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作者(外文):Teng, Hung-Jin
論文名稱(外文):Device Design and Scaling Consideration of Tunneling-based Charge-Trapping Memories
指導教授(外文):Lien, Chen-Hsin
Shih, Chun-Hsing
口試委員(外文):Tsui, Bing-Yue
Chang, Shu-Tong
Chen, Jiann-Heng
外文關鍵詞:charge-trapping memorytunneling-based charge-trapping memorysource-side injectionschottky barrier tunneling (SBT)tunnel field-effect transistors (TFETs)
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  • 評分評分:*****
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This dissertation studies tunneling-based field-effect devices to serve as charge-trapping memory cells for energy-efficient applications, including band-to-band tunneling and Schottky barrier tunneling mechanisms. Using two-dimensional device simulations with appropriate models and parameters, this study explores the design and physics of proposed tunneling-based charge-trapping cells to elucidate their operating characteristics and cell scalability. Iterative programming was utilized to discuss the charge-coupled cells after unique source-side injections. This work first develops the innovative band-to-band tunneling charge-trapping cells, and then examines the Schottky barrier counterparts. Several potential tunneling-based structures were comprehensively investigated to determine proper selections of favorable energy-efficient cells.
For the innovative band-to-band tunneling charge-trapping memory cells, the tunneling determines current transport as well as hot-carriers generation to produce unique source-side injections for low-power operation and high-efficiency injection. It presents excellent cell scalability as device dimensions scaled down. Since both band-to-band tunneling and Schottky barrier tunneling generate particular source-side injections against traditional drift-diffusion cells, Schottky barrier cells also show high-efficiency injections. Relatively, the Schottky barrier devices enable a minimized time for cell programming due to the higher drain current. Other potential architectures, such as asymmetric Schottky barrier cells, can offer similar current and injection performance as those of symmetric Schottky barrier counterparts.
致謝 iii
Abstract iv
摘要 viii
Contents ix
List of Figures xii
List of Tables xxii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Tunneling-Based Energy-Efficient Devices 1
1.2 Charge-Trapping Flash Memories 2
1.3 Schottky Barrier Devices 3
1.4 Source-Side and Drain-Side Injection 4
1.5 Organization 5
Chapter 2 Device Structures and Physical Models in Numerical Simulations 10
2.1 Investigated Cell Structures and Key Parameters 10
2.2 Nonlocal Band-to-Band Tunneling Models 11
2.3 Schottky Barrier Tunneling 13
2.4 Lucky Electrons and Injected Currents 15
2.5 Iteration Methods for Cell Programming 16
Chapter 3 Tunneling Charge-Trapping Memory Cells 25
3.1 Source-Side Injection 25
3.2 Current Characteristics and Injection Efficiency 26
3.3 Bias-Dependent Source-Side Injection 27
3.4 Doping Concentration of Channel and Drain Regions 28
3.5 Thicknesses of Gate Dielectrics 30
3.6 Programming Characteristics 31
Chapter 4 Scaling of Tunneling Charge-Trapping Memory Cells 49
4.1 Effects of Scaling Channel Lengths 49
4.2 Effects of Scaling Drain Lengths 50
4.3 Programming Characteristics of Scaled Cells 52
Chapter 5 Schottky Barrier Charge-Trapping Memory Cells 65
5.1 Conduction Current and Injection Efficiency 65
5.2 Bias-Dependent Source-Side Injection 67
5.3 Schottky Barrier Heights 69
5.4 Programming Characteristics with Varied Schottky Barrier Heights 72
Chapter 6 Scaling of Schottky Barrier Charge-Trapping Memory Cells 96
6.1 Effects of Scaling Channel Lengths 96
6.2 Effects of Scaling Drain Lengths 98
6.3 Programming Characteristics of Scaled Cells 99
Chapter 7 Comparisons of Tunneling-Based Charge-Trapping Memory Cells 112
7.1 M-i-N and P-i-N Structures 112
7.2 M-i-M and M-i-N Structures 114
7.3 Iterative Programming of M-i-M/M-i-N/P-i-N Structures 116
Chapter 8 Conclusions 127
References 131

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