吞吐量分析和單個接收器加上連續干擾消除 (SIC) 的吞吐量分析。而具有協作接收器的CSA的吞吐量分析非常困難,因為它必須同時處理來自連續干擾消除(SIC)的空間分集增益和時間分集增益。

為了解決這個問題,我們提出了一種抽象接收器(解碼器), 在本文中稱為Poisson Receiver。我們證明了具有空間分集的 Slotted ALOHA(SA)系統本身也是Poisson Receiver,它們可以用作模塊來分析更複雜的系統。特別地,我們將CSA經典的 and-or tree 評估方法擴展到 Poisson-or tree評估方法,用於Coded Poisson Receiver(CPR)中的吞吐量分析。

同時我們也證明了CPR系統整體也是 Poisson Receiver。據我們所知,似乎我們的Poisson-or tree評估方法是第一種可用於計算具有空間多樣性和時間多樣性的CSA系統的精確(漸近)吞吐量的分析方法。通過進行廣泛的模擬,我們還驗證了理論結果與模擬結果的匹配程度。據我們對於同主題的其他論文的調研,我們是第一個計算出準確的吞吐量理論值的。
In this theis, we consider a coded slotted ALOHA (CSA) system in a correlated on-off fading channel with coop-erative receivers. Throughput analysis for CSA with cooperative receivers is known to be very difficult as it has to tackle both spatial diversity gain and temporal diversity gain from the successive interference cancellation (SIC) at the same time.
To tackle such a problem, we propose an abstract receiver (decoder), called a Poisson receiver in the paper. We show that slotted ALOHA (SA) systems with spatial diversity are Poisson receivers and they can be used as building blocks to analyze more complicated systems. In particular, we extend the classical and-or tree evaluation method for CSA to the Poisson-or tree evaluation method for throughput analysis in coded Poisson receivers (CPR).
We show CPR systems are also Poisson receivers. To the best of our knowledge, it seems that our Poisson-or tree evaluation method is the first analytical method that can be used for computing the exact (asymptotic) throughput of a CSA system with both spatial diversity and temporal diversity. By conducting extensive simulations, we also verify that our theoretical results match extremely well with the simulation results.
1 Introduction 4-7
2 Slootted ALOHA 8-18
3 Poisson receivers and coded Poisson receivers 19-27
4 CSA in a correlated on-off fading channel with two receivers 28-33
5 Conclusion 34
6 Bibliograpgy 35-37
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